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Show of banana leave, something KING JARED A SUCLESS after ihe stylo of setting a table, i,' itivUBUCAN CO. TICKET Sweet Song. 5. Soprano Solo, Violet-.- , by Helen Wright. No Troupe Ever Hayed to Such a Nrr.ss cf the Candidates Who 0. Tenor Solo, Daddy Bis House in Bountiful Three Were Placed in Nomination at 7. Contralto So'.'. it L,w D- until 30 piles Lad been made, that being the njimbjr of mea who h.ul worked on toe road. Those who had done the full week's work received the larger porNights in Succession. ivine. tions. Then the bones, well Baiitono Solo, .':) 1 hitm Davis County Now Has an Opportunity to Rid Itlikeof all were 9. . Bass Solo, VuL flesh, tie stripped E. C Robinson could not have Deep wise distributed. Neither the self of the Powder Magazines Which Have En10. Violin, entrails, feet nor Lead were any stronger proof of the Heai ts aud Flowin the of his new play, King Jar- ers. the men wasted, standing dangered Life and Property for 35 Years. water, each with a coveted mor- ed, than he received iu his home .den of 11. J uveuilo Cl i sel in his hand. town. Never before did any Hark-ch- . John McDuff of Salt Lake City Sait Lake C ly an ordiIt may not appear from my troupe iu Bountiful play to such 12. Piano Solo, E writes the following letter to the nance prohib ting the storing of weak description to be au un- large houses three nights in Con Amen, i Piano Solo. coved, Foiii county commissioners in rela- explosives within the limits of usual event, but it was certainly succession, even at a lower price the com- a distinctively picturesque scene, of admission and under more Nocturn." the giving powder city, tion to having the powder magapany 90 days to remove the mag- the surrounding luxuriant vege- favorable weather conditions. zines moved: azine. But so far the powder tation, the river turning noisily Tile play shows beautifully TO LIVE A LI.'..: Salt Lake City, Oct. 7, 1910 company has not obeyed the over its bed of lava rock, the cu- how crime rebounds upon him To the Honorable Body of requirements of the ordinance. riously attired natives, the who practises it, in order to Ever the Elusive l.ce ot He a...: From Which It Seems It Can If we can have assurance that roughly dissected Carcass of the achieve greatness. County Commissioners of Davis Not Ce Separated. . The and first night the players you will prevent the company beef, and the strange jabber County: Dear Sirs: The citizens in the from storing the powder in your chatter of the participants all worked to great disadvantage on The fountain of youth la the Jrenra to combined a at of of account form Hie young At thirty the springtime the. make will to an we' effort picture equipments being northern part of Salt Lake City county oi life is all hut gone. Lines come once more I and or and less unfinished have the new, ordinance enforced rare, here striking have been trying for years to upon the face, scored by cares man have the powder magazines, lo- and thus rid ourselves of the nu- shall not soou forget my first dressing rooms, etc. But the has rot yet the wisdom to throw o!t: cated in this locality, removed, isance that has endangered our glimpse of a typical Samoan play went through with consid- the girth hi comes matterto of considlag. the erable success, notwithstanding. eration. the leet begin and lives and property for the last butcher shop. but without the stairs grow long Then comes the reElder John Q. Adams, Tuesday night showed groat gret for the quick years.. It cannot years. assistance of the commissioners thirty-fou- r and Wednesday have been a mere dream which came Pago, improvement, Pago, Co. b of your It would be t little I would be , pleased to hear to Ponce Rico and Leon In night again added finishing lured him deto Florida inPorto Tutuila, Samoa. benefit to us for the reason they from you regarding this matter. search of the touches, so that the people gen- magical Island of Bimini and the fotn would move a few'rods over the Yours respectfully, erally went away well satisfied. lain whose. waters gave youth forever Notice to Water Users. John McDuff,' dividing line into your county. If we are to judge we should to Nothe hardy dovoyager. Last spring the city council of 2,000 Beck Street, Salt Lake City. we seek immortality State Engineers Office, longer geography. No longer 'do Salt Lake City, Utah, Octo- say that the play is a grand suc- Inwe remote look to the philosopher to give us cess, portraying the latter part to the foreigner as beyond de- ber, 6, 1910, Letter from Samoaof years. We have had revealed length of the history of the colony that to us the some as uselessness and the iniquity 1910. is Notice