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Show Thompsons Eye Ytafer HQWAKD E. BURTGR, A8cs7?8$.N0 Specimen price; Gold, Silver, Lead. $1: Gold, Sliver, 76c; Gold, 60c; Z no or Copper, II. Mailing and full price Ust sen ton application envelopes Control an. umpire work solicited. Leadviiiei Carbonate National Bank. CoL Kef jren race r WOMAN, ESCAPES "KmnV $ ROBERTS VTNTHADT 9 tLLlsmnOM BY UfrBtur not by Solid Shaviag Comfort NO STROPPING bbbbi-m- b ftmsCocacM tovBMiw Omvcwiv OPERATION RyWtfrHj nm T WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink- - CHAPTER I. hamsVegetableCompoand NO BONING Take a Country House. This is the story of how a middle-agespinster lost her mind, deserted her domestic gods in the city, toek a furnished house for the summer out of town, and found herself involved in one of those mysterious crimes that keep our newspapers and detective agencies happy and prosperous. For 20 years I had been perfectly comfortable; for 20 years I bad bad the window-boxes filled in the spring, the carpets lifted, the awnings put up and the furniture covered with brown linen; for as many summers I had said good-bto my friends, and, after watching their perspiring hegira, had settled down to a delicious quiet in town, where the mail comes three times a day, and the water supply does not depend on a tank on the roof. And then the madness seized me. When I look back over the months I spent In Sunnyslde, I wonder that I survived at all. As It la, I show the wear and tear of my harrowing experiences. I have turned very gray Liddy reminded me of it only yesterday by saying that a little bluing in tbe rinse water would make my batr silvery Instead of a yellow white. I bate to be reminded of unpleasant things and I snapped her off. No," I said sharply, Im not going to use bluing at my time of life, or I MUSIC LESSONS FREE IN TOUB OWN HOHB In order to make onr home study course, known la till. Locality we wl II rlrerou absolutely (rue. lessons Man- for either Plano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, Banjo, dolin, or Cornet. It matter, not whether you are a leaaons will ho beginner or an advanced pupil, tbe are marvels of made aultable to your need,. They simplicity. Imp postal card hi once for out YUBH booklet, . WmatlMul lailltkti ( M, M FlttUa, ktt Ming 1 S JbeTitk City Too Good 'for yon. That's why we want yon to take CASCARBTS for liver and bowels. Its not advertising talk ' but merit the great, wonderful. lasting merit of CAGCAiifts that we want you to know by trial. Then you'll have faith and join the mil .lions who keep well by CASCA-LIET- S : alone. has for errk'i Me treatment, all drugrlata. Bifffctt seller in the world. Multoa Nttea s month. CASCAMCTS When a man dries up like a mummy 'he usually thinks be is a saint. Or. Pleree's Pleasant Pellet, first pnt np 10 yean ago. They regulate and Invigorate atomaeli, liver bowels. Sugar-ooeie- d tiny granules. .ad Who has a favorite ain has a hard .master. y starch, either. Liddys nerves are gone, she Bays, since that awful summer, hut she has enough left, goodness knows! And Casey at the Bat. This famous poem is contained in when she begins to go around with a the Coca Cola Baseball Record Book lump In her throat, all I have to do tor 1910, together with records, sched- - Is to threaten to return to Sunnyslde, and she Is frightened into a semblance ules for both leagues and other valuable baseball information compiled by of cheerfulness from which you may This interesting book Judge that the summer there was anyauthorities. sent by the Coca Cola Co., of Atlanta, thing but a success. The newspaper accounts have been iGa., on receipt of 2c stamp for postr age. Also copy of their booklet so garbled and incomplete one of The Truth About Coca Cola" which them mentioned me but once, and tells all about this delicious bever- then only as tbe tenant at the time I age and why It is so pure, wholesome the thing happenedI that feel it my know. what Mr. Jamieto due tell and refreshing. Are yoe espr hot It son, the detective, said himself be tired thirsty t Drink Coca-Co- la could never have done without me, relieves is cooling, fatigue and although he gave me little enough quenches the thirst At soda tains and carbonated In bottles 6c credit, In print. I shall have to go back several .everywhere. years 13, to be exact to start my Still a