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Show v r 1 $ s ts THE HOVE A KIND FAILURE? WAS ONLY ONE OF ITS The American Man Is Too Enjoy tha Company Fa r t y Ufa. Oe-.- of U! Horscf, Cut Thcrr Is Only Cue JurJis Kinre." 'Theres Lrts lo y t c h 3 f "A j A' i n a A ' v n ti H 53 "Ft; CO. Ijkrd&i VshbJ Are the daisy clothes that fulfill the function of advance fall fashions. Griffon Clothes are faultless in fit, finish, quality and style, and meet the demands of the most exacting patrons of high class apparel. Darin" the second C eve'ard (am Cci John P, Irish, the golden- tongued oiator, and Judge Kinue of Waterloo, la, the man with lungs of brass, were stumping Iowa In behalf of the Democratic candidate. They were driving in a buggy on the road to Sidney, a young city in the southw-este- i n part of the state, when they came to a fork of the road where there was no sign board. Which turn to take was a question, as they had barely time to make the town any- The failure of the Pome in lb.--f'y, dining o ,ntiy, is one of the' tUUling counts in the indictment brought against the American women, m a current publication by Her Dwight Hillis. Nor does he let the American men escape. lie pictures the well o Englishman deliberately breakfasting at home and strolling to his business at ten oclock, and home again In time for afternoon tea. The American Is too busy for family life. A hasty breakfast, behind the morning paper, a rush ail day, up to the very edge of the evening dinner, leave him too weary and exhausted to enter or create another atmosphere." Husband and wife go different ways. The wife, heart-hungrabsorbs herself with charity, ch.b-llfor society. If she is weak and meets The temptation, a tragedy ensues. average American woman clings, long after she ha8 ceased to receive encouragement in so doing, to the old Ideal she saw in the husband, "hoping that some day he will cease giving her things and give himself." Even the Frenchman is a better family man; and every traveler testifies to the keen relish with which, In public pleasures, the French husband shares the simplest amusements of his family. It is the families of almost any other blood than American, those of the Hebrews best of all, who show us what holidays at home may be. We are neglecting, it seems, the best saving Influence of all, in what Gladstone called "this fallen and disordered world, to mitigate "the principle of personal selfishness" and sustain the fabric of society. I to-d- Griffon Clothes possess a distinctive quality and style all their own and impart to the wearer a dignity and grace that them prime favorites wherever good clothes are appreciated way. a farmhouse over there a You sit still and Ill go over and Theres bit ask questions," said Irish, and climbing out be started for the desired in formation, lie got it, and on his return saw the horse, evidently frightened at something, tearing down the road at runaway speed. Instead of trying to stop the horse, Judge Kinne dropped the reins, climbed over the seat and dropped off the back of the buggy into the road. When Irish caught up to him, the judge was busily dusting himself off after his roll in the roadway, not in the least disfigured by his acrobatic stunt. "You're on the right fork of the road, all right, judge, but why didn't asked you hang on to the horse?" Irish, laughing heartily. Why didnt I hang on to him? rumbled Kinne in his deep voice. "Ill tell you why I didnt, my Christian friend. Theres lots of horses in this world, but there is but one Judge Kinne. e Prices Range from $12.50 up Are You Prepared for the Cold Weather? Our Overcoats Range from $9.50 up (J r Exceptional Values, in Stylish Headwear Many new styles and colors just received sub-cell- HEARD Prices range from $1.80 up. WAR THE DURING Password Given Out to Sentinels dergoes Change Owing to Soldiers Blunder. Every Mother Clothing Store the Layton Drug Co. me But this is the word, and I will pass.' 'No; you stanY at the same lme placing a bayonet at hi3 breast in a manner that told Mr. Officer that Potomac didnt pass in Missouri S What is the word, then? Buttermilk." "Well, then, Buttermilk." "'Dat is right; Now you pass mit yourself all about your pbnss " Prescription Druggists Utah. - Layton, s' r If the baby requires a malted milk for sustainance it ought by all means to have the best and there is only one best. That is the D. S. No P'ated Sty "f Wanted There was a small crowd at the soda counter when the tall man rushed in and pushed an empty bottle over the drug scales. Acid!" he whispered, excitedly. Ten cents worth of acid, and quick! r crowd began to sit The up anil take notice "Whats he going to do with . that acid?" demanded one. "Its a secret," answered the drug cleik. "Nothing unusual, I hope?" soda-wate- Well, rather." "What! You mean to say he is going to take that, acid? Oh, no. Listen. There is a silver wedding at his house tonight and he Mailed Milk is going to test the presents as fast as his friends bring them. And then and there they voted him the meanest man in town. Best, cheapest and guaran- - teed by the Drug Co. (iRIFPON Suits Also Made to Order We do French Cleaning. The Tendency- .