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Show G t t FOR EARLY FALL ZraNsiiEN The Tenderfoot Farmer Cabinet It was one of these experimental farmers, who put frees spectacles on his cow ami fed her shavings. His theory was that it didnt matter what the oow ate so long as shs was fed. Tho questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered iato his calculations. Its only a tenderfoot farmer that would try such an experiment with a cow. But many a farmer feeds Aim self regardless ol digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well eat shavings for all the good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach grows weak the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition are impaired and tha man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and tho agonies of nervousness. MORNING glory at my .(low satisfies me more than all tin meiuphysica of books. Walt Whit' man. Worry is hope turned wrong side out. Try murine eye rened Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Ejreaaafi EYELIDS v I Murine Doesn t Smart Soothes Eye Pain DiWliato SeB Maria, Era EeaeJr, Liqaij. 25c, 50c, $1.00 Mona Era Sake, in Aptic Tubro, 25c, $1.00 EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAir, Murine Eye Remedy Co ..Chicago KNEW HIS DESTINATION. Where yer"gomTr "To Jaytown." Well, youd better hurry if yoi tranter sleep Indoors tonight De Jal in dat burg closes at nine oclock. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEY8. Little kidney troubles gradually grow more serious and pave the way to dropsy, diabetes and fatal Brights disease. Begin using Doans Kidney PUls at the first sign of trouble. They cure all kidney ills. Mrs. L. E. Wilcox, 27 W. Cherokee St, O k 1 a., McAlester, says: I was seized with an awful attack of kidney trouble which came on me In an Instant My back ached intensely and I lost all power of control over the kidney secretions. My health became greatly run down and nothing helped. Doans Kidney Pills cured me and I have been well ever since. TVjdemember the name Doan's. upr sale by all dealers. 50 cents a hoc Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mushrooms. Mushrooms are In season from May until the frosts come During July and August they are apt to be wormy and should be carefully inspected before cooking. They may be served as a vegetable, as a salad as a main dish, in fact, there are countless ways of serving them. Ci earned mushrooms is a favorite way of serving them Creamed Mushrooms. Clean the mushrooms, peel the caps and saute in a little butter, then add them to a rich white sauce. Serve on toast for a luncheon or a supper dish. Chicken and Mushrooms. Clean one cupful of mushrooms, break in pieces and saute in just enough butter to keep them from burning. To a quarter of a cupful of butter add a third of a cupful of flour and one and a third cupfuls of milk. Have one and a half cupfuls of chicken cut In dice and turn Into the white sauce when it is well cooked. Add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and serve. Household Hints. Here is a remedy that will solve a problem that has troubled many a housewife, the question of what to do with a silence cloth too long for a small table. It cannot be folded hack without making a ridge and It is not always possible to have them jot different lengths. One bright woman has this simple way of disposing with the cloth when too long: She has two loops, one sewed on each corner and hooks fastened into the under side of the table, then the cloth can be hooked up out of the way very quickly. Remnants of cold tongue ars delicious heated In currant jelly with butter. Care of a wound, no matter how small, should be attended to at once. Wash with some good antiseptic like peroxide and cover with the dust. Relieve a burn quickly by applying moistened soda, scraped potato or a piece of ice, which will remove the fire. The speedier the better to remove both fire and pain. A friend indeed is what I mean to be; In time of trouble I will come to you And In the hour of need youll find mt true. The Explanation. Henry Van Dyke. Old Podklns lay back in his chair In calm content, and though his wife Household Hints. was quite near him he was happy, for Kerosene Is a wonderful cleansei she had not broken the silence for Wipe the sink with a cloth dampened In kerosene. It will remove all the nearly five minutes. He had been married for grease and make it white and clean, long years, and Mrs. Podklns, it is as good for the bathtub. The almost daily during 24 of them, had slight odor will soon vanish. Rub the leather seats In the chairs disturbed the domestic peace by a too with a flannel cloth moistened with full exercise of btr tongue. kerosene. It will freshen them wonbroke in Mrs. P , "My dear, thinking It time she said something to derfully. A little kerosene In the water in Interrupt the quiet, "I see by the papers that a petrified jaw two yards which clothes are boiled removes the soil which would otherwise take hard long has been found in Cornwall. "What! cried Podklns, starting up. rubbing. A little kerosene