Chance. story. At that time my brother died, 'Have you ever loved and lost?" leaving me his two children. Halsey asked the sweet young thing. was 11 then aRD Gertrude was seven. Not yet,' replied tbe man who bad When Halsey nad finished his elecbeen divorced three times. trical course and Gertrude her boarding school both came home to stay. His Excellence. The winter Gertrude came out was I tell you, said one man to a of sitting up as they emerged from the dimly nothing but tosuccession late at home from her night bring I ' lighted corridor of a concert hall, things, taking her to the dressmakers envy that fellow who was singing. between naps the next day, and disechoed the other. Envy him! ineligible youths with either couraging r 'Well, if I were going to envy a sing-e- more money than brains or more Id select somebody with a better, brains than money. By spring I was voice. His was about the poorest I quite tractable. So when Halsey sugever heard. gested camping in the Adiroad'vcks not I his voice man," envy, Its and Gertrude wanted Bar Harbor, we was the reply, its his tremendous compromised on a good country house Ladies Home Journal. courage. with links near, within motor distance of town and telephone distance A Cynical Synonym. Poor Myra Kelley, said a maga-- , of the doctor. That was how we went i zine editor at the Authors club In to Sunnyslde. We went out to inspect the property, New York,- "was almost as distressed as Mr. Carnegie at the spirit of graft and it seemed to deserve its name. Its cheerful appearance gave no indiand crookedness rampant among us. The young writer, at a dinner of cation whatever of anything out of magazine contributors, said that we the ordinary. Only one thing seemed worshiped wealth that was our trou- unusual to me: The housekeeper, who ble. Then she crystallized her mean- had been left In charge, had moved from the house to the gardeners lodge ing in an anecdote. She said that one man asked an- a few days before. As the lodge was far enough away from the house, it other: What position does Blank hold in seemed to me that either fire or thieves could complete their work of .the community? A very honorable position, was destruction undisturbed. The property was an extensive one; the house on the reply. the top of a hill, which sloped away in Is he wealthy T Wealth and honor, said the other, great stretches of green lawn and are synonymous terms In America to- clipped hedges, to the road, and across the valley, perhaps a couple of miles day. away, was the Greenwood Club house. Gertrude and Halsey were Infatuated. The property was owned by Paul Armstrong, the president of the Traders bank, who at the time we took the house was in the west with his wife and daughter, and a Dr. Walker, the Armstrong family phyAnd satisfaction to the last sician. Halsey knew Louise Armstrong had been rather attentive to mouthful hef the winter before, but as Halsey was always attentive to somebody, I had not thought of it seriously, although she was a charming girl. I knew of Mr. Armstrong only through his connection with the bank, where the childrens money was largely invested, and through an ugly s.tory about the son, Arnold Armstrong, who was reported to have forged his fathers name for a considerable amount Theres pleasure in every to some bank paper. However, the package. A trial will show story had had no interest for me. the fascinating flavour. I cleared Halsey and Gertrude to a house party, and .moved out away Served right from the pack to Sunnyside the first of May. age with cream or milk and The first night passed quietly i sometimes fruit fresh or enough. 1 have always been grateful for that one nights peace; it shows stewed. what the country might be under faNever after vorable circumstances. The Memory Lingers that night did I put my head on my pillow with any assurance how long . Pkgs. 10c and 15c. it would be there; or on my shoqlders for that matter. Sold by Grocer. On the following morning Liddy and Mrs. Ralston, my own housekeeper, Postura Cereal 'Co., Ltd. had a difference of opinion, and Mrs. Ralston left on the 11 train. Just after Battle Creek, Mich. Burke, the butler, was taken Vegeta-kw!.!!ihik.