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Show THE MORGAN COUNTY STAR, MORGAN, UTAH. MOTHER BUST OF MORGAN FOR ITALIAN CITY How Could Hardly Care for Clul-dre- n Find Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Center, N.Y. For six year health as I have, now. I was very young when my first baby was born and my health was very bad after that I was not regular and I had pains in my back and was so poorly that I could hardly take care of my two children. I doctored with several doctors bat got no better. They told me there was no help without an operation. I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-pooand it has helped me wonderfully. I do most of my own work now and take care of my children. I recommend your remedies to all suffering women." Mrs. Willard A. Graham, Care of Els worth Tuttle, Bovina Center.N.Y. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drags, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy we know for womans ills. If you need such a medicine why dont you try it T nd If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Mass for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. The bitter things we leave unsaid will never return to trouble us. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces tnflamnw tion, allsa pain, cures wind oeUc,95c a bottisdft True happiness consists not in tbt multitude of friends, but In the worth and choice. Doctor Johnson. are very Difficult. Bristol, Tenn. Landou C. Haynes, for SO years at the head of the mathematical department of Greenevillc and For Infants and Children. Tusculum college, in east Tennessee the school where Andrew Johnson learned to debate is one of the best mathematicians in the country, if not the best. Moreover, he is a man of comprehensible knowledge. He is a ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT master of many languages and of all the sciences, and translates the dead Vegetable Preparation Tor Aslanguages as easily as the modern. similating the Food andRegula-Imthe Stomachs and Bowels of Nothing has ever come to his notice of a mathematical nature that he could 1 NFAN I LD R not solve readily. When asked by pupils on one occasion if be had ever Promotes Digestion, Checrful-nessan- d been stalled on a mathematical probRest Contains neither lem he replied: I have not; and. while I do not say Opium .Morphine nor Mineral It In the sense of boasting, I have no Not hesitancy in making the assertion that Atpr SOU DrSAMVarKta there is no problem based upon sciAnywfr iW entific principles that I cannot solve. At Princeton the instructor in mathematics has been accustomed to allowing any pupil to pass without exemnm dws amination who could solve a certain C(f"fad Sf mnitymrw Xrif difficult problem in calculus. Few. it is said, have ever been able to do it A perfect Remedy forConstlpa Professor Sentell, who was educated tion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, in academic mathematics under ProWorms .Convulsions .Feverishfessor Haynes, tried this problem and ness and LOSS OF SLEEP failed; but he said to the Princeton teacher his old professor in east Tenfacsimile Signature of In recognition of the return by the late J. P. Morgan of the stolen cope nessee could solve and he asked it, lifeof Nlcolo IV., the Italian town of Ascoli will place this extraordinarily permission to send it to Professor like bust of the late financier, by C. S. Pietro of New York, In the park of Haynes. The Centaur Commny, Ascoli, which Is called Fuori Porta Maggiore. The bust is to be cast in In a few days the problem came NEW YORK. bronze, and the funds for the statue have, been raised chiefly by the Italian back solved. The Princeton professor p colony in New York, under the direction of a committee headed by Count looked it over and exclaimed, Cor Robert Flocca Novi. rect And by an entirely new method t: 1ST of solution. At Professor Sentells suggestion Guaranteed under the Feodasj bead the Princeton mathematical TN Exact Copy of Wrapper. INTauS MRMiV. MV VM wrote to Inquire how long it took the Tennessee professor to solve the problem. The reply was: Just three Americans Need Not Go Abroad TALKS ON DECAY OF MANNERS minutes." Professor Haynes has never sought for Health. Lord Rosebery Addresses Boys of the to be known beyond his own classI to dOSM oft nit room. On the day of his graduation, One MFcenl bottle BPOHN'S (nnianMad to mm ease. Royal Grammar 8chool at Sofa for any mom. bomeoroolt. although he had written his gradua Ituten bottle Ik. Get It of OrocglKO, horaoli doolom or dime from Guildford. express paid. mnufoetnmrt, tion address in three languages, be of dlatoapor. New Yorker Tells His Experience kroUN't Is too boot pravmtlvo of oil form out SPOHN MEDICAL CO was not to deliver it, present being From He Rested Up Relates How London. The Decay of Manners. Chomloto aod Boctorloloptoto, Goahau, IwL, IT. I. A. was the subject of an address by Lord on the river bank fishing. Heat and Overwork by Hot