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Show GOOD -- LABOR RUSSIAN LAWS Czar's Kingdom Wakes Unique Claim to Having Best Statutes In America a Eer.se of Manhood Equality Is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ar.: Says Englishman. on Globe. 10-2- GETTING CLOSE TO NATURE Agent Enumerates the Various vantages of Summer Camp to Modern Individual. 'I think you tuil near? wlilrfi thy live i paced tim street1--- 'on FOR SALE 25 acres bearing peaches and a mixed family orchard; 5 shares of water; good house and out. buildings. Apply to George H. 10 Smith, Clearfield, Utah. t For Sale of good land in acres Twenty 3 kinds well located; Syracuse; of soil; especially adapted for seeded and pitted fruit and all John A. kinds of vegetables. Call, Bountiful, Ind. Phone 414. For Sale. exceptionally good fruit and early garden land;1 2 acres into young orchard; plentj of frontage which could be sol-for building lots without inter f erring with balance of farm, ample water to supply buildings in ih srini four months travel i.g free from ar.d leeti rn g in the eastern cities c. good location; more tie tatrs a d met many men oi frost late in spring and early in x. in . y wildest dreams fall ( va!rri than lower in the valley for t' e irte had never foreseen such Wm. R. Gicrisch, Bountiful. t mi Vtc.Tii, Birb equality. i ' 10 acres of - ! ; f- t - ' won'-mhe- ! c!e-c- I v.e-lh- EXCHANGE Fine corner lot, excellent loca lion, 2 rooms with pantry, closets, etc , large attic, stable, bug gy shed, coal house, etc ; fruit and shade trees; 10 minute car service; good frontage on two streets; room for two more FOR SALE Good, smooth, houses; will sell for less than Wilvalue of grounds; will trade for early 07. seed potatoes. H. liam Wilcox, Syracuse, Utah, very small house and very little t , both phoues. in Bountiful centrallyjo-catedground and $300. With new cot FOR SALE VERY CHEAP G'ass negatives, all sizes, suit tages would be an ideal invest meat as renting proposition Ap able for hot beds, greenhouses, t chicken coops, etc. Louis Webt ply at this office. er, photographer, 5th floor, HoopFOR SALE AVmt 50 ac. of er Building, 25 E. 1st South, Salt land near county road at Five 11. Lake City. points; splendid land for grain, tomatoes, beets, lucern, apples, For Rent Houses. etc ; within 1 mile of canneries and stations in Lav ton and Kays-vilie- ; FOR RENT Six roomed resion county road in B mnti dence some water in best creek ful. John Stable, Sr,, at Henry in county, also under D. & W W. Stahle-sBountiful. t canal. Dan Bodily, Kaysville R F. D. D. C I phone. FOR RENT One and city lots (oid clipper office lot) with 6 For Sale Miscellaneous. shares of Stone creek water; one-hal- f 11-- - , ,ula ...I .f the common people as Mi g'ai.d is the land of the clans, s If i weie a young working man i v ould go to the states as sc" as I cc i cam a parage, because, once on Lor sol', 1 should cease to bo a laborer ind bomo a man which is a very different ti: r.g. Better than the bound! wealth of America, better than any material benefit she can tense of manhood and bestow, is ti equality that i ; as ail pervading as tl.e An.er'cn is air. UNEXPECTEDLY INTERRUPTED For Sale. For Sale. One pure bred English Shire Twenty acres of land in Syra- Stallion, and several head of cuse, one mile from meeting work and driving horses. Enquire house and stores; three kinds of or phone Riley Bros. Livery Stasoil soil for peaches, apples and t ble, Bountiful. garden; in Mowing well belt; 8 For Sale. acres in lucent; 1 acre apples; One 3 fenced. Willard Barlow, No, 3 wagon; good condi rear 257 West Fourth South, Salt tion, with or without springs Lake City, or phone Bishop Bar-lo- Mark Wadioups, Bountiful. Bell t at Capital ..Mercantile ,Co., phone 473. v 1-- Bountiful. It Took Nine NegrJ Farm Hands to Round Up Startled Literary Mrn. For Sale. About 13 acres af land, located In the days when fob Charles Ed oy Bamberger Station at clear wards, former secretary of the Demo- field. Good house, ice bouse, celcratic congressional campaign com lar, granary, 2 sheds and other mittee, was traveling for a commer about 700 fruit outbuildings, cial coneern, he reached n little south ern town on one occasion, when the trees, plenty shade trees. InD. C. I. Fd quire m. O. Roberts, only hotel there was crowded wards insisted he had to have a phone No. 2711. room for the night, and the clerk finally told him that there was one room he could share with another man. But, he concluded, youll have to sleep