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Show ledicn Ccntcris Aro Lively Affairs I T ' A pirr'ns s;'ot nt h's i;e'oib''-nn 'oes .lost before they ousted h'm rem the house of i o' l'" --nt:it:M's it i j rl e rroeivl of election i' re -n'aritles IScpreveotctive Tl "lea W . I ' -I'-rl --"ll ! remocrat. of the Sev tb Vii":'n':i -'Is-I triet. charged that the llu of Urn Ke I pi.bl!":in 1'ilit.V In h'n t 1 1 wrs I'fls- i I on f'atr-na-.-e. lie then proceeded in rend letters v Irch Ii" d -'pioved 'n-ontrnvert'l Iv" that atr n-I n-I ".'e bad been Fold there. Am'd ti e iitoiewt con'uslon 'n th" hnmher. Mr. Harrison deehl.e-l flmt riepre'inteilve ('. I'n-jco'.b S' -iot o' tht Ninth Vlr-ltila d'stih-t and llepuh-lle.-m nef'onal comm'tteen-nn. was tlie d!."i .'I'ser of nil patronage. "The ii( rde of the cnentry 'o mv nlt.vetler un'lerst:i"i '!r"in'a liejuib-! liejuib-! llcnn p'O't'e." Mr. Ila!''-?"n ex ctnliaed. bold'n'i nb.ft n ban ! 'id or I letter end cim"e!ed eh"e!, s. "It N n iMire t":'ter of piiiron:"'e anl n q-'e th-p of bow Ibev can feeil nt the p'lb He troHLr'i. I have 1 een Peit,!n- Mm-iill-cs 'i-e sold for wlmt nionev Ibere 'A ns In I!, nti'l here me the letters. "Sh'inp Is the ili'-burer of nil pal romiL-e. lie is the mini wmi has in jlvo Lla hi'l.isemunt to imybody thul applies not only In my own state hut also, as I understand. In other stales. "I picked up n fe v cheeks checks .-cm lemon, by the bushel. They an Indorsed, wnne of them by Mr. Slemp and some oi them by Mr. Howard, hi -oerrtar." It was on the heels of Mr; Harrl son's .peecli, which llepubliraus i'o scrll ed as an effort to nttacU Mi Slemp. tint the house pat ofr dehat. and oted. 'VJ to UK), t.i declare lib seat vacant. With this d nie, It vote. .'01 to !!.). to seat .John I'aul, Itepnb llean coiiies.tant. who wns hnme liat.-ly liat.-ly sworn In to M'i've until Match A Mr. Ilairlsrn was elected in Noven her. and will return to his old seat I. the new cunfress. |