and Professor Haynes knows about Same Thing. Cold Water Treatments. Rosebery to the boys of the Royal ADAM STRONG IN HIM many subjects. His knowledge of OLD Grammar school at Guildford. In the early days of Arizona, an elsurLord waa New York. In the blistering sumchief Rosebery, who presented theoretical and applied electricity 8he Real- derly and pompous of a justice case. murder mer weather, when tens of thousands prizes to the boys, referred to a school prised the men in that department of Sad Time for Mother When at trial the presiding ized Her Pet Had Paaaed Beyond statute framed 300 years ago, that Chicago university. He is equally An aged negro had been ruthlessly of overworked and the Angelic Period. conversant with the science of agriculto wamanners are and to Americans are swarming Courtesy the good killed, and the only eye witness to the ture. He is fifty-thre-e years old. murder was a very small negro boy. tering places and cure houses of Eu- be established by all good means,' Mother'a darling, age four, waa not When he was called to give hla testirope, it is worth while to consider the and proceeded: to use learn and to be like other boys The men of the seventeenth cen WALES UPPER LIP GIRLISH results which one can get by common mony, the lawyer for the defense obnaughty and slangy words. He was sense methods at home, James Creel-ma- n tury, I suspect, the gentlest-breon the ground that he waa too Engjected lishman ever produced, partly because That's Why War Offlcs Abolished not allowed to play with the older young to know the nature of an oath, writes. his for fear in the neighborhood boys Rule That Offictrs Must and in examining blm asked: Hydrotherapy! To the average man they possessed good manners themsensitive nature might be shocked at Wear Mustachs. or woman, it is a hard, big word, big selves, and partly because they realisWhat would happen to you If yo the language they used. One day. ed the enormous Importance of with mystery. London. The girlish upper lip of while mother was busy, he slipped told & lie?" "De debbll 'ud git me! the boy reYet, in a general way, it means courtesy and manners in the common the prince of Wales Is responsible for over Into the next street and played transactions of life. and scientific more the than plied. nothing the recent order of the British war tor half an hour with a crowd of older ' Now, we English people, and 1 am "Yes, and Id get you, sternly said systematic use of hot and cold water office making mustaches optional with boyi. In that half hour he took a comthe chief justice. to tone up and restore the nervous sys- afraid, still more we Scotch people, plete course in modern language. sre never fsmoua for good manners. military officers. tem. "Dats jus what I said! answered ascaused This order the aald: An mother return his greatest t the boy. National Monthly. Right in your own bathroom yon I think at one time there was a sort tonishment when issued, for It upset Where haa my precious been? may do for yourself nearly anything of John Bull feeling in England that You should worry and get a that can be done for you in the great- good manners were a device for the Egged Off. he cheerfully replied. wrinkle, whom De Wolf Hopper, at a luncheon Frenchman, est hydropathic establishments of Ger- dancing, Dearest, tell mother where you whom it was our duty to despise. York, said of a bad actor: many or France. learned such horrible language! "I think there has been a decay of A little more than a year ago I Hes had hints enough to quit the exclaimed. mother was an almost complete knows. Hes had giora nervous manners in England, Scotland and all dear stage, "Aw, good night, shirt, came sweethints than Phatt wreck. Overwork had reduced ne to of the world. Good appearance and bow mouth. from the ly Cupid a condition of exhaustion, and I tum- good manners have an enormous comPhatt, after a brief experience on Then mother commenced to weep, bled to the floor beside my desk in mercial value in life. I sometimes wonthe road as Hamlet, returned to his for she realized that her angel child the municipal civil service commis- der why they are not harped on more job in Canal street was just a boy after all. than on these occasions. Good appearHow did you come to leave tha sion. And it had been ascertained by my ance, you may say, is not at our com I asked him one night stage? NEARLY CRAZY WITH RASH I had hints that I wasnt suited to-it-, doctor that my heart was sound a mand. Good looks are not at our command; they are a gift of the gods, but condition necessary to the treatment he replied. Dryden, Ore. Traveling through I was put into a bathtub of very hot a good, straightforward, manly ap"Thinking he meant the critics, I the woods one day I was looking at said: pearance, an appearance without water. and handling a little vine. When I which is the most disThis steaming process was princiAha, the litle birds told you, ehT got home I felt an itching and burnWell, said he, theyd have