in the same bed with him. Edwards agreed to this, and, as It was late at night, went to the room he thought had been assigned to him He hastily prepared for bed and quietly lay down beside his bed fellow. Later In tbe night he awoke and saw a man sitting at the foot of the bed reading by the light of a candle Great heavens! exclaimed Ed Are you going to wards, sitting up. put a third fellow into this bed? Vlthout a word, hut with a terrified expression on his face, the man who had been reading dived through the window, carrying with him most or Edwards looked the window sash. around, and saw that the man he bad been sleeping with was a corpse. He had gotten into the wrong room. It took nine negro farm hands. says Edwards, in ending the story, to round up that literary fellow for breakfast in the morning. d -- air-tig- Russo-Japanes- e 8 an acres of land; B' -t "Special landing place for aero-plaas in rear of camp just been cleared. "What is the price? "Ten thousand a month. "I was in hopes I could get something cheapen Hardly. You see, the camp trust has bought up everything I understand. Well, I suppose I rtall have to take It. The doctor has said that my children need the air. and " The agent elevated eyebrows. "Children? he aaid, with a frown "Yes. Three. A baby, a and "Very sorry, sir, but we dont take children. The only thing for you to do is to hire the roof of some New York office building. Altitude about JAPAN A LAND OF POETS the same, you know. Whole Country Is Fairyland and Constant Inspiration to Most Prosalo Mind. CAUSES FLOWERS TO GROW Japan Is a land of poets, and those are so fortunate as to live in who Ether Given to Plants Quickens Their view of Fuji have every reason for Growth, ae Proved by Expert-ment- e writing verse. Yet not Fuji only In Copenhagen. the whole country is a fairyland and a constant inspiration to the most Anaesthetics used upon bulbs and mind. We have only to recolprosaic while dormant and awaiting the lect the plants Festival of Lanterns, the festouch of spring is one of the newest tival on which the souls of the deexperiments reported from Copenhacome back for a few hours to gen. Dr. Johanssen of the Danish parted wander in their old haunts, along the capital has shown that numbers of road, by a little flower-coloreflowering plants, anaesthetized with winding chloroform or with ether while in the cascade or over a bridge drooping dormant state, awake to a remarkable with lavender wistaria to realize how much nature means to Japan. Perhaps activity. of growth and to superexcellence in flowering, after they have to the west it all seems very primibeen removed to growing conditions, tive, very far from a lasting and inout of doors or under glass, as the spiring truth that shall nourish the soul for all time. I know from expericase may be. In the matter of the Easter lily, for ence that this inborn, love of nature such an old love It is has had much example, the bulbs are Incased in an to do with the present position of the while receptacle, hanging from the inner side of the closed lid Japanese nation. One does not exthe chloroform or the ether Is sus- pect to find poetry on the battlefield, in the late war It pended. The temperature should be but is find to that soldiers touching dying as near 62 as kept possible to degrees Fahrenheit, and the dormant plant life asked that their comrades should left to the anaesthetic for 48 hours. bring the flowers, and, looking on They are planted under a - subdued their wonderful blossoms, the brave fellows passed away. This was not light for a few days, after which they , to spring from the in the quiet seclusion of a hospital, appear liter-!- ly tr.rth into abnormally vigorous, rapid hut on the battlefield, shaking with Lilacs, azaleas and lilies of the thunder of guns, the shouting of growth. ' the valley seem especially benefited commands, and the clear note of a call. F. Hadland Davia, in by tbe treatment Azaleas, potted on trumpet February 25, were In full bloom on Loudon T. P.s Weekly. Mahon 8, while untreated specimens ;ln adjoining beds did not mature their blossoms until two weeks later. The Not in Style. expend of the treatment is almost You Girl Little neednt brag with and further nothing,' experimentation it Is preolcted that a distinctly Weve got a baby at our house, too. Small Ditto Yes, but yours is a mercantile be may p:crositlon last years baby. Ours is the very evolved. latest style. Life. four-year-ol- - f ptember, tin i'V ii vv .ti. of human lir r- - i "'C i ill A cab i.: r. n e : y eyes. ' i enemy and chent.