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Show ' " " ''-'- - ; f:v," --,.zri".'"! : THE BINGHAM NEWS ' " . jdj 1 WORLD'S COLF MARATHON RECORD , f I Sir 3 ) ' J r- - I I' . A'yT ;-- "; I- - - , .v rt ,7 1 Hun Kenny, anil VV. Jl. right, who started on their marathon golf chase at 4:30 a. m. and played continuously until 7:45 p. m. They played 210 holes, a walking distance of 43 miles. Their average score was 4.43 per bole. The match took place at the (llenbrook Country club, Houston, Texas. They played In a temperature that ranged from 03 to 110 degrees. Oldest Riding Jockey J Jess ' WlllardV Babe Adams, J ' IMclc Rudolph, and now comes , Iron Man McQlnnity, former J Giant, pitching for Dubuque ' J against Marshalltqwn in the Mississippi Valley league, and 0 turns In a four-hi- t 1 to 0 vie-- tory at the age of fifty-tw- But J t old Ireland wins the prize doily, - crocheted out of long gray J t whiskers, with a Dublin jockey J named Harry P.casley, who J t has been riding for over fifty J years find who recently came t t home n-- a winner on his sev-- J J enty-secon- birthday. - The Quality Car Not alone for every-da- y utility does Chevrolet represent the Ajr....Ur..w. . world's lowest-price- d quality , iteyrl car. It also meets the require- - tffiwfcnffiw ments of particular people for , those social and sport occasions when artistic proportion, high-gra- de coach work, and hand- - SUPERIOR some finish are in harmony c T ass. Coeaan with the time and place. you can be proud of your Chev- - f.o.b. rolet, combining, as it does, a ClOU Flint' high degree of engineering effi-- Wtcft, ciency with modern quality features that appeal to the , experienced and the discrim .vV-- inating. Sfel-f)- . Call at our showrooms and dis- - cover the astonishing values made possible by the esception- - fTWKsV3l al volume of Chevrolet sales. Prices f.o.b. Flint, Michigan f I'' I " SUPERIOR Roadster .... SU LXi, Sl'I'KRIOR Tourlni . . . . B2S .J I f-- T SUI'KRIOR Utility Coup , . . 689 J II W Sl'PERIOR . . . . 80 iT gJ-- i J - 81PERIOR Sedan ..... 8 ai ,LL- -j SUPERIOR Commercial ChMU , 415 C7A TJ SUPERIOR Llftht Delivery . . . 818 v(ih -- TS5, Utility Eiprew Truck ChawU . 673 CHEVROLET MOTOR CO Division Gtneral IMoton Corporation Detroit, Michigan e Meat of the "Wheat TARCH is the "meat" of the wheat berry. It J is the great energy-producin- g element of tho ratn. But, in order to do you any good, it must e thoroughly digested, and it is right here that a food as Grape-Nut- s renders special service. fill I Grape-Nut- s, made from wheat and malted barley, M I uttlies the meat of the wheat in most digestible form, 1 AM hat l because n the making of Grape-Nut- s I AVAi e PrPrtion of the starch is converted into I I y dextrins antl mMtose forms into which all starch il A elements must be changed before they can be by the system. Grape-Nut- s not only digests easily, but also ' wA " digestion of other foods. t Cf'sP.dd'C'ous Grape-Nut- s with milk or cream lift .a complete food. It supplies the life-essent- ial ', ntt vitamin-B- ; also iron, phosphorus and other im- - ' portant mineral elements for nerve, tooth, bono and other body structure. The daily use of Grape-Nut- s is a form of health insurance which has demonstrated its value for m more than 25 years. EFapeRfuiitts FOR HEALTH "Oherc's a Reason Your frooer fcat Inlerettiol detail of our offer ol orr $7500.00 for Grapa-Nu- ti Reoipea. Ask him about it; or writ to Raoip Dept., Pot turn Cereal Co., loo., Battle Crack, Mich. SEVERAL DEFECTS IN MAKE-U- P OF PADDOCK California Sprinter Is Not Physi-cally Well Formed. C'linrles PmldooW, University of Southern California and Olympic sprints chnni 'on, is a phenomenon. He is not physically well formed, and his running form is contrary to nil previously accepted rules of sprinting. That was the conclusion of Dr. Rellln da Coteou, a Paris physician much Interested in athletics, ex-pressed after he saw Paddock com-pete in the International university games held in Paris recently. "A competent physical director, after examining Paddock, undouhtedly would prescrlhe a medical, gymnastic orthnjwtllc cure," Dr. Coteau said. "One of Paddock's shoulders Is. lower than the other, the result either of a slight curvature of the spine or of a muscular Irregularity. "Ills