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Show f ? r i i t 4 jmrm i Cement Sills and Caps. ! BISHOPRIC vur cement caps, sills, J.hii Naylor, V block ea't of C. H. Rampton & 0 s store, liouutiful. Does any t kind of cement work. Orfier t, -- i s -- fi-- i John Barton G, ORGANIZED. i selor. Tuneral Director and Embalraer Haem. fkau K. Utah Ta ysvrLLi SYRACUSE SEEPINGS. tow John Thurgocd Roy Sessions and Miss Tossie Cook were married Wednesday. A big reception was given at the home of the brides parent-Bisho- p and Mrs. David Cook, the Contractor & Carpenter same evening. Over eighty ' guests were invited. I n li i r not ''I w' t p. IjUiLS i 30 a year, but .ijrtsuto rou.ii) Tiv p to introduce it we wiil send it W. Kendall, Former Bishop of six mouths for fifty cents. This offer must be accepted on or be- Jury Finds Frank Howard Guilty of South Weber, Again Called fore February 1st, 1911. Send Grand Larceny as Charged-Tri- ed to That Position. in Tarmington. your name and address, accom- The South Weber ward was Sunday. George VV. Kendell, the former bishop of the ward, was again called into service. Charles W. Taggert was made first and John Ray second coun- 5 , Work guaranteed Prices moderate D.C.I phone 30b 1 1 him--"1- - Nephii Palmer a ft. WILLXT LI. JR, WILLI r. Willey & Willey ? ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- 4 I I Ufflea ta Scott Bldg., ... 168 Bali Phone AtLT LA KB CTIY, I -- J. E, HORTON. M. South Main 8981 it, UTAH 0. Announcement- Physician & Surgeon. 1 Xliy and C Hows 1 Electrical Labrntorj. to S p. n. Pboae No. M UTAH 1 Bountiful Liieiy & Feed Stables Oaa Klook vaa ol Talaeboaa Bsohaaio RILEY BROS. Props. BOARDING by day, week or month. RIBS TO RENT, BUSBIES WASHED, Maraeaa Cleaned, Price Reaaonable. i to learn Barber Trade and fill positions; we teach the trade in eight weeks and guarantee posi tions or locations; tuition $45 and pay for your own tools, or $55 with a set of tools furnished; all particulars mailed free; call or write. Molers Barber College, 13 Commercial st.. Salt Lake City, Utah. U' ji Fiire Get your house, your furniture, your barns insured before it is too late. You get good protection for a little money. i afternoon, Saturday, About thirty veterans reside in our county. S. S. Jones, James Gardner, Langley A. Bailey, Thos. H. Dobson, Elder Micle, John Y. Smith, Alex Bart, Albert Jones, committee. JOHN STOKER, i S - Messrs. Melville J. Matheis and Alex G. Wright of Bountiful have formed a partnership and on and after October 1st they will be ready with a 20th century The Wonderful achievement Canchester Incandescent Kerosene Light, for demonstration and sales. These lamps are the very latest and burn 95 per ednt air and 5 per cent oil, and when upset go out instead of exploding and' catching tire. The color of the light is white and gives 5 times more light than the ordinary common coal oil lamps. For further particulars just drop us a postal and we will be glad to call and give free demonstration at your house. Toy Spaniel an Old Breed. The English toy spaniel Is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most popular bi- ids of pet dogs known. As far back a - the days of Charles the Martyr, this breed was much prized by the ladies of the court In the narrative of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, indorsed in Lord Burghleys hand and forwarded to the court, it was recorded that one of the executioners found her little pet( a spaniel of practically the same type as those afterward known in the reign of Charles II.), which hrd crept under the folds of her garments to be near her, and which would not be taken away. - Women Want Curfew Revived. A movement is being started by the women's clubs and societies In Boston in favor of a revival of the old curfew law. At the ringing of the city bells at nine oclock, it is suggested, all boys and girls under 16 years old should be required to be in their own homes unless under suitable guardianship, and their discovery on the street should lead to the fining of their parents. The movement so far has not got beyond the stage of agitation among the leaders of the reform element, but strong efforts are being made to attract general interest and to make it a popular issue. semi-privat- - "shin-plasters- e Wednesday. Oct. 20. Woods Cross, Friday, Friday, Nov. 4. Books will close each day pm. FOR FIRE AND LIFE. Wed . Ladies! ST Money and Keep in Style by Reading McCalls Magazine and Using McCall Patterns Mcur$ M.caxi.t