-1- unexpectedly with a pain in his right side, much worse when I was within hearing distance, and by afternoon he was started cityward. That night the cooks sister had a baby the cook, seeing indecision in my face, made it twins on second thought and, to be short, by noon the next day tbe household staff was down to Liddy and myself. And this in a house with 22 rooms and five baths! Liddy wanted to go back ,to the city at once, but the milkboy said that Thomas Johnson, the Armstrongs colored butler, was working aa a waiter at the Greenwood club and might come back. 1 have the usual scruples about coercing people's servants away, but few of us have any conscience regarding Institutions or corporations witness the way we beat railroads and street car companies when we can so 1 called up the club, and about eight oclock Thomas Johnson came to see .me. Poor Thomas! Well, it ended by my engaging Thomas on the spot, at outrageous wages, and with permission to sleep in the gardener's lodge, empty since the house was rented. The old man he was white-haireand a little stooped, but with an immense idea of his personal dignity gave me his reasons hesitatingly. I aint sayin nothing. Mis Innes, he said, his hand on the door-kno"but theres been golns-ohere this las' few months as aint natchal. Taint one thing an 'taint another its jest a door squealin here, anr a- winder d n - she quavered. up. Miss Rachel! Why, theres a dozen French windows in the drawing room and the billiard room wing, and every one opens on a porch. And Mary Anne said that last Right there was a man standing by the stable when she locked the kitchen door." Mary Anne was a fool, I said sternly. "If there had been a man there she would have had him in the kitchen and been feeding him what was left from dinner, inside of an hour, from force of habit Now dont be ridiculous. Lock sp tbe house and go to bed. I am going to read. But Liddy set her lips tight and stood still. I'm not going to bed, she said. I am going to pack tip, and I am going to leave. Youll do nothing of the sort 1 snapped. Liddy and I often desire to part company, but never at the aame time. "If you are afraid, I will go with you, but for goodness' sake don't try to hide behind me. The house was a typical summer residence on an extensive scale. Wherever possible, on the first floor, the architect had done away with partitions, using arches and columns instead. The effect was cool and spacious, but scarcely cozy. As Liddy and I went from one window to another, our voices echoed back, at us uncomfortably. There was plenty of light the electric plant down in' the village supplied us but there were long vistas of polished floor, and mirrors which reflected us from unexpected an-oth- -- A Smile Post Toasties v , lalf-heart- p n, Tit-Bit- - A Taste Your remedies have Elwood, Ind. eured me and I have only taken six away to seemed give knees Liddys of Lydia E. Pinkhams under her. Without a sound she sank bottles i.i. ,TibIe Compound-I' winwas sick three down, leaving me staring at the Liddy months and could dow in petrified amazement. not walk. I sufbegan to moan under her breath, and fered all the time. in my excitement I reached down and The doctors said I shook her. could not get well a Its only Stop it, I whispered. without an operawoman maybe a maid of the Armtion, for I could the hardlym standsldesL strongs. Get up and help me find the my door. pains She groaned again. "Very especially my right well, I said, then Ill have to leave one, and down my you here. Im going. Jrlght leg. I began She moved at that, and, holding to o feel better when I had taken only numy sleeve, we felt our way, with ne bottle of Compound, but kept on Mrs. merous collisions, to the billiard-room- , is I was afraid to stop too soon. St EL and from there to the drawing-rooUdie Mullen, 2725 N. The lights came on then, and, with rood, Ind. Why will women take chances with the long French windows unshuttered, m operation or drag out n sickly, one each I had a creepy feeling that existence, missing three-ourth- s sheltered a peering face. In fact. In of the joy of living, when they the light of what happened afterward, an find health in Lydia E. Pinkham s I am pretty certain we were under Vegetable Compound? surveillance during the entire ghostly For thirty years it has been the for female ills, and evening. We hurried over the rest ol itandard remedy f women who and got upstairs as tas cured thousands with the locklng-usuch aiL been troubled iave we the left could. as I lights quickly nents as displacements, inflammation, echoed