Show WRAY ISMY IS NECESSARY many troubles which contest fruit growers success no other insect has caused so much legislation as san jose scale spread rapidly in east do de spite precautions dy J G SANDERS SAN DEnS past and gone are those days when largo crops of perfect fruit uninjured by curcillo cur cullo codling moth or scab could be harvested without thought of sprays and spray pumps of 0 lead arsenate senate ur or parts green of lime sulfur and bordeaux mixture and of other treatments for or the troubles which contest content the modern modem fruit growers success in the early days young orchards required but little care after planting other than occasional cultivation until in due time the perfect unblemished fruit was gathered A gradual change has taken place with the in tro reduction and dissemination of new insect pests and plant diseases until BOW spray apparatus and materials tire are absolutely necessary these changing conditions have taught us a strong lesson of the pos of even more disastrous cintr introductions duct ions of pests there are still many 46 dead white birch trees these were killed on the campus of the university of wisconsin by the bronze birch barch borer serious pests in foreign lands which have not become established in our country but doubtless will be sooner or later it if systems of rigid inspection of imported plant material are aco not soon eoon inaugurated the awakening of the entomologists and the public in general to the danger of introducing serious insect pests and fungus diseases was caused more largely by the introduction of ate san jose scale than any other one factor no other insect has caused so much state and national legislation as the san ban jose seals a harmless insect in its native country in central china which infests a wide range ot of fruit trees as well as many ornamentals ornament als the damage caused by this tiny insect was early recognized by ento and means were sought to prevent its spread dut but before adequate means of control were discovered it had gained a foothold foot hold in many sections of some of our eastern states and in spite of all precautions has gradually spread what Is IB true of fruit trees la is also true of shade trees take for instance tho injury to our beautiful birch trees by insects such a general destruction of birch trees in ornamental plantings has occurred in the past four or five years throughout some sections that the attention of a great many people has baa been attracted to the loss the small white larva of tho the bronzo bronze birch borer burrows just beneath the bark eating its way irregularly around the tha trunk and limbs of the tree in the sap cap bearing layers leaving winding galleries of castings and cutting oft off the tha flow of sap beyond the point at A F work of brown 1 infested infected limb showing raised ridges 2 bark removed to show galleries of boring larvae 3 larva narna hibernating tj ng in a cell bored in the solid wood tacked on the younger branches bran cheB these winding galleries are revealed by the corresponding ridges on the exterior of the limb no adequate remedy has baa been found to combat this pest it is always advisable to cut out and burn all Infest infested limbs very early each year before the adults emerge until this serious infestation passes over it Is not advisable to plant any birches for loss of the tree is almost sure lure to result |