will help you dri'M ml-lihl- y at a mmleratn expense by keep! u a 'W you posted on Die latest (a shi mix in rlotbea and hats, to New Fashion Designs In each issue. Also vaiualile Information on all home amt personal matters. Only toe e year. Imludinx a free pattern. SuIh today or send for free sample copy. IcCal Panama will eugbleyou to make In your own home, with your own bands, elothiny for yourself end children which will be perleit in style add fit. Price iron blither than 15 cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. Va VI Get Taa Fiaa Praaaat. for gelling subscriptions among yonr friends. Send Tor riee Premium Catalogue and Cash Prtxe finer. IBE KcCAll COVJUIT. 239 la 249 Wot 37 St. NEW YOKE e Old Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The state treasury at Hariisburg, " Pa., which frequently receives and o;d forma of currency and bank notes for redemption, was recently asked to pay tile value of two notes of the Northampton bank of Allentown, which a citizen of that part of the state had discovered at Ills home. The notes wito-- dated in the lute 'uOs and one ws for fi3 do. tars and the other for tim Uollais. It was tound upon Inquiry that the bank closed its doors at one time and the writer had admitted it. The notes Oct. 7; will be returned If the writer wants them or will be kept among the curiat the capital. osities 3 at Notice to Tax PayersWe will receive taxes in the following towns on the dates given below: Kaysville, Friday, Oct.- - 21st; Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. Layton, Friday, Oct. 14; Friday, Oct. 28. Bountiful, Tuesday, Oct. 11; The attention of taxpayers in all precincts is called to the dates for collection at the Kaysville, Layton, Bountiful and Pipe and Drain Tile, Woods Cross banks. By visitAll sizes of vitrified Sewer pipe ing either place on dates named, and drain tile which I am selling a trip to Farmington can be The above appointcheaper than ever. E. H. Mit- avoided. chell, Woods Cross. t ments are to or AGENT change subject cancellation. JENS K. NELSON, t County Treasurer. Introductory OfferThe Pa ife Monthly, of Portland, Oregon, is a beautifully illustrated monthlymagazine which gives very full infortua tion about the resources and opportunities of the country lying west of the Rockies It tells all about Government Reclamatioi Projects, free government land, and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising,' dairy, iug. poultry raising, etc. It ha pJci.did stories by Jack Loudon A fr9:28thea. East m. 8KK) p. m. Arrive at Morgan for the West No. 5 No. 3 No. 9 Inter-Mountai- 4:44 a. m. 4:54 a. m. 10:18 a. m. Four State Fair n Inter-Mountai- Good Roads n Con- vention. Ogden, Utah, September Excursions via Oregon Short Line September 22r.d to 29th., inclusive, limit September 30th. See agents for rates and further 23-2- narticulars. 9 29. All He Needs Is the Horse. arui peisunal friend of Con- Senator Warner of Missoni i, who L will be sold on 20th day ot Octoof the board which man ber, 1910, to pvay the delinquent ages the soldiers' homes in different y, assessment, together with the very much paifs of the cou-.trtint he could not accompany cost of advertising and expense the bonid on its visit to the different of sale. homes throughout the country He GOOD PLUMBING IS NOT A felt that lie should remain in Wash E H. Mitchell, Sec 9 30. LUXURY ington on account of the railroad bill, which was under consideration, as he It is an absolute necessity, if you wanted to vote on the different provi would care to take the fu'l enjoy1 have biens as they were presented. ment of living. We can instali a great iondnoss for the old soidier The new family Doctor Book said Senator Warner, "and boys, every plumbing reed, or would have been glad to go out among that will cure any suppositively CORRECT FAULTY them. They are going so fast that incurable disease withPLUMBING they wont be with us very long. They posedly Book Oar workmen are are receiving good care at the differ out drugs or surgery. very roticient ent homes thionghout the country contains 1000 herbs that can be and will inou a member VITALOGY I cause very little obtained in any drugstore. This convenience in repair work. Invisible Animals Alive in the Sea. book also contains a treatise on Should have you any plumbing The shore of the sea permits the breeding and feeding all kinds of to be done, you will save time study of more than the poets horizon or tinted shell. There are tiny ani- stock, how to