chest Is round and his houl der blades are too prominent. lie has defective nasal respiration and breathes through his mouth most of the time. "He is plainly fat A ' swimmer might have some excuse to carry ex-cess fat, but a sprinter never. A racing horse would not be considered In condition if he carried such excess Weight. But Paddock's arms and shoulders remind one of a forty-year-ol- d matron In a decollette." ' j Western Brevities from the Many !! - I Western States i; Dallas, Texas Eleven cents, the lowest retail price for gasoline in Dallas In years was reached here In the thick of a gasollno rata war. Denver, Col". Tlneo railroad em. ployees were injured more or less 8'Tiruifily anil ono linndri-- prissonaers narrowly escape,! death when t'ninn Pacific flyer Xo. 1" left tho rails at N'ortliway, sixteen mlh-- north oi', Denver. j Anyox, It. ('.--- I.n s from a fire that threatened to destroy this town whi-- It wes Biirroimded hy tlnmlng foroBls was ttliuated at. ?IOO,0''0. Green Itiver, Wyo, l'eiur tnicl;. I;.ila (if men anil nuii Iii ievy loft (irer n Kiver for Mawnort. Vtah, where 'they will (li preliminary work on onu at tho lariat: dnms in tlie 1'nit.e'l j States. (Irern lliver, Wyo. The body of Owen Jose, who was killed in the freight smashnp was found burled beneath throe freight cars and ground into the mud and water for three feet. Sioux .Falls, S. D. Tho crowing of a rooster early every morning was th auso of the shooting to death of Eugene P.. Orlffith, l'-- here Wednes. day, according to police who have ('harles L. Ferguson, the alleged slayer, under surveillance. Jackson Adolph Zissler, the first man to brpnk through Argonaut mine here last August In sarch of the 47 entombed minors In the Argonaut dls. aster, was killed Tuesday while work, fng In the Princeton gold mine, Sfarlpoaa county, according to advices received here. He was engaged In "spitting a fuse" when he was caught tn a powder blast. Lakeport. Cal. Morgan E. Pnyne, 83, who started and operated the first ferry across the Snake river on the overland trail between Elko. Nov., and Polse, Ida. and who deeded the land for the town of Morgan ill Santa Clara county, died Monday at his ranch near here. San Diego, Cnl. A sea elephant. ald by local scientists to bo the onfy ' ono In captivity was brought to San Diego Friday and presented to the elty y.oo by the officers nnd rrew of eagle boat K. -. Although prac. tlcally an infant, the sea elephant weighs more than .100 pounds. ' Portland,. Ore. Convicted of drlv-fn- g her ear over the sidewalk and Into a plate glass store window while Intoxicated. MIsj Helen Asp. 23, was sentenced in the municipal court her to forfeit her drhing license, to give her automobile to the storekeeper In payment for his broken window, to leave tho state and in case she falls to do this and drinks again, to serve 00 days in Jail. Miss Asp left her car at the courthouse door and said she was on her way. Los AngeJes. Department of Jus-tlc- e agents visited the Horsley studio here and confiscated the motion pic ture films of the Dempsey-GibtKn- s fight at Shelby, Mont. No arrests were made. Kemmcrer, Wyo. The body of Hen. ry Sims n freluht condm-tor- , was found on a railroad bridge near here Indications were that Sims had fell from n train. Ogden.Utah Work on Ogden's pro-posed union station, which will take the place of the one partially by fire last February, will be-gin within five weeks, according to an announcement. Salt Ike City. Alfred Kllgrow 10, was fatally Injured when be was struck on a grade crossing by n Interrurban train. Helena, Mont. IClmor Thompson, a rancher living near Whltetall, was rrested and charged with lnterfer. ence with the mails. He pleaded not guilty before a United States eommlssloner and was released on $1,000 bond. I.os Angeles Fred F. McKlroy. postmnster of Goldroad, Arl, wa arrested here charged, according tc the police, with stealing eight money order forms and obtaining money by cashing a portion of them. Ogden Construction work upon the Oregon Phort Line, changes which will place Boise on the mnln lino, wlH begin at once, according to the of contractors. Ix.s Angeles A trade war between Independent gasoline dealers has re. duced the price of the fluid to V2 cents a gallon, 7 cents less than the price asked by a large company. Caldwell, Idaho Idaho potiitoef appeared on Portland markets last woek and ure bringing ?3.7.r per hundred according to reports of mar-ket specialist''. 