Show gretna re green marriages thu the product production i on 0 ot f it gretna green mar madriago riago certin cert incato catu in court la is not absolutely unprecedented for in the tha wakefield case in 1837 such a was waa produced and identified by the famous blacksmith himself bild in another caso case at carlisle assizes in the early nineteenth century a gretna green certificate played its part somo idea of the number of these marriages inay bu bi F ined from the fact net that one ot of the tha priests PrIe ets Is sald said to have had bad some gome limes made as much na as lao a we eccli I 1 a code ot or secret signs between him elf el and the post boya boys enabling him to lecort aln the station of hla his clients and to t charge charee accordingly just as a oi of today charges you 1 according to your supposed mean a london chronicle |