--i n. V i f ran, but even the cabman e i mo to the boarding houc' i i i d; and the n i e gh Is in tl ' ets rtv- -l about their v o !: II-;e- r.r, ' n r,s of their rrl kic" " tbit no man co dd maIV. Ad- this camp ait right, said the agent. Insinuatingly. You might go over Us advantages again, said the modern individual, who wanted to get close to nature. Well.Jt has hot and cold running water, 14 bathrooms, or a bath with practically every suite The electric plant is complete in every respect, and besides light, furnishes motive power for electric runabouts and a vacuum Meaner, not to mention a complete cooking outfit. Several of our best patrons are represented In the art gallery, and we are In hopes of adding an old master or two before the sum mer is over, if we can get them finished in time." "What means of communication? "Private wire to Wall street, long distance telephone and a wireless plant. "Can an aeroplane come down fire! America, v rites Joseph Burtt, I n Englishman, li a young g'ant wi o at., land a wen d for viigin ai fought the sweat of fcs toil is upon him. Ii his eyes are the bores that move tin world, and as he gazes on h:s Ir.d nothing seems too high for the., united destiny We of the same stoc.. r.re proud of the magnificence of this new champion in the world's tourney, and yet to us, who rennui.oer our long centuries of painful growth and see Frgland as the still is, the simp.t fnf.h of the American in time and ma t erial progress is pathetic. It is tie '! optimism of a boy who thinks all be light v. lien he is a man. I loved America before I went there, and no words can tell what it was to me to see for the fi.st time the happin-ire. fircdom of the common pcirv and ! e wealth and abundnime i FOR SALE OR For Sale Real Estate. n Russia, having been denounced al' over the world as the worst oppressor of the working people, now comes forward with the unique claim that she has the best labor laws on the globe stores Russia declares that pluck-m- e cannot exist in the country, as they da in America, for example. Employers are compelled to pay wages in cart, not in food, clothing, etc., and bosses disobeying the law are fined $25 to $150. The employer is also required to take hygienic care of his laborers and to supply them medical attendance-freof charge. In a factory where a thousand persons are employed a hospital with at least ten beds must be provided and all medical attention free The working day 1, limited between six a. m, and seven p m. Labor on Sundays and 40 holidays in the year is prohibited, except in cases of actui?0 al necessity, and not more hours overtime may be worked in any year. On the other band, employr'i may fine hands for any of the three causes: First, for defective v. ork second, for absence without sufficient cause: third, for infraction of shon In determining what N regulations. defective work the employour is not the sole judge. The government factory inspector may be appealed to Fines are calculated by the nature or defects and not by the loss sustained by the employer. Fines for absence without sufficient cause may not be imposed unless the absence is for at least a half day. No fne for absence on account of fire, flood. Illness of tbe workmans wife or parents, or death of either. Strikes are prohibited and punishable by imprisonment, depending on the damage caused. The gov eminent also punishes employes by imprisonment not to exceed thrjqa months and prohibits them from managing a factory for two years. FOUND. Two jersey calves bo a it six months old. Owner One large, gentle surrey horse; one three year old gelding; both can get them by paying for this gentle and safe for women. In- u.l and the feel bill. Chris Holquire of E. D. Mann, Woods land, Kaysville, Utah. t Cross, Utah. FOUND Lath and plaster FOR SALE. For less-thtools. Owner can have the same its vaue, one sectional steam or hot water boiler; capac- by paying for this ad. Albert Bountiful. ity, square feet radiation, 900. Durniagbam, Boiler good as new Ephraim t WOMEN IN SCOTCH PRISONS Hatch, Woods Cross, Utah. For Sale Cheap. PEOPLE LAND OF THE COMMON For 8ale. Good ranch in Malad Valley containing 160 acres of land with all improvements and somestock. Write or phone (Bell No. 21) W. C. Hill, Malad City, Idaho, for t particulars. v 4 For Sale Cheap-Surrey with pole. Jr., Bountiful. ' . J. Hart, Beil phone 2511. For Sale One steel tired Studebaker runabout good as new; or will trade for a