1'oTtland, Ore. A ninht watihmnn was missing and is believed to have lost his life In a firo which destroyed the Pacific sash and door factory. The damage was estimated at ?100,000. Pasadena, Oal. David P.. Gamble, resident here ninny years and a mem-ber of the firm of Proctor and Gamble, Cincinnati, O., died here. t ; Propaganda for Thrift 5 ' Bankers Interested In the prop- - t 0 aganda for thrift might well J J read an Interview by Honest t John Kelly, old-tim- e fight ref-- eree, baseball umpire and sports-- t man. . t Honest John Kelly advises the t athlete In the height of his t money-makin- g era to save his dough to come Into middle and t 0 old age with his earnings piled ' 0 P- - 5 0 "I've seen the champions come J ' and go," he said. "When they t were young and eminent, they ' J had plenty of friends. When 0 they were older nnd their money ' J had been dissipated, the friends t of the youth had gone elsewhere. J J That they were champions was forgotten, even If anybody ' 0 cared." The Lure. It was at the Darktown Intercity Amalgamated Baseball league opening. A batted ball went over the fence. Ii stantly all hands of both teams made for the fence and scrambled over after the ball. "Why," asked a visitor, "why do all the players go after that ball?" "They ain't goln' after th' ball 'spe-cial, mister," said the gatekeeper, "but they's a watermelon patch on th' other side of that fence!" Richmond Times-Dispatc- h. MUSSELS TO BE CULTIVATED Adequate Supply of Raw Material for the Pearl-Butto- n Industry Is Object Sought. An Important step toward Insuring an adequate supply of raw material for the pearl-butto- n Industry Is being made by the United States bureau of fisheries, which, for the first time In history, Is cultivating fresh-wate- r mus-sels during the entire first year of their growth. The activity of mussel ts heretofore has been confined to getting the young bivalves well start-ed In life, during the brief period when they attach themselves to the gills and flns of fish. Now, however, as a check upon the effectiveness of their work, the fish will be kept in large wooden troughs until the mussels drop off, af-ter which the latter will be retained In the wooden tanks for a year, the better to observe and facilitate their growth. The mussels will then be planted In their natural environment to complete their life cycle. Popular Mechanics Magazine. National Park Visitors. rieglstrution of motorists visiting the) national parks In 1922 shows that there was an average of 3.45 persons per car. As some of the vehicles were roadster which permit of only two passengers. It appears that the average automobile on tour carried close to a capacity load. Panama Champion f . . v 1 Miss Alma Mann, all around cham-pion swimmer and diver of the Pan-am- a Canal zone, who will make ber first appearance of the year In Madison Square garden. New York city, where she will compete In the handicap dive for women. The fourteen-year-ol- d girl won the competition last season and etpects to repeat again. Identifying Him. "Paw," asked young Greedy John-son. "What's a millionaire?" "He's an old feller," answered Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge, "that geta shot by a lady that hain't no kin of his'n." Kansas City Star. Baseball Notes ntcher Bill Pertica has drifted back to the St. Louis Cardinals. Ray French, the Pacific Coast star, now with Brooklyn, is suffering from a sore arm. Ira Flagstead Is one of the Boston Americans' real assets, both at bat and In the field. , Virgil Barnes, minus one appendix and two tonsils, Is back In uniform for the Giants. The team that escapes a slump Is lucky, but those teams are without the tiling called "class." Manager Bush Intends to use Tltch-i- r Allen Russell as a regular starter of games In the future. In the Tliree-- I they call Umpire Lechlch "Five-foo- t Lechlch" because of his small stature. ' Rube Benton's pitching seems far better than during his last two years of service at New York. At a meeting of directors of the Nebraska State league, Dick Grotte of Omaha was elected president of the league. Utah State