become pally to prepare me for the ulti- agreeable feature perhaps of all In aping and the first thing I knew my face birds, I suppose, If theyd been allowed mately agreeable shock that waa to pearance Is within the command of w&b all swollen up. The poison oak to hatch. follow. everybody." affected my face, hands, arms and After I had perspired In the hot wachest and it disfigured me very much. ter until my whole body was red I WANT BEEF, NOT BEAR MEAT Plenty of men can give a girl a My face and neck were broken out home like ahe has been accustomed was allowed to sit up la the tub and and Itched until I was nearly cY&zy. to; but most girls are looking tor ice water waa steadily poured over me California Man Offers Flesh to the I bad to walk the floor at night and something better than that. for a long time and my spine was rubPublic With Very Indifferent much Bleep and work also. My lost bed with ice. Success. , face, neck and chest were covered Then I learned what I had not unIsnt it queer how many of your Sacramento. Near Donner station, with a heavy rash; I could not allow friends are broke when you want derstood before, that, wlti) the body a few dollars? clothing of any kind to touch the Prince of Wales. perfectly prepared by heat, ice does in the Sierras, bears are making their for the nerves what dumbbells do for appearance in numbers. Hungry after a custom that was centuries old. There affected parts. their winters hibernation, they arc It got to such a stage that if I the muscles. is no record of a time when English It is impossible to put Into words coming out in the open in search of officers have not aa a rule cultivated hadnt gotten relief soon I would certainly have lost my mind. My mother the sense of returning strength, calm- food, only to fall victims to the guns mustaches. happened to have a cake of Cutlcura ness and courage that came with the of hunters. Although the prince of Wales Is Soap and a box of Cutlcura Ointment A. W. Lorraine, a resident of that Can quickly be overcome by icy effusions that drenched my tired no indication that is there section, killed last week and shipped nineteen, in the house and I washed with the CARTERS LITTLE and tortured frame. even to ever attain to this city a bear to sell in his upper lip will Cutlcura Soap freely and then applied LIVER PILLS. He is to join Hope succeeded despair. Vigor took the local a fuzzy condition. with the statement markets, the Cutlcura Ointment. I got relief the place of helplessness. I was filled that if there was in a short and Purely vegetable time, any demand for this cavalry regiment at the first application and then I act surely and with the sense of physical exhilaration of meat he would no doubt be he would be ineligible except for this kind slept like a child. In three weeks I gently on the which one sometimes feels after a immemoan of convenient relaxation able to make frequent shipments, as was perfectly cured." (Signed) E. H. fiver. Cure good swim in the sea. seemed to be very plentiful rial custom. Biliousness the bean DeGrasse, Mar. 28, 1913. week I after week, Day after day, Headthis year. sold and Cutlcura Ointment Soap was subjected alternately to hot war CU A SHORT AR0UND-W0RL- D that the fact the animal had ache, world. Despite of each the throughout Sample - Dizzi- ter and ice water. My strength re- been an occupant of its winters den 32-Book. Skin with Address postfree, ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. turned. I slept soundly. My appetite for several months, its flesh was in New Will Connect Adv. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Japanese Rallwaye card Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston. grew keen. A singular tranquillity fairly good condition, but the general With the Transsiberlan System took possession of my irritated nerves. public did not seem to take kindly to Genuine must bear Signature and 8hortan Route. Plant That Catchea Its Food. 1 felt younger and worked with an and there is little likelihood that it, an common The bladder wort, London. The time required to cirease and enthusiasm I had not known bear meat will become a part of the not only defends itself cle the globe la to be measurably re- aquatic plant, for a long time. usual diet of northern California. insects and animals, but against duced as a result of a conference of We go to the expense of trouble catches worms and fish for its food. to railroad of and in to search companies, Germany of a voyage DAUGHTER steamship FINDS LONG-LOS- T of be held at Moscow. This will be done As it floats underneath the surface health when we can achieve the same the water its leafy branches spread results by observing the same diet and Rich Father Had Searched Thirty-Eig- by bringing into the regular passen- out in all directions. Its leaves are ger service the new Japanese railtaking the same exercise at our own In Vain for Hla Yeara with bladders filled oval covered little a ways in Korea in connection with