horse. Wm. Doxey, Bountiful. t For Sale. Small building with large front window, store front and glass door, formerly fronted on Main street in Bountiful and was occupied by a watchmaker. Will take $25 for it. John Stahle, Jr., Bountiful. Both phones, t For Sale For Sale. Not quite an acre of land, with One walnut roll-todesk, could 13 rods front and seven roomed not be for $50, will duplicated house; choice young fruit trees take $2e for it. John Stahle Jr. in bearing; flowing wells; water at the Clipper office, Bountiful. in house; 6 minute walk from FOR SALE. The folding Oregon Short Line station Frank used to fold this paper; t Wright, Bountiful. can fold 4 pages in place of 8, if For tele desired; replacing it with one I have a fine horse and cattle that can be attached to tbe press, ranch twenty miles from Card-ston- , thereby dorng away with a perwithin two miles of all pro- son to feed it; still very serviceposed Rail Road lines over the able and worth $75, will take $25 United States Boundary; About if taken at once. Requires but fifty per cent good farm land very little power to use it. Any and every inch good pasture paper with 200 subscribers can land. A mile of river front and afford it. We would not take only $12.00 an acre; easy terms. $1,000 for this old machine if we About 2000 acres. could not get another, which W. O. Lee, Cardston, Canada. gives you some idea of how much tfc. we appreciate the value of a foldDavis County ing machine. For Sale Clipper, Bountiful. e One four roomed house; lot in the center of the town FOR SALE. Fine piano, up of Byron, Wyoming; somegood right Grand, solid mahogany small fruit; plenty of water ;at case, magnificent tone; half $1,000. Address 4 Clipper OfDr. price if taken at once. fice, Boikitifdl t Toung, Centreville. Utah. FOR SALE. 60 acre dairy For Sale farm, with an A No. 1 dairy One 3 inch Mitchell wagon; barn, two houses and other outdoor buildings, flowing wells, etc. good condition Wm. D Knight2512. Located in one of the most prom- on, Bountiful. - Bell inent dairy districts in Davis FOR SALE. One stack of county. Inquire of first class second crop lucern. James A. Cottrell, Glen Hatch, Woods Cross. D, C. Kaysville, Utah. I. phone 1661. t FOR SALE 160 acre ranch in FOR SALE Young pigs. W Jackson Hole, Wyoming, primary Walter Barlow, Bountiful, t water right and unlimited cattle FOR SALE. 3J inch Bain range; will trade for Davis counwith 3 inch tires, ty real estate or sell for cash. E wagon gear, good dump box, suitable for L. Hanson, Bountiful. gravel hauling or similar work. FOR SALE Two places in Studebaker Bros. Bountiful. Kaysville; one an acre lot planted to choice fruit, located 1 block FOR SALE. Early Ohio seed from meeting house; nher place potatoes, Idaho grown; will delocated south of old city hall. M. liver about Oct 25th. E. L. HanA. Wilkinson, 1211 So. 4th East, son, Bountiful. D. c. I phone. . Salt Lake City. t p ma-chin- two-acr- V - 10-21- e 10-2- 1 vaI Humane Methods in Glasgows Are to Be Adopted In England. n non-rTotally rough, ignorant sent a up Scottish into coming prison, for a reasonably long time, leave Uie;e ith some us; ful handicraft at t;. :r iiug is end. even such arts as fne oriental rugsraking, skillful and professional cookery b n -some of the many money making seif and trades and t1 rg; there taught G.u sows prison perof being mits no degrading sense spifd upon and watched ar.d (irivin by a ba;sh, bulldozing jailer ail the time, the New Yoik Press says. The best dog, to say neHiirg of a man or woman, can have his character and desticyed by being constantly and hounded ty oversfen, Lrowluat-', a low human character. Glasgows system com; es prisoners to forgrt for awhile the deg of the prison and even tbe oneokcr tlrr.k he is in a busy, happy, first-clasfactory. Women in the rrlson of the great some choice peaches; laud suit- Scotch tnconraged to I ok able for early potatoes, tomatoes, and fee.!citytheirirenatural best, to ho'd sweet corn, etc. John Stahle, Jr , up their herds and make the most of Houutiful. t their figures and appearance. Ugly garb has been discarded for FOR RENT. Furnished room khaki woman's wear in prison, with neat with or without light house-keepinand becoming gowns. Their bair is simply and naturally to suit Apply to Mrs Jonasson, dressed the contour of each face. Every worn Mitchell building, Bountiful. c an has hor own looking glass. instructors' in Glasgows jail teach women how' to walk gracefully Wanted Miscellaneous. and hold up their ha5s. K iw is this