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Show Wednesday. He is making a map of the many different mining min-ing properties of the camp and will not publish the unpatented claims. When finished it will be the largest mining map of Bingham ever published, Pat Hyland who has been at the Bingham hospital for several sev-eral weeks suffering from a broken leg was removed to Tiis home at ' Salt Lake City the past week. A fire started in the roof of the Butte cafe on Friday evening, eve-ning, an alarm being turned in, Bingham's volunteer fire department de-partment responded immediately. immediate-ly. The fire was soon extinguished extin-guished by the chemical appar-tus. appar-tus. thanks once more being due to the efficiency- of the boys who fight these outbreaks. Sid Jenkins of the Western Barbers Supply of Salt Lake City, Was in Bingham on Thursday Thurs-day shaking hands with many of; his old time friends. Mr. Jf enkina-4s popular Ijind ?aa- ef-ficient ef-ficient salesman besides being a capable weilder of the razor. Mrs. Jenkins also came ,out from the city and visited with relatives here. HAPPENINGS IN AND ) AROUND BINGHAM City Judge E. E. Dudley spent a pleasing week-end at Salt Lake: City-with his family. j Sam and Bill Thurber of Sail Lake City were in camp on Sunday Sun-day meeting old . time friends, Mrs. J. C. Jackson of lower Main, fell on the., icy sidewalk and. broke her right wrist this" week. - J.-, '' '' Glen Partmerter ; was sentenced sent-enced to thirty days in the County' jail for having intoxll eating Jiquor in his possession,' ' "Fat" Hill and Andy McDoni aid were charged with disturb- ing the peace the past week and. paid a fine of $10 each. ( : Jesus Marin of the Highland Boy slashed Mary Castello with a razor on Wednesday. It needed need-ed several stitches to close the gash, m-her arm. t,. . Since. Jts : organization JapSi week, the Kiwanis . club held their first meeting on Thursday Thurs-day evening at the Masonic Hall. Chief Deputy Sheriff Ade Heaston took dark McConnell to Salt Lake City where he will undergo a jail sentence of thirty thir-ty days, on a vagrancy charge. Willard Evans, a former resident resi-dent of Bingham and a member of the Town Board visited his many friends .In Bingham, the past week. Chief of Police Frank Thompson, Thomp-son, accompanied by United States Deputy Marshall "Cap" Smith to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, this week with several federal prisoners. Attorney .A; C. Cole is one of the busiest men of the camp. He accompanied Senator Stand-ish Stand-ish to the capital city on Monday, Mon-day, the senator acting as chaf-feur. chaf-feur. Gus Mirinos, for disturbing the peace at the Rex Hotel in Copperfield, was sent to the County jail, where he will eat at the expense of the county for thirty days. Messrs. J. W. Jones, J. C. Lyman Ly-man and J. W. Morris of Salt Lake City have been in camp the past week demonstrating a new patent automatic radiator cap. Mr. Jones, a former resident resi-dent of Bingham is the pantee. Pete Murano, a prominent resident of camp, purchased the Brunton property here this week. It consists of a piece of land with about a fifty foot frontage, with the right to dig back in the hill. A. Burton was in Bingham on |