perscription, that things Samoa, Aug.20, Pago Pago, hereby given came from the tower of Babel and of the colon, all too late to risk it? Editor Clipper: Some months taining to this diversified world Starrett Pump and Manufacturin our great country excision. We have been Informed since I hurriedly and carelessly of ours require beholding to ing Company, by B. F. Grant, its sojourned that we do not really grow old: we for seventeen hundred years. Jiekl to arteriosclerosis. Still we scribbled off a few paragraphs thoroughly appreciate. But to president, whose postoffice adMr. Robinson has brought out line the hope that aging humanity dress is Salt Lake City, Utah, for your esteemed paper relative proceed. has always had The years of a man the two main points so vividly nee to an incident that befell me The agreement had previously has made application in accordthe nars of his colon and his all through the Book non a while making an bO mile run in a been made with the natives that ance with the requirements portrayed .Vow con es from Paris our latett of Morinou. One that where the small schooner. Perhaps au we would furnish them with a of the Compiled Laws of hoi e for ih' ars dclining. Modestcomthe item or so occasionally will not beef each week that they worked Utah, 1907. as amended by the religious people obeyed ly. Ur the discoverer, an I'ijoi, of God they prospered. pounces no atsolute elixir vitae. lie mands Laws-ocome amiss, hence I am prepar- on the road. So today we round- Session Utah, 1909, to The other that where a people thinks only that he Is nearer findng it than ing the followiug few common- ed up the cattle and after select- appropriate fifty (50) cubic-fee- t one before him The tale disobeyed they were finally comes toanyus in the newer jargon, unand Mill of second water from for in facts of one the the herd per your approval, ing place largest brought down, no matter how known and magnificent. It is providing they pass muster, I it was lassoed and led down to Creek, Davis county, Utah. Said which Is to prolong our years strong they seemed to be for the to a shall be pleased if I have helped the village. None of us were ac- water will be diverted at a point considerable extent it is to distime. solve germs which In their activity in a small way to add a mite to customed to the business in hand which bears south 72 degrees 17 We echo the expression of all might wreck us; It is to give new of our east minutes 14,190 feet from pa- but we all tried to assume knowlthe interest your or are three audiences in wishing our strength to the phagocytes which the devourers of our Inner ills. In a per, for the Clipper should be edge and tako things as they northeast corner of soction 31, local author every success. barbarous phrase it is to decupllze, to considered the property of all come and make the best of it all ownship 2 nor th, range 1 east, Salt multiply by ten, the power of our reWe all decided that the first Lake base and meridian, from loyal Davis county people. sisting agents Musical Contest. As we look back we can spare withi A Samoan Barbecue thing to do in killing a critter where it. will be conveyed by out regret the fountain of youth. Alcanal and a of means line so Mr. Steer The contest that is being arpipe 16th, Work, began on wasjiojake its life, to he callow might not be an un ways for a distance of 8,630 feet and ranged for the Sunday schools mixed blessing Put to keep forever the road today. Our bunch of was securely tied to a large tree there used during the period of the stake bids fair to be a Luge the years of man, to hold the stores of is a picturesque ag- ou the bank of the river and I to live steadily and to live bravely- forth with a from January 1st to December success, Prizes to the value of memory, whole, to find at last the elixir of life gregation, all saints, typical Sa- stepped to shot guu do the act. I took 31st, inclusive, of each year, to $150.00 are beiug offered to the such ns tilts has charm for us In moans, every one aim at a distance of two develop power for the purpose of winners and already contestants thtse adult centuries as it had in the careful muscular speciswarthy-huedand feet after the smoke had electric lighting and 'propelling have shown up iu every class. childhood of man mens of humanity, attired in cleared away there stood the ani- machinery in Davis and Salt Tne prize for the ward choirs, shirt-liklavaloras, with bare Lake counties, Utah. After hav- ($50.00) is of course t ho leader, MR. SMITH STILL GUESSING arms and legs bared to the knees. mal with a peaceful, undisturbed astonished but not ing been so diverted and used, aud it is hoped that it will create Mystery of Letter of Introduction Re They