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Show ''But I Think That Mr. Flynn Must Be a Thoroughbred and a Gentleman" By R. WHITFORD, Letter In Voice of People. '. I do not know Willinm S. Flynn, povernor-elect of Khod Ir-land. I do not even live in his -tate. 1 do not think mnch of his politics, being myself a Republican. But T tWnk that Mr. Flynn must be a thoroughbred and a gentleman. gentle-man. Tn an interview he is quoted as faying: "I was not born with a silver spooa in my mouth. My father was ouly a policeman, hut I was bronght up to live a clean, useful life, to honor my father and mother, to bo jugt to all men, to respott law and promote order, and I have tried to carry out thwe fundannrntals." Here at last is a man who gives tn his parent some wdit for his success! I am not a father tnyr!f or not her, either. But I am weary of the public men who about to the four corners of the earth that they aro self-made; that when aLiost infants tl.ry were obliged to pet out ami shift for themselves, that everything they have liecome is absolutely due to their own efforts. Did their fathers and mo'J.ers all die the day they were horn? Have ihry no tenderness in their hsrtr, n cGncidcratioa for the feeling of their old parents? |