Show SHOWING VALUE OF THE IEN HEN 1 if it could be capitalized its it product woul pay bigger dividends dividend than railroads Hall road it Is claimed that the overage average pro of a fien den la Is eggs per an num uru hut but it ft Is safe to assane that thu the actual Is much below tills this figure the ac wall all street journal says adopting the very conservative figore figo re of eg eggs s per ben per annum we lve fand on tile the above basis of production there are laying beha in the united states responsible tir fir ti r the pro of egis at the farm price of 0 20 cents per par dozen the total income dermed der ved from each hen bell annually would amount to two dollars allowing 40 rents cents tor for maintenance and ten cental for or depreciation pre clation latter wc would uld wire wipe out the market value of the lien hen in four years irrespective ol of salvage when the period of product loA Is over the net profit per hen per omit ann in amo tints to siso aso this profit according to wall wail street standards capitalized on a five per cent income basis would woula place a nominal minal of 0 30 on each lien hen for t the he hens this woud amount to the enormous total of that tho the american hen ben on return a yield of civo per cat per annum on a capitalization of ap pears nothing short of remarkable but such Is the case the entire outstanding capital obligations of tile the railroads of the united states in were less than four times this amount or while the total paid ou out t in interest and dividends depre tented but per cent of this amount |