maintain a steady pace all look, slightly iu the least startled. The next the water will be returned to the no little interest among the mains a Puzzle and Solution day before and after their eight natural channel of the stream, at choirs in Seems Afar Off. him to the stake. hours of work, walking the three shotj however, brought a point which bears north 86 deas and that complet- grees 13 minutes east, 6,040.8 It has not yet been definitely i V.'hn a li;l profesoionrl miles to and from the scene of the ground whom we we shall call Smith, received of the ed our decided where the the program from corner part northeast leet As preliminaries for white' foreignactivity. na- Section 31, Township 2, north, and finals will take place, but it is call some tune ago from a strarg r ers, it is a physical impossibility stepped aside to permit the hearing a Ictftr of introduction from 1 east, Salt Lake base and that some timo in De- h!s friend Brown, Mr. Smith gave tin expected for them to exert much in this tives to do the fancy work ac- Range meridian. This application is cember will see over witff. man a cordial welcome. to Samoan ideals. For Mr it in the State Engenervating climate, as the body cording the designated 1roAn is a close friend of Mr. Sni'th theui-noThe committee managing the and he felt A half dozen of lias a sufficient task to keep up step- ineers office as No. 3151. that any one recommended contest are: E. D. Mann, J. H. hv him must he worthy of the higli st All armed the with Conforward normal conditions. grantunder ped protests against great of said application. Mating Grant, Jr., F. E. Sheldon, II. esteem, lie therefore laid himself ou' sequently we two elders direct knives, two feet in length, and ing must be Wedings and E. Williams. The to be agreeable and helpful. In com the to carcass was the madereasons therefor, our efforts mostly towards the dragged Tin pliance with Brown's note. in affidavit duplicate following is the by the of st tiger, whose name was Green program seeing that they work to the water's age. aud tiled in this office within thirpi.ed to be most agreeable on he? best advantage, although we also The process of skinning now ty (30) days after the completion contest: ter acquaintance, and soon he and Mr 1. Arouse Ye Smith became fast friends. About this Ward Choir, swing a pick sufficiently to re- began. Imagine doing this' to a of the publication of this notice Caleb Tanner, Mortals. time Mr. Smith and his new friend turn home each night tired and creature laying on the rough lava State to meet upon the street their chanced Engineer. 2. Male of Quartette, Boys wringing wet with either pers- rock, when there were plenty of mutual friend, Mr. Brown. Mr. Smith Date of first publication, Octo the Oja Brigade. piration or rain. large trees nearby on which it ber 14, 1910, date of completion grasped the hand of Mr. Brown, gre t Ladies Quartette, Lost ed him warmly, and entered into con Outside the real work itself could have been suspended. But of publication November 14th, versation. Soon he noted that neither Chord. conditions are rather pleasant. it was to be a Samoan function, 1910. Brown nor Green displayed the slight est sign of recognition. The view from where we are so no objections, please. After Good gracious! he thought, "have das wui mqdmnd qjui sjuaj jno. HMOjp noj working on the high moutain a great deal of hacking, slashthey quarreled?" de side is a magnificent one. Far ing, cutting, it was finally unpj;a.A sjsoqSe jaq nojf pnoqs pay But a furtive glance showed him no trace of anger In either, and he was below us, blanketing the earth dressed and then dressed. Toqaiauoj aji ejnnj anoi euaq more nonplused than ever. At last he qads e sbo ueooqM. qoiM uai y with tropical verdureof a brilliant wards the latter part of the op eould endure the awkward situation qqSmpjta n?nn sqnif soqi! eoaep Aetn noa 6hade of green, stretches an un- eration it slipped off into the rivno longer. Aq uaq pay ?qf?q tuamri.o broken layer of majestic cocotjnut er, and in the water the work Gentlemen, he explained, surely you two are acquainted? !?aaqs Alaqoods at jjasanoif pat palms right to the beach, while went on uninterrupted. It was No, said Brown; haven't had the from there ou to the horizon, ex- certainly a circus worth double aaj Jnojf onn peaq jnoA uiojj uaqj, honor. jtnoC Moqs o; nQ haven't had aoe; No, echoed tends the shining blue expanse the price of admission and we ' the pleasure. Green; asea Axoqid b paaq anoi no ?nj had a continual laugh throughof the Pacific. said Mr Well, Ill be swlzzled! aaj jno.f aq qiM. uaq aajnb y Smith. Mr. Brown, So much for an explanatory out. Green Mr &vm nol jfpej tu?xa ue Shako hands. aq Now comes