pmrehase judicious- and money by attending to it at mals that live and move among the plants of the sea, and these may be observed clinging to any favorable A small fragment of ocean object. bark, streaming with fine says Howard J. Shannon, in the June Harpers, is cut from the water-wor- n timbers which the receding tide has exposed; and this apparently insignificant tragment, populous with curious life, is placed in a glass of water beneath the microscope. . . Veritable miniature forests appear, endless vistas open, teeming with curious interest and populated by creatures more strange and more wonderful than any the imagination qinos eqf uj Su.wo.i3 Sfifoud eqt Suisnajauj au lU-- ly, articles on horticulture, agri- once. and management of and bees Miss Ethel Davis County Plumbing poultry at Bountiful agent Fearniey, & Electric Supply Co. Bell postoffice. phone, 28, red, D. C. I. phone 37bl. at residence. UTAH. BOUNTIFUL, E. C. ASHTON, culture, Arthur Woods Cross, Attorney-at-La- Utah. Harold at Residence Woods Cross ui fins 719-72- Ecdes Euilding, Skeen D. t W. R. Skeen Ogdenil D. A. Skeen LAWYERS jno0 paasuoffoa fuqt auiaqas aqi Sugiomojd 9jb oq.w asoqf qipw saAaiiaq Rnag pooqpijqa jo siqaqap eqi jo eno jafini aqi saiqooa paasuof too pun aqua fjnjj paasnofioa psa.iQ Geoiae Hal verso Notary Public' in Office 7 Jud. phone 4.'T; 402-40- 3 J Prntt Lawyers Packs, ialty. E. Halverson & Pratt Bell phone 6613. Office 4 Newhouse Bldg, Real Estate, Salt Lake City. Wills and Probating a Spec- J. nofioa ja Law, General Practice. Sand Building am to deliver sand HOTH 1UONF.S UTAH, OGDEN, 1 prepared pnajq paasuoffoa sbm auaqj, paasnofioa uiojj apntu to any party in Bountiful. I Choice Selection Large Stock b uoi3u pool poo3 jo the very best sand for qsn, ni AuannS ssaud aqi nj Supnp have Jos. Parry & Sons Co. Aq o3s sAcp waj b ibis sjq brickwork and plastering. ConFine Granite and Marble jo Sfonuojd lBajS aqi jo auo pamooo a specialty. John H. tract work, sexax jo neag qaef UBtnssajSujO Monuments & Headstones Bountiful. D. C, ja3uS paasuoffoa aS-n- jnoj paasuouco joj sasg Had to Find Hie Man. Maik Twain, said a magazine ed ltor, "liked to tell, as an illustration of persistance and push, a story about a Sheepshead bay race. He said that at the end of an important race a young man shouted so savagely, Hats off! hats off, there! that every one in hearing . distance obeyed him and A moment later stood baiehtaded. the young man .hastened towards an elderly gentleman, shouting as he ran, You can put on your hat'ailAin Some one asked now. Its all right. him later why he had made all the people take their hats off. Well, he replied. Id bet fiftyNwith a mun, and I had to find him, hadnt I? I., phone Ellis, 3251. Call up and let us figure, t 2253 Washington Ave., OGDEN. UTAH. TheStewart Range A The finest, strongest and most economical range on the market. ft: -- r;n jrjr bald-heade- Tricks Any Husband Can Learn. To tell yellow from green in maicli-lusilk. To wash the dishes without breaking more than two To keep quiet when hes spoken to. To face the cook when shes angry. To find what ails the gas range. To stand in line an hour for two trading stamps. To set up his .rise's Iroihir in business To get up winter to investgute To si,.:!o ribbois. wl.cn his old swettheaits pictures me burned up To piefer ha!mn at home to billiards at the club To drop his gressman Dickinson recently dropped him a line about thins back in ibe Sixth Missouri district. Dickinson ti.ld his secretary to put the name oi this friend on the list for everything A day or two Rooti that goes out. ago Dickinson received another letter iron) the same gentleman, in which he said: Thank you very much for the fine book on diseases of the horse. old, friends because they are When' the Democrats get in povter I To give up coffee because it shall expect you to send n. the with his v he Pock horse. psl-- A it-- VL -- V t'1 , - t . N1 p f ft? v - . 