used In the water But you "Now I know your secret. never told me your ancestors came to wash window brightens them without the streass that soap often makps. from that part of the wor'f ! Tea stains are easily removed from table linen by pouring boiling water Consumption Can Be Cured. to which has been added a few drops A specific has at last been discovered which will positively cure con- of ammonia over them. Tuberclecide completely It Is the custom of many house sumption. germs wives to use sand soap for cleaning eliminates the tuberculosis from the human body. and scouring. It is injurious to many Results are extremely prompt. Even Utensils and ammonia or kerosene in severe cases, the tubercle bacilli do as well with no wear on the will within have been entirely destroyed eight months. In others marked im- materials. Study your guests likes and dislikes provements have been noted within two to six weeks. This improvement and avoid the unpleasantness of not continues until complete cure is ef- having anything to please, for the fected. world Is full of men and women who We have positive proof of our suchave been spoiled by an unwise Write for full particulars. cess. mother and have not been taught to Tuberclecide Co., 702 International all the good things of the table. enjoy Cal. Los Bank Bldg., Angeles, Health Hint. The Effects. For the man or woman who suffer I have come to you, my friend, for comfort. My best girl has treated me with tired burning feet during the hot weather there is nothing which very badly. I was trying to explain gives greater relief than a rubbing me she to but gave her, something Witch hazel In alcohol or cologne. such sharp looks they cut me to the is also a good soothing lotion. The me with her withered she heart; relief that comes from a little attensoorn, crushed me with her cold- tion to the feet Is well repaid by the ness and stabbed me with her keen A little powcomfort that results. edged tongue. dusted into the shoes is very coolder to "See here, man, you oughtnt to tired feet. come to me for comfort; what you ing need Is to go to a hospital for treatBanana Sandwiches. ment" bananas Divide two medium-sizeInto halves, then cut each piece lengthDISTEMPER CURE will SPOHNS wise into slices. Prepare buttered cure any possible case of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, and the like among horse bfead the size of the banana slices. of all ages, and prevents all others in the Mix six tablespoonfuls of powdered same stable from having the disease. Ala? sugar with one teaspoonful of lemon cures chicken cholera, and dog distemper. on the bread, and put Any pod druggist can supply you, or send Juice; spread to mfrs. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Agent two strips together with a slice of wanted. Free book. Spobn Medical Co, banana between. Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Applet and Apple Sauce. Dlplomtic. Those who are fortunate enough to "No, I can never be your wife. have an early apple tree or two may "What? Am I never to be known as have many appetizing dishes in this Mrs. the husband of the beautiful time of few berries. The acids and Smith?" salts found in apples are very beneShe succumbed. LlppLncott'a. ficial. There are endless ways of them from plain apple sauca serving Pf, Pieros Pallet smalt, naiy ta to salads and combination dishes. Mid aa candy. regulate tad Invigorate Woaadk d sogar-eoam- fiver and bowels and core constipation. Most politicians claim the silent vote so long as it keeps silent To strengthen the stomach, restore the activity ot the or Hans ot dl&estlon and nutrition and braco up the nerves, ms Dr, Pierces Golden Medics I Discovery. It la sn nn falling remedy, and has the confidence ot physicians as well as the praise ot thousands heated by Its use. fft t In tha strictest tense Golden Medical Discovery is a temperance medicine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol as from opium, cocaine and othqr dangerous drugs. Ail ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. Dont let a dealer delude you for hit own profit. There ia no medicine for stomach, liver and blood just as good as Golden Medical Disoovery. The Rayo Lamp is a high grada lamp, sold at a low priea. oost There are no STKAOV WHITS UCHT' better lamp made at eny more, but there ts lamps that price. Constructed of solid bra mm; nickel platod easily kept lean, a ornament to any room in anv hnutw. Therein nothing known to the art of Ump-tnit- k lug that oan add to the value of the HA TO 1 amp as a llght-glvldevice Every dealer everywhere. If not at yours, write tot descriptive circular to the nearest agency of tha CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY fecaitarated) PAGE FROM ANCIENT HISTORY Incident of Hannlbsls Career That Writers Appear to Hava Overlooked. HEN summer millinery begins to look jaded and it is still too warm for heavy winter hats, one must take to between seasons millinery or to the styles that come under the head of millinery. The silk covered hats that appear in September and those made of silk fancy braids offer the best