the was in The done an cutting-ujj preliminary. Which they did. qjodsuej jno.Cjoj suaa OS U!JH And now, dear reader. If you can part justifying the title of the ar- original manner. The large .itxls jfisoqS s.iBttn aq niof auaqj, ticle. It is in relation to one of knives, used ordinarily in figure out the answer, please Inform Mr. Smith who wrote that letter, for ajiq aq .uop pue qH PJJaqiV oj atnoQ those scenes which is so comwere utilized in hackthat Is what he has been trying to iqgta saqujs qooD aq) uaq.a qia ifepaaje uo mon and characteristic of the ing off chunks of flesh. These find out ever since. Pittsburg Gazette I Times OJ UOIUIAU SSJUIf UiaiUB'LQ country here, but which appeal divisions were placed on a layer !ATE BIG suc-ce.- ", i ::;-e- eui-iitary- , -- - f - bare-heade- , e tiu-- , w a p bush-weedin- g, 12 Convention Saturday. if' Republican County Cou-i- t ion was held in Farmington, Btluiday, and the following ti ket placed in the field: Fr Representative to the Ninth Legislature John AY. Mr. T..ornley of Kaysville. i'..ornley served in the lastlegis-- I it u re. For County' Commissioner, John Ford of Contrevilla For County Commissioner, Walter W. Steed of four-year-ter- two-year-ter- Clearfield. For County Clerk Hyrum O. Pack of Woods Cross. Mr. Pack is the present clerk. For Sheriff Fred Harris of Layton. For Recorder Ilulda L. Miller of Farmington. For Treasurer Jens K. Nelson of Bountiful. For Attorney Henry W. Stable of Bountiful. For Superintendent of Public Instruction II. C. llurtrn of Kaysville. Jr For Surveyor John A. Waite , of Syracuse. SURPRISE FOR THE BARBER Wielder of Razor Had No Idea Ho Many Strokes of Implement Were Necessary. The barber was Just about to lean; over and ask the customer in a low w hisper if he didnt want a facial But the customer forestalled him by looking up auddenly and asking a question himself. "How many strokes of the razor In shaving the average man or, rather, how many strokes do you' make In shaving me, for Instance?" "O, I dunuo," replied the barbel. "Never thought of it. But you must have some rough-ideaYouve been in the business & good many years, I take It. "Yes, about nine years." "Well, how many strokes do It takes?" O, mebby 150 or 175; not moren that. Youre wrong," laughed the' customer. Some time ago I fell Into the habit of counting the razor strokes when Pm being shaved. Just as of resting my mind; you cant ihlnk about your business when the short, quick strokes of a razor So Ive got to be something if an authority on the subject. Counting it as a stroke every time the razor Is moved forward and drawn back again. It takes between 600 and 700 strokes as a rule that Is on my face It does my beard'3 pretty tough. Of course, when I shave myself with a. safety razor it doesn't take anything like as many because you can cover more facial territory at a single stroke. I have been sbavfd In a barber chair with as few as 500 strokes, but as a rule It is nearer 700. Kind of surprises you, doesn't It? It sure 'does," says the barber, mas-sodg- . you-thin- youre-rountin- SALESMAN HAD BRIGHT IDEA His Knowledge of Human Nature abled Him to Rise to Head of En- His Profession. Young man. says the automobile manufacturer to the new salesman who has astonished the organization by the rapid fire sales he baa made In the two months of his employment' I must congratulate you on your work. Thank you, sir, replies the new salesman, modestly. I know we build the best auto market," says the manufacturer., but even at that I cannot understand how you can sell ten times a many machines as the very best man we hare had prior to you. How do you do It? "Well, sir, explains the new salesman, the light of honest pride in his eyes, I always ask the customer a ride in one of our machines as the first move toward getting acquainted with Its riding qualities. Of course I then take he accepts the invitation. him out on the boulevard and get arrested and fined for fast running. After that there is no argument." Ten minutes later the new salesman leaves the private office with a block of preferred stock tucked away In his Inside pocket. Judges Library. Advertise your Real Estate in this paper as many buyers are now visiting our county looking for property. It costs you PRACTICALLY NOTHING as compared to other mediums of finding a buyer. The same is true if you want to buy property. If you have horses, cattle or any live stock, second hand vehicles, implements, or in fact anything you wish to sell you will be surprised how quickly they will be converted into money if ADVERTISED AND HOW LITTLE AN AD WILL COST YOU. Address all communications Uk DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, BOUNTIFUL UTAH. tn-th- e |