'Gl- hrUfZ w vif h tT t Ojn - - No. 10 No. 4 1 of inter bring together fsted autograph collectors, for there are some of unusual interest Such, Hand-Cai- t Veterans Reunionlor instance, as letters from sovereign A reunion of haud cart veter- pontiffs, ranging from 1417 to 1501; letters from Mary Queen of Scots und ans, who crossed the plains trom Queen Elizabeth in their quaint Best Fira Insurance from 1850 to (0, together with Shakespearean hand Indeed, it will Notary Public if the sale of these letters as appear who those also their descendants, to bring to light a great deal is went out to assist the belated of likely unraveled mystery and to afford inLICENSED AND BONDED travelers, will be held in the formation in reference to some of the unsolved stories of court intrigue of ABSTRACTER OF DAVIS COUNTY Fourteenth Ward Assembly hall those American Register, Lon red; T). C. I &a Both Phones Bel) in Salt Lake City, morning and don. days - ' Utah Oct. on Farmington, Arrive at Morgan two-yea- r sorue-iine- - K I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner, term, subject to the wiil of the Repub lican county convention. A. L Burnham. Woods Cross. panied by fifty cents in stamps and learn all about Oregon, Wash-- i Notice of Assessment No. 5 igton, Idaho and California. The case of the State vs Frank West Bountiful Mill Creek IrAddress, the Pacific Monthly, Howard with grand larcharged rigation Co , principal place of Portland, Oregon ceny was tried Tuesday and Wed- business, Woods Cross. nesday before Judge Howell and At a meeting of the board of Gretr.a Green Marriages. a jury. of said company held directors The production of a Gretna Green The jury was out only about at Woods not In is certificate court Cross, Utah, Septemmarriage absolutely unprecedented, for in the three quarters of an hour when ber 1st, 1910, an assessment of Wakefield case, in 1827, such a cer- it brought in a verdict of guilty. 10c per share was levied uprn tificate produced and identified 15th is the date set for his t he Oct. himself, capital stock of said compaby the famous blacksmith and in another case at Carlisle as- honor o pass sentence on the de- ny piayable on or before Se pile tusizes, in the early nineteenth cen- fendant. ber 30th, 1910, to E. H. Mitchell tury, a Gretna Green certificate Howard is the man y ho took at his residence at Woods the of Some idea its Cross, part. played number of these marriages may be money out of Robert Ures pock- Utah. Any stock on which this pained from the fact that one ot the et one night when he was re- assessment remains s unpaid on priests is said to have had from on the Lagoon turning 30th as 100 much of a the as week, made day September, 1910, Bamberger electric train. a code of secret signs between will be delinquent and advertised and the postboys enabling him to for sale at public auction, aid iscertain the station of his clients, unless payment is made befo1 e Fond of Old Soldiers. and to charge' accordingly, just as a Few Leaks Remaining Our wood pipe water system doctor of today charges you accordto your supposed meanj. Lonjust being completed is going to ing Chronicle. don Utah. be successful. Only a few leaks Bountiful, are now inevidence and these will soon be fixed if the natural Manuscripts cf Unusual Interest. I buy and sell land and The sale of royal manuscripts, which not does the sivellingof pipe breed. I Y PS cana s,ockis to take place at Sothebys shortly a number buy anci sep registered close them up. will and grade Jersey cattle; also horses. My prices are right. Thomas J. Steed, Hooper, Utah. Bell phone 29D, Kaysville ex. UNION PACIFIC TIME CAB$ In effect April 17, 1910: AlHiOUACcE18Ilt. o) SB 8.UBU10 paSeXfJoiu aq ubui XII8B3 US) UB3 b sb.w eqs uoqw JB SUO1103BB V QUO IBIR m jj eouBjI OS Spi-i- sjaq aaow ajpw atfl jsnf 2uu aqj jbcw oi sanuguoo pnsqsnq eqx pum iq84 uao jo .laSag pjiqj aqi Of pa.uejsuB.ll si n uaq) pua papumu si eqs mun pusq ijei Jaq o iaSuu aqi uo Suu jBiRoaiaq uttiuo.w stuaw j.iq eqi iuaqj spiad qiuap uid'l ja.;uoj ujoav eq oi a.tB 'mourns una aAoj anj) jo .isjuoj aqi ji 'qaiqw saui-- l aSUBqoxa s.m.o aqi (Bqiojfaq uodn XiafBipatn mi aj).w aaq ub.i of amp samoaaq ;i ii.un snqf aaq sassaappB oq.w 'fasaq H ws aaq Xq apiaq pqBa si aqs Annul io;) u; paqioafaq sf ujp(uiu 8 naq.vi iuc;sno isqiojfsa ueuiaao SB "vni-'.Hdis.-g.ee- Origin of Humbug. plausible clue to the origin of humbug is that which credits the tulhishy coin made for Ireland by James II. as the origin. The people talked of this base stuff as "ulm tog (soft copper), so that one frequently beard the phrase: "Dont think of passing your uim bog off upon me. As backing up this Irish an-- c stry one i:ed only think of sterling coin and "sterling worth. But the most popular claimant is Prof. Humbug, who ran a dancing academy in Dublin in 1777. His advertisements !n the Freemans Journal of that year were masterpieces of appeal to the ..oting ladies of the city, and their olarney would easily account for the , opu'arity of the word. See us before buying. (Bountiful oon V ' |