choice to the purchaser for a number of seasons. First because they are not too heavy looking for warm autumn days; then they are conservative in shape, not running to any extremes, and they are very durable and able to stand the little spells of bad weather that portend the poming winter. After serving their purpose for fall, they come In handy during the winter for stormy weather when the best hat must be saved, and they prove altogether desirable for general utility until early spring arrives and demands its own between seasons head wear. These hats are manufactured ready for trimming and are excellent in shape and fit well on the head. As a rule no bandean is required with them, and they are therefore easy for the home milliner to manage. The trimmings selected must be In harmony with the shape, that is designed to withstand weather and wear. Natural or very well made wings, fancy feathers, ribbons, velvet and fall flowers compact, strong-colored PLAIN AND DAINTY. give one an ample choice malines, especially those that are waterproofed, are very useful and the fashion of drawing maline over the feather trimming to keep it from blowing about is sensible and pretty as well as thoroughly appreciated. In fashioning the trimming for such a hat, folds and plaltings or other compact arrangements of the fabric used, are altogether desirable for they are not easily disarranged. The hats of silk braid and silk hats with velvet facings are often simply trimmed with big hows made of taffeta or corded silk. A single strip of silk is split along the center, lengthwise, hemmed at the edges and stiffened by thrusting a fine wire In the hems. A single largo mow and collar made of two yards of silk, which makes a strip four yards long, is all the trimming required. Its great advantage lies in the fact that it may be taken off, freshened, pressed and replaced on the hat. There are any number of pretty and inexpensive fancy feathers to choose from and they are all made from the plumage of domestic fowls or birds that we may use with a clear conscience. Wings always make a smart trimming and the big ornaments, many of them in Persian colorings and designs, are destined to be a great help to the amateur milliner in turning out a creditable and useful hat. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. FOLLOW ONE COLOR SCHEME Hannibal and his staff were pacing merrily over the Alps on their faithful wari elephants. Suddenly a man with a tin badge and chin whiskers rushed into the roadway and held up his hand. You stop right where you be! he cried. Why should I stop? thundered the great Carthaginian as his mahout hooked the elephant's ear. Youre exceedin the speed limit, reAn Im plied the man with the star. a duly appointed constable, by heck. Hannibal was so overcome by this amusing holdup that he tossed a bag of gazoollans to the officer and laughing hysterically rode away. Later on, however, his indignation uppercut his sense of humor, and he proceeded to slam the life out of the Roman consuls and their picked veterans, forcing the fighting to the very gate of shuddering Rome. Boston Traveler. W. L. DOUCLAS CUnPC DRnrrsA on HAND-SEWE- D HX1TS $9.00, $9.50, $3.00, $8.50, (4.00, $5.00 WOMENS $3.50, $3, $3.50, $4 ' BOYS $2.00. (9 A0 fit, $8.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They are absolutely the most popular and beatshoea for the price In America. They are the leaders every- where because they hold their shape, fit better, took better and wear longer than other raakea. , They are positively the I most economical (hoes for you to buy. W. L. Dougina name and the retail price ore stomped on the bottom value guaranteed. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I If you dealer cannot supply yon writ for Mail Order Catalog. W.L. DOUCLAS, Brocktea, Maaa. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permuent Curt CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PU tad. Purely able act ra but gently m the liver. Slop after -- In a Hurry. It was Annas first visit at the seaside. She was only a little girl, and very enthusiastic over the opportunity to go into the water. They came too late the previous day for a dip In the surf, so Anna was up early, and as she put on her bathing suit while the rest were at breakfast some one questioned her as to her haste. Well, you see, replied the thoughtful child, I want to hurry and go in before so many people get In and get the water cold. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application, aa they cannot ranch tha dto eased portion of tha anr. Thera h only ooa way to cure deetneee, and that la by constitutional remedies. Deafneia la caused by nn Inflamed condition of tha mucous lining of tbs Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have s rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness to the result, and unless the Inflammation ean be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. bearing will be destroyed forever. Bins cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which to nothing but an Inflamed condition of tha mucous surface. Wa will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease o! Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured Send far circulate. free. ty Hall'a GaUrrb Cura. P. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ok Sold bp Drunkta, lie. Take Haifa Family PUla tar OMatlpaUoa. From Writer Who 8hould Be an Expert on Art of Dressing Advice geatioB Isejm. hrightea improve tha complexion Small Fill, Small Data, Sarel Pika, Genslns Mtb- -r Signature I ( LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR, SALE tAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN 521-- NEWSPAPER UNION W. Adame St. Chicaco bMMWMMWHd Elo atfer Different Sort of Hair. Deceiver! she hissed. I hate you!" what Liver or Bowel medicine yon Hate me! he gasped. It seems strange that more women Why, It ere using, etop it now. Get e lOo was only yesterday you said you loved who must practice economy in dressbox weeke treatment of on do head." hair follow not a distinct color every my ing today from your druggist scheme. I find it best to use the same Yes, but not every hair on your and learn how easily, naturally end color for a year; then have a change shoulder! she retorted, as she held delightfully your Ever can be made In this way up a bit of golden evidence. Stray for the sake of variety. to work, and your boumls move every all of ones accessories correspond, Stories. day. There naui fife in every box. and a much better effect is produced CASCARETS ere nature helper. for the same expenditure of money. You will see tho difftrenc! Important to Mothers gg) Examine carefully every bottle of The best afternoon gown may he CASCARETS toe a box for a week's worn with either the summer or win- CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller is the world. Million boxes a month. ter hat and yet look as if they were infants and children, and see that It Bears the made for each other. Girdles, collars, and parasols may always be made to Signature of do double or triple duty, and yet al- In Use For Over Indispensable to every man 30 Years. ways be exquisite taste. This Idea Is The Kind You Have Always BoughL not new, but it is surprising how seldom we see It carried out by the womUnhappy Thought. an of moderate Income; more often Just suppose the man who finally KNOWN THE we hear the explanation that the blue WORLD OVER obeys the latest demand of fashion I havent gown was chosen because and goes on bis knees to' propose, had anything blue for an age, and It finds he has had a moving picture is accordingly worn with a brown coat, machine making material of him for a tan gloves and a black hat. The new cemlc film! Housekeeper. Hew can a woman be expected to have any regard for the truth when Miladys Lockets. she is obliged to promise to obey in The newest lockets are very large. the marriage ceremony? They are worn on a slender gold or platinum chain. If Your Eyes Bother You The locket Itself Is studded with get a box of PETTITS EYE SALVE, old brilliants or colored stones. reliable, most eurceseftil eve remedy made These are of course only for dress-u- All drnggmta or Howard Bros., Buffalo, X Y. occasions. Forgive the man who smites you on For street or day wear the Jeweled one cheek and he will generally Bwat locket seems out of place. For this purpose there are many you on the other. HOWARD E. BURTON, A8c8h7?s?.no in silver and steel which are both apGold, Hiiver. Lend $: (void, Hpacimen price Winslow toothing Wyrnp. Mr. Silver, ?&e, Gold 60r ; .Inc or Copper, It. Mailing redaceiitn propriate and chla gum. ptorebtidrfl teething, aoft4natbe foil list sent on application. and price envelopes gi)iiisUoeuSiiaroaiii.cnrefc wind colic. SbcaboLU. Control an umpire work solicited. 1 eadwllist With two or three Imitation dark CoL Hefaran . Carbonate Natlomti Bank. stones the effect Is elegant without beToo much stategy can tangle Itself ing overdone. more than It can fool others. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Economically. CAS-CARE- This Is quite a plain blouse made with pointed yoke at the back; it is suitable for making up in almost any washing blouse material. One tuck an Inch wide is carried from waist to shoulder each side front, where it is joined to the yoke; there is a wide in center under which are hooks and eyes or buttons for fastening. collar and pointThe deep turn-ove- r ed cuffs are bound with plain material. tie are A kid belt and worn. Material required, 2 yards 28 inches wide. box-ple- crepe-de-Chin- e Neck Ruches. Crocheted neck ruches are a novel idea and very smart and practical. If sewed to folds of lawn or linen these ruchings may be laundered without taking apart Dainty shades of wash material to match gowns may also be used, and a chiffon fold next to the throat adds to the attractiveness of the same. p 40-19- 10. Are Long Skirts to Comef Not yet has the long skirt come to be accepted for other than dressy wear, yet the makers of fashion recommend It for more constant use, and the American women are adopting It slowly. AXLE GREASE IS Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. Continental Oil Co Incorporated V- |