league Is an Independent organization, but It proudly boasts that no outlaw baseball players are allowed In Us ranks. Merlto Acosta, Louisville outfielder, now has broken both legs, in much the same manner, and wonders what will happen to him next. University of Michigan flnlsbed the Western Conference baseball race un-defeated. The Ann Arbor stars cap-tured 10 games In a row. George Gross, pitching for the Mt. Sterling team of the Blue Grass league, shut out Paris without a hit or run and did not give a base on balls, Sterling Stryker, pitcher bought by Worcester from New Haven for a fancy price, developed a sore arm and has been laid off Indefinitely. The St. Louts Cardinals are playing bout the same kind of ball as marked their work all through last season-win- ning and losing In "streaks." The rhillies have a new trainer. He Is John Lockney of Philadelphia, a trainer of pugilists and for a time with the Jersey City team, under BUI Don-ovan. Tltcher Herman Sehwarrje of the Saginaw club of the Michigan-Ontari- o league, has been traded to the Rochester club of the International league. George McRrlde, for years the Wash-ington shortstop and manager of the GrlrTmen In 1021, may land the berth as baseball coach at Notre Dame uni-versity. It takes St. Louis to keep New York on the baseball map. The P.rowns checked the slump of the Yankees and the Cardinals did a similar good turn for the Giants. a a Sherman Kelfer, pitcher sent to Angusta by the Washington Amer-icans, has been suspended by the Augusta nmnngetnent for failure to keep In condition. a a a The workmen's compensation bureau of North Dakota has ruled that um-pires as well a ball players come un-der the provisions of the act nnd club owners of the North Dakota league have to ante up premiums for casual-ty Insurance for the umpires. Sporting Squibs of All Kinds Teanls Is played all year round In South Africa. The Illinois anti-boxin- g law is to be strictly enforced In Chicago. Jack Dempsey Is an American of descent. Ireland for the first time In history presents a tennis team as a nation. During the past thirteen years, Crlqul, the French boxer, has lost only two fights. There are no fewer than 850,000 members of golf clubs throughout the United States. The old g arena at Ronda, In Andalusia, Spain, has been convert-ed Into a football field. FIrpo, the South American fighter," Is credited with having one of the longest reaches ever known to any heavyweight boxer. Because fake bouts have threatened to ruin the sport In Mexico City, Mex-ico, the board of aldermen is forming a boxing commission. In connection with this year's Inter-national rifle matches It Is expected that the Swiss squad will be among the dangerous opponents of the U. 3. team for the championship. Duke Kahanamoku, Hawaiian swim-mer, broke the world's record, estab-lished by himself, when he swam the d free style dash In 22 3-- 5 sec-onds. The previous record was 29 seconds. Heard on the Beach. He "What are the wild waves siy-Ing- She "Oh, they ore probably making some current remark." Being "vivacious" In a sour atmos-phere Is uphill work. Heimach Is Star Fred A. Helinucli, a newcomer on the Athletics, has been showing won-derful form, and of him much Is ex-pected, lie has been pitching fine ball, and Connie Mack's team will keep up In the race, if the pltchlnf staff ke-p- s up the wonderful wovk. Athletics Sensation of American League Teams The Athletics, says Babe Uuth, are going to be the sensation of the Amer-ican league race. There are others who say they'll be even more than the sensation. The Athletics are predict-ed In some quarters, not, however, by the cold, unemotional Cornelius McGll-llcudd-as winners. Something of a Joke team last year, but with promise at times, the Athletics have proved that this year they are a real combina-tion "with everything," as the base-ball players say. It takes the fans back to the year that Mack shot his great combination at his baseball enemies. Most Inane Golf Play Is Done by Other Fellow The tjiost Inane thing In golf is what tfie other fellow does. The most Interesting thing Is what one does him-self. The golfer who has no Interest In what the other fellow does, can't see why It Is so dltllcult to get an audi-ence to listen to his account of bis own golfing experiences. |