- THOSE WHO SCOLD 'CENTRAL No Greater Boor Than Man Who Is Always Raising Row With Telephone Girl. There surely exists no greater boor pup than the man who is always raising a row with the telephone girl, writes Tip in the New York Press. All ever, everywhere, In Europe and this country, come reports of nervous breakdowns of "hello girls. Lots of men, and whole scuds of women, seem to think these girls are trained talking devils, with a special spite reserved for ths phoner alone. Ft fs silly, not to say brutish, to scold the operator for something she cannot help No matter how well trained the nerves are, it is impossible for the stiongest nerves to be quarreled and yelled at month in and month out without some nervous string being worn or broken. There are piobably more lowbrowed, low flung scolders, drivers and brow beaters of women in this country than were ever seen here before. There is one blessed thing Tip must say of Texas.. If any dog tries to browbeat or run over a woman down there, the first man that hears lorn is liable to entertain him by punching gun wads out of his face, and pushing his teeth down his throat with the end of gun. Pnssrb'e Mourner. And there was not a soul to mourn From Bricklayer to Preacher. Some years ago 'a young bricklayer mendous welcome home? his death. went out to the states to make a livYes. We gave him so much enterOh, well, there may be some time. ing at his trade Struck by his ability, tainment when he landed that he How can there be? a ministerial friend persuaded him to didnt really get home for two days." "His widow may marry again. quit the trade and go In for the pulpit. The bricklayer was J. Addison Jones, from Port Talbot He was prepared Too Much for Him, Needed Speed. for Yale, took his M. A. degree and once Fillmore Millard slept in the has Marie But if you love Tom why do just been made a D. D. Mr. Jones in last night.' said the bed you were you go about with Jack? is now on a visit to the old country clerk hotel Madge Well, you see, Tom is rathsee his father. Cardiff Western "Thats more than I could do, an- to er slow, and I'm using Jack as a paceMall. swered the guest. Buffalo Express maker for him. So you bid the returned mero a tre- "Are They Pittsburg Aldermen? A member of Pittsburg cummandery had a somewhat embarrassing experi- ence during the Templars visit to Chicago. He had been Introduced to a oung woman at the reception given by the Pennsylvania grand command-erat the Hotel La Salle, and chancing to meet this same young woman, she impulsively asked; "You are one of the Millionaires ' commandery, aren't you? He pleaded guilty, and she asked how many of those In Chicago are plutocrats. He told her that about half of the 250 members at the conclaie count their wealth in millions, and she asked how they made it. Mostly steel," was his reply. said the young woman. "Are these the Pittsburg aldermen?" Curtain. y Infant Mortality, The department of health ascribes the high death rate among babes in hot weather to the ignorance of the mothers, and for their edification has issued a simple list of rules for caring for infants, printed in several languages, and urging that prompt notification of illness be sent to the branches of the department. The mor tailty among babies is found to be highest among the negroes, the Italians ranking second and the Russians Professor Likes Skunk Meat. third. The Yiddish speaking populato Prof. Frank E. Wood According side comlower a has East of the tion state laboratory, the unIllinois the of paratively good record Medical Rec- popular skunk is good to eat as well ord as being otherwise useful. That the flesh of the much dreaded beast white, tender and of a Jelicious flavor if the scent glands are removed is the Professor assertion of the savant. Wood gives no recipe fof the eaptu: e of the animal, and does not tell just now oAe is to be enabled to enjoy the meat. Here are Ours. "No animal is more unjustly perse euted than the skunk, asserts Profes It is the best friend tin sor Wood. farmer has. destroying enormous & Undivided quantities of grubs, beetles, grasshor p; rs, mice and moles." Bountiful Boys hats 95c. Frank Yiirkas Un- The following arecdote was told by Col John A. RIker of Philadelphia, Has Best Baby a veteran of the Civil war. at the National ; And we have everything 1 In the army bf the Cumberland necessary to keep the best fl one of the officers whose duty it was baby happy, healthy and M to furnish the guards with a password for the night gave the word comfortable all kinds of Potomac. A German, on guard, not baby food, talcum powder, understanding distinctly the difference pacifiers, sponges, celluloid between 'bs' and p's, understood it etc-, etc, rattles, to be 'Potomac, and this, on being transferred to another, was corrupted to Buttermilk. Soon afterward the Both Phones, officer who had givn the word wished to return through the lines, and, approaching a sentinel, was ordered to halt, and the word was demanded He gave Potomac. 'Nlcht right You don't pass nit A V i issue' ! , ,, , 1 Success j is Capital, Surplus Measured by Results. - . Deposits, $220,000 Bountiful Bank State Utah. Bountiful, , i , You Ing We want your account, be it large or small. ' Oh. that's so much better ways did like stewed peaches." l Ei - - A Few Distinctive Facts Concerning Universal Ranges Profits, $29,800 Warm Weather Repartee. peach, whispered the cspU vaeu youth. . "Dont talk such nonsense, George" the pretty summer girl, "it is eo warm in here 1 Teel like 1 am stew - ! Guaranteed to be perfect and quick baker with minimum amount of fuel. Oven door is spring balanced. Body of range is made from the best quality of cold rolled steel and extra well braced and riveted. The flues are thoroughly lined with asbestos, retaining heat in the oven. Sliding oven damper always works easily and gives perfect control of the heat in the oven. If you intend buying a range it will pay you to investigate the merits of the Universal before making your purchase HOLBR00K-SMEDLE- Y FURNITURE CO. |