all on, and our footsteps llceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari-ie- s, Liddy had a stiff neck the periodic pains, backache, indiges-ionext morning, from looking back over and nervous prostration. her shoulder, and she refused to go If yon have the slightest doubt hat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeto bed. will help you, "Let me stay In your dressing room, table Compound tvrite to Mrs, Pinkham at Lynn, Miss Rachel," she begged. "If you Hass., for advice. Your letter dont Ill sit in tbe ball outside tbe door. Im not going to be murdered with my eyes shut. It was 11 oclock when I finally pre At the Bevins Faucets. I sent my little boy on his first vistt pared for bed. In spite of my assumption of Indifference, I locked the door to the country last week, said a WashInto tbe nail, and finding the tran- ington Heights milk dealer. "Although som did not catch, I put a chair cau- my boyhood was passed on the old tiously before the door It was not farm, Willie has grown to the age of necessary to rouse Liddy and climb- eight in the city. He had been watching up put on the ledge of the tran- ing Uncle Hezekiah milk the cow on som a small dressing mirror, so that his first evening, and when he reany movement of the frame would turned to the house his aunt asked send It crashing down. Then, secure him: in my precautions I went to bed. Is Uncle Hezzie through milking I did not go to sleep at once. Liddy yet, Willie? He Not yet, answered Willie. disturbed me just as I was growing drowsy, by coming In and peering un- has finished two faucets and has just der the bed. She was afraid to speak, begun on the other two however, because of her previous GNAT CAUSES PELLAGRA. snubbing, and went back, stopping in the doorway to sigh dismally. a clock Committee on Disease in Europe Says Somewhere down-stair- s Corn Is Not to Blame. with a chime sang away the hours eleven-thirtforty-fivtwelve. And London, May 14. Dr. Sambon, a then the lights went out to stay. The C.asanova Electric Company shuts up member of the Field committee which has been investigating the disease shop and goes home to bed at midtelegraphs from Rome that night: when one has a party, I be- pellagra, lieve it is customary to fee the com- the committee has definitely proved maize or Indian corn is not tbe pany, which will drink hot coffee and that cause of pellagra. keep awake a couple of hours longer. The committee finds that the paraBut the lights were gone for good sitic conveyor of the disease is the that night. Liddy had gone to sleep, as I knew she would. She was a very simulium repans, a species of biting unreliable person: always awake and gnat. ready to talk whep she wasn't wanted Placarded. and dozing off to sleep when she was A pretty good joke was that played I called her once or twice, the only re- on a rotund alderman, who wandered sult being an explosive snore that about the streets on bearing a threatened her very windpipe then I his broad back inscribed: placard got up and lighted a bedroom candle. Widened at the expense of the corMy bedroom and dressing room poration. were above the big living room on the first floor. On the second floor a long corridor rrn the length of the house, with rooms opening from both sides. In the wings were small corridors crossing the main one the plan was simplicity itself. And just as I got back into bed, I heard a sound from the east wing, apparently, that made me stop, frozen, with one bedroom slipper half off, and listen. It was a rattling metallic sound, and it reverberated along the empty halls like the crash of doom. It was for all the world as if something heavy, perhaps a piece of steel, had rolled clattering and jangling down the hardwood stairs leading to the card-rooIn the silence that followed Liddy stirred and snored again. I was exasperated; first she kept me awake by silly alarms, then when she was Send postal for needed she slept like Joe Jefferson, or Free Package Rip they are always the same to me. I went in and aroused her, and 1 give of Paxtine. Better and more economical her credit for being wide awake the minute I spoke. than liquid antiseptics FOB ALL TOILET USES. "Get up, I said, "If you don't want to be murdered in your bed. Where? How? she yelled vociferously, and jumped up. "Theres somebody in the house, 1 said. Get up. Well have to go to the