homes. We waste time and money In Absent Child. with air, and at one end of each bladto line of we when have fast to Japan. steamships going der is a cavity which leads into the Passengers by the Transsiberlan Pottaville, PS. Anthony Lloyd, a precisely the same means of restoring mouth below. Inside the bladder is HOWARD E. BURTON SCHEMI8T,,, our nervous systems in our own bath- policeman, waa surprised, and for a railway will, under this arrangement, a small price: Gold. Bileor, Lead, 1; Gold 75c; Gold. fiOc; Zino or Copper, $1. Mailing trap door which opens when Specimen tubs.. minute angry, when John Strauae travel through by rail to Fusan and and foil price lint Beni on application. envelopes worm on it A small pressure is put Control and umpire work solicited. LendvUln. walked into his house and embraced thence by steamship to Shlmonosekl, or " CuL Reference. Carbonate National Bank. can fish this enter a small door, Mrs. Lloyd, who turns out to be a much shorter route than by way of Woman Police Officer. never out. can come but they the South Manchurian railway to ilckly relieves era Asbury Bask. N. J. Mayor R. S. Strauses only child, who was lost to w ... ww w irritation causedroute Peking or the Bennett has appointed Mrs. Nanette a him for more than 38 years. Coolness. the Before WATER iW ey Booklet fra.' Strause is worth about $200,000, be- through Vl&dlvostock. The Japanese, social worker of Baltimore, as a speMaud My grandmother reached her JOHN L. THOMPSON SONS A LOTroy.N. Y. cial boardwalk offioer. She will watch ing a ranch owner at Westford, Wyo., Canadian, and other steamship lines one hundredth birthday. expected to speed up communicaA lines. ARE TOU SUFFERING from ailthe spooners and mashers and act having a city home at Laramlne City, are Ethel She couldnt have stopped at I.ment for passengers across the Pations peculiar to four aez? If ao. I have in also is he costumes: business. where of the engaged censor bathing as a of a simple remedy that never have. so as twenty-thre- e prescription you long fails For particular write MRS. J. FRAME. Many years ago, after be returned cific. O. BOX SI. COLLINGSWOOD. N. J. P. to this drawback route The great from service in the Civil war, Strauee Marriage Tie Was Irksome. In the Bungalo. to see the for in his passengers wishing the of Nine Conn. after MISSOULA daughter Sent charge t placed APPLES, fancy grade. days Thompson, "How do you like our ketchenette? will miss the I. pound box. t. o. b. any address, tl perVIEW he had been presented with a baby relatives and went west. Though country is that they LO 1.0 WE8TBV. ORCHARD. BOX "Rather small, isnt it? most interesting part of China, that in MISSOULA. MONT. THREE THIRTY-TWcarriage as a premium for getting wealthy, he was unable to find any Oh, no; its plenty large enough. Great and Wall of the the sudden his of until vicinity her trace S. meeting Charles Robbins, sixty, married, We meals our out N. W. U.. Salt Lake City, No. take Peking. with her this week. sued for s divoroce. The Kind You Have g expensive "Well, naturally, they come high." Bears the tNl Signature of Narcotic In Use For Over Thirty Years PF wj TAKE CURE AT HOME Catarrhal Fever nerve-wrecke- Of Courts. "Aeroplanes HIM Always Bought I have not had as good are they not?" EASY TO Tennessee Professor Never Has Been Balked by Problem, No Matter SO POORLY Borin MATHEMATICS d . d Exactly. That was a very warm argument. In No wonder, with so much it hot air As to the Manner Born. There was a change in curates in the parish, and shortly afterwards one of the prominent men of the congregation asked his chauffeur: How do you like the new curate, Barney? Middlin, replied Barney, but he cant come up to the old one. 'Twas himself could tell ye all about hell. Shure, to hear him describin' it, youd think he was bred, born and reared there. Harpers. Hearth-Hunge- r. Beyond the need for bread, a worn an's needs are two; deeper than all cravings save the mothers passion, in our endless paet, is the hearth-hungeThe trees that sweep my chimney have their roots at the worlds core! The flowers in pjy door-yarhave grown there for a thousand years! What millenniums have done, shall decades undo? We are not so shallow, so plastic as that! We will go into the mills, the shops, the office, if we must, but we know we are off the track of life. Neither our desire nor our power is there. Cornelia A. P. Comer, in Atlantic. firm-roote- d r. a Like Pleasant Thought frog-eatin- In-Ne- g The Wretchedness of Constipation 160-poun-d of an old friend Post Toasties with cream. Sweet, crisp bits of white Indian com, toasted to an appetizing, golden brown. ht A delightful food for break-fas- t, lunch or supper always ready to serve instantly from the package. The Memory Linger' For a pleasing variation sprinkle some Crape-Nut- s over a saucer of Post ToastThe ies, then add cream. combined flavour is something to remember. Oreal Company, Limited Battle Creek, Michigan Poxtora . 35-19-13. |