for a Gk'.rgy tolbooth? But Tip is no 100 couples WANTED. to bawbee or gaberlunzie lad to find dauce at the Everglade every fault, but it reems a long way from duck and the old double jougs Friday evening. stool to looking-glas- s and walking masters. r Wanted. Fngiand is following Scotland. By From 100 to 200 head of horses a recent order of the home office the and cattle to pasture. S. Bavela's Scotch system is to apply to all female prisoners between the ages of Jennings farm, now owned bj sixteen of whom, in and twenty-two- , Mr. Bamberger, Centreville. Utah far are there nowadays England, Bell phone 9714. t too many. Starting out, a largefar,number of . the offenders and the unforWanted tunates are to be sent to Aylesbury to learn some of the arts taught Cosmopolitan Magazine requires prison in the Scottish prisons, such work a9 the services of a representative in knitting, sewing, dressmaking, houseBountiful to look after subscrip- keeping and cooking. - lome-Fustairir- g sef-respe- n s g Calis-theni- tion renewals and to extend circulation by special methods which SAINT UNJUSTLY ACCUSED have proved unusually successful Salary and commission. Previous Peking Gazette Tells How Nagdoang experience desirable but not esBlobzang Has Right to Transfer Soul to Successor. sential. Whole time or spare time Ardress, with reference, H. C - The following curious decree (conCampbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine 1789 Broadway, New York City. densed) appears in the Peking Gazette of June 22. The resident in Thibet reports that in the year 1890 the now Wanted a degraded Dalai Lama addressed to the then resident, comcomplaint poultry. the Timu Saint Nagdoang Stewart, Kaysville. Both phones. plaining that Blobzang had been bribing the Kamba Lama of Chantul to cause the death A position as book- of the Dalai Lama by means of evil WANTED incantations In of consequence keeper and stenographer; would which, at the residents request, tbe in nearor Bountiful said saint was cashiered, besides being prefer work by town Would like steady po- deprived of his spiritual title. The Lama of the Monsition, but would be willing to astery, together with the Lama of tbe work part of the time in tbe be- Timu Monastery and others, now petiginning if not enough work. F. tions the resident that Nagdoang Leon Brown, Woods cross, D. c. Blobzang was quite falsely accused, and really never did any such wrong; I. phone. xxt. they crave the emperors favor in consequence on his behalf. Under these WANTED. Stock in any bank circumstances Nagdoang Blobzang in Davis county or the Woods must have his spiritual title restored Cross or Star canning factories. to him, and be given back in addition all the wealth, valuable objects and Hatch Realty Company, Woods glebes appertaining thereto, and also the right to transfer bis soul to a sucCross, Utah. cessor in due course. All kinds of W. W Wanted Teams to work on the Davis & Weber Counties Canal; teams 45c and single hands 25c per hour' Work to commence between the 1st and 8th of September and continue until cold Study Profits for Women. Marloir Parris presided at the congress of women interested in agriculture which was recently held at Women with Bryn Mawr college. practical experience spoke on their experiments in general farming, fruit landscape gardening, bee growing, in. sets James of weather Inquire poultry raising, dairy farmkeeping, G. Wood, Hooper R F D No 2or ing, truck gardening and horticulture. by Bell phone or of M. M. White-side- s, The general opinion seemed to be Layton, Utah. Bell Phoue. that women could- ordinarily carry on successfully an;- of these branches with a profit of from ten to twenty per HIGHEST PRICES PAID. For old horses and cows. Bangerter, Bountiful. Alma 11-- 4 Dr. Bent Arthur E. Pratt Halverson Wanted To GeOrge Halverson & Pratt Lawyers trade two or three city homes for country property. L. B. Call, Ground floor No. 10, 3rd South, Salt Lake City. Both phones. J. Notary Public in Office ind. phone 467; Bell 87 4G2-40- Lost or Found Miscellaneous 3 D. Eccles Building, Skeen W. R. Skeen Ogden, Utah D. A. Sketa LAWYERS General Practice. FOUND. The best music in Davis county at the Everglade OGDEN, every Friday evening. LOST Between Centreville and Farmington, one Winchester repeating shot gun. Will reward by returning to Arley George, Bountiful t BOTH PHONES cp Large Stock - UTAH. Choice Selection Jos. Parry & Sons Co. Fine Granite and Marble Monuments & Headstones 2253 Washington Ave OGDEN, UTAH. |