telephone. Give one sweet breath ; dean, white, Not out in the hall! she gasped; germ-fre- e teeth antiseptically dean Oh, Miss Rachel, not out in the mouth and throat purifies the breath hall! trying to hold me back. But I after smoking dispels all disagreeable am a large woman and Liddy is small. perspiration and body odors much appreciated by dainty women. A quick Wre got to the door, somehow, and for sore eyes and catarrh. Liddy held a brass andiron, which it remedy A little Paxtine powder diswas all she could do to lift, let a,ov:e solved in a glass of hot walei brain anybody with. I listened, and, makes a delightful antiseptic hearing nothing, opened the door a lution, possessing extraoidi little and peered into the hall. It was cleansing, germicidal and h a black void, full of terrible suggesing power, and absolutely harm less. Try a Sample. 50c. tion, and my candle only emphasized large box at druggifis or by mail the gloom. Liddy squealed and drew The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston. Maas me back again, and as the door slammed, the mirror 1 had put on the transom came down and hit her on the head. That completed our de- QUALITY moralization. It was some time before 50 CENTS A GALLON I could persuade her she had not been in 10 gallon lots. 5 jrillon lota 58 cents per gallon. 8am plea wnt tree on request, attacked from behind by a burglar, PURCHASERS MANUFACTURING CO. and when she found the mirror Kalamazoo, Michigan smashed on the floor she wasnt much POULTRY AND SQUaB RAN HFS IV CAI IFORNTA cost A Link d Cuff-Butto- That Completed Our Demoralization. closing there, but when doors an winders gets to cuttin' up capers and theres nobody nigh 'em. its time Thomas Johnson sleeps somewhar's else. Liddy, vho seemed to be never more than ten feet away from me that night, and was afrail of her shadow in that great barn of a place, screamed a little, and turned a yellow-greeBut I am not easily alarmed. It was entirely in vain I represented to Thomas that we were alone, and that he would have to stay rn the house that night. He was politely firm, but he would come over early the next morning, and if I gave him a key. he would come in time to get I stood on some sort of breakfast. the huge veranda and watched him shuffle along down the shadowy drive with mingled feelings Irritation at his cowardice and thankfulness at getting him at ail. 1 am not ashamed the hail to say that I double-lockedoor when I went in. You can lock up the rest of the house and go to bed, Liddy, I said You give me the creeps severely. standing there. A woman of your age It usualought to have better sense. ly braces Liddy to mention her age; she owns to 40 which is absurd Her mother cooked for my grandfather, and Liddy must be at least as old as l. But that night she refused to brace. Youre not going to ask me to lock d corners, until I felt some of Liddys foolishness communicate itself to me. The house was very long, a rectangle In general form, with tbe main entrance in the center of the long side. The brick-paveentry opened into a short, hall, to the right of which, separated only by a row of pillars, was a huge living room. Beyond that was the drawing room, and in the end tbe billiard room. Off the billiard room. In the extreme right wing, was a den, or cardroom, with a small hall opening on tbe east veranda, and from there went up a narrow circular staircase. Liddy and I got as far as the card-rooand turned on all the lights. I tried the small entry door there, which opened on the veranda, and examined the windows. Everything was secure, and Liddy, a little less nervous now. had just pointed out to me the disgraceful dusty condition of the hard-woofloor, when suddenly the lights went out. We waited a moment; I think Liddy was stunned with fright or she would have screamed. And then I clutched her by the arm and pointed to one of the windows opening on the porch. The sudden change threw the window into refief, an oblong of grayish light, and showed us a figure standing close, peering in. As I looked it darted across the ver- better. anda and out of sight In thj darkness. (TO BE CONTINUED.) d FREE ANIMAL DIP er more than in the Conditions are especially favora hie, C'luah. poultry and eggs bring tar betteg prices. A.so S and 10 acres Iruit, orange or garden Wed. easy payments, Paul RotuM, S3 Pirn St Saa Ftuvuco, laL pnirtkuiaia. |