Show BOUNTIFUL 1 john II 11 barlow hits 1 in automobile luto mobile I 1 W W boulton returned f 1 park city monday night tho page family hala held a lay union at halos hall thesda Y mrs david Tol aulm mati in who had been very sick typhoid i bev v or jr is improving eugene pa chott and wife ire returned to their home in morion marion ild idaho monday P iia hatch son dealer in utah lind wyoming coals yard nt at woods wood cross 1021 richard purcell who brolio his arm recently I 1 is nicely mrs patty hatch will return to her home homa in ill big horn next tuesday raleigh smedley lias has gone to kansas city to take a course in dentistry roland pa page and mlis miss abue A nine reed were married on wednesday of last week A bad brush tire was raging in the left hand fork of ward canyon the first of the week the beautiful hill cumorah scene will be one of the big fea tures of the king jared production sinora holbrook and a younger sister who had spent tho the summer in star valley returned recently dr browns father moroni brown of ogden leaves on a mission for the eastern states on the of this mouth month over costumes have arrived for the king jared prodoc tion ion and assigned to the various characters mrs emily call who has been hero here visiting relatives will return to her home in afton star valley today I 1 the fever has loft left the little boy and girl of mr and mrs joseph C bennett and they are both improving thomas A doxey of san francisco was in town this week visiting with his brothe brother r william doxey aud and family mr and mrs A rickert kickert who spent the summer here expect t to leave for their home in elk hart indiana tuesday packed houses will surely greet the production of king jarod jared next monday tuesday and wednesday nights walter T holt who is here visiting v relatives will return to h his is home in oakley idaho tonight ni ht we will wire houses at actual coat for parties panics on streets streeta where the line is ia built bountiful light power co elmoda elmeda harmon came up from her home in lehl lehi thursday of last week to spend the winter hero here with her daughter mrs doctor kosler kesler george georg e walte waite wife mrs waites parents and two sisters who were hero here visiting relatives returned to their home in idaho last evening dont forget the initial production of tho the big Book of mormon play king jared at calls now new opera house oct and bishop carl loveland of chesterfield ter field underwent an operation at the L D S hospital tuesday for appendicitis gallstones and abscess of the liver john brook the blacksmith who was at the holy cross hos spital pital sick with typhoid fever has returned home and appears to have funy recovered again not being a sufficient number of councilmen present to hold a mooting meeting wednesday night the meeting was wad postponed until tonight elder williamr sessions son of mr air and mrs cheater sessions of auburn wyoming oft left on a mission to tho the northwestern states wednesday word has just been received from charles jenson aud and family of big horn wyo to the effect that their son freo was so ill with typhoid fever that his recovery was very doubtful and ait antt biml kv il were jut wing brorn 1 I ITI in io 0 with tho ili sens first of the weott week A L fiill ilia proprietor of the flo flom boiu m tat moved his into ta tin io old alfred all tod barnin barnisin I 1 iron 11 place I 1 which lie he purchased somo some ti in 0 a ugo 0 mrs ezra sessions nied her bistor mrs clara palle and husband to their boulo in ill preston idaho idabo tuesday they mude tho t trip la in mr fah rs nil na tomo to mobile bilo reservation Resor of seats for kin kins jared fire coining in ia very vacy fait und and it is expected expect od that by monday not a seat will bo be left for either night Qc hestor sessions Sas aud and wife who came down with their sou son william who left on a mission tu tho northwestern states state on oct 12 returned to their home in auburn wyoming wednesday john corbridge and wife re turned to their home in rich mond wednesday after a brief visit here there mr corbridge whose first wife passed away a few years ago married a lady alady f from logan I list july mrs thomal Thoma pratt sPratt of hinkley and mrs rose harman of rich field who had been here visiting tins 1 with their niece mrs dr keslor returned to Oli monday 7 william L waite and fam family ily have moved back to bountiful from moore idaho whore where they had been living four or five years they recently puri chased the late anson call home and eleven acres of land from mr hamilton of salt like josepht joseph T mabey was nominated for precinct justice and william kni knighton aton for constable at the republican lican primary wednesday night william doxey was elected chairman of the club and E 0 ashton and william riley members member of the county central committee |