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Show Copperfield Brevities " Mrs. C. M. Coddington returned re-turned to her home in Yerring-ton, Yerring-ton, Nevada, after spending two months visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg. Miss Ellen Jensen of Sandy spent last week-end here with Mrs. W. Park. The Aid Society of the M. E. Church entertained Friday evening even-ing at a shower in honor of Mrs. J. H. Pitts, a bride of last month. Music and cards, formed the evening's entertainment, after which refreshments were served to the following: Mesdames J. H. Colyar, W. Braun, W. Mc-Nab, Mc-Nab, G. McNab, J. Ford, W. E. Scott, A. T. Kent, L. Lloyd, L. Carter, W. Atkinson, C. C. Colyar Col-yar and Mrs. C. A. Eliades. Many beautiful gifts were received re-ceived by the guesJ of honor. Miss Gertrude Colyar and W. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Adams at American Amer-ican Fork Tuesday. Alex Furlong spent Friday in Salt, Lake with his daughter, Mrs. E. Harmon. Miss Bertha Todd returned home Monday after a week's visit with friends in Salt Lake. ' Judge Cherry and daughters, Misses Winona, Mary and Louise Cherry, and Miss Mary Buchanan Buchan-an of Salt Lake, w,ere the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Knud-sen Knud-sen Sunday. Among the Copperfield folks who joined the Lower Bingham Methodists at their picnic at Lagoon La-goon Tuesday were Mrs. Todd, Mrs. G. Rolls, Mrs. W. McNab, Mrs. C. Colyar, Mrs. G. McNab, Mrs. J. Colyar and Clyde Jones. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald are rejoicing over the arrival of a son born on Pioneer Day. Misses Mabel and Ruby Knud-sen Knud-sen left Tuesday to visit with relatives in Mt. Pleasant and Fairview. The officers and children of the L. D. S. Sunday-school held a picnic Tuesday to Eutterfield Canyon. Games and races were enjoyed by the young folks and all reported an enjoyable outing. C. II. Tierce of American Fork, a former resident here, spent last week-end visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. A. White of Salt Lake is the, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cebert Colyar. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper and family of Midvale arrived here Friday to make their home. Mrs. Luella Jones of Salt Lake spent last week-end with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dixon. Mrs. C. II. Pierce entertained Monday at a children's party in honor of the fifth birthday anniversary anni-versary of her son, William Charles. Games and music were the features, after which luncheon lunch-eon was served. The little guests were seated at one long table, which had as a centerpiece a large birthday cake with five small candles. Those present were: Mary and Billy Jones, Ellen and Maxine McDonald, Raymond, Frances and Bob McDonald, Mc-Donald, Billy Davidson, George Rodda, Eileen and Mickey Steele and Lavon and Bobbie Pierce. Miss Jennie Berryman of Salt Lake is visiting hef aunt, Mrs. J. Denver. Mr. and Mrs.' W. Korous left Saturday for Salt Lake for a few days, after which they will go to California to make their home. |