Show THAT GEIN I 1 R IL IP EELING IS B fsr ot 01 RECESSION it if one is inclined to wonder why a general feeling ct cf uncertainty and worry Is prevalent spreading among small business men and in vectors a recent statement by rob ertson griswold vice president of the maryland trust company will help clear ones one s thinking powers shall those of us who have tha th final say in trust investments buy railroad bonds in spite of the threat of wholesale reorganizations and the scaling down of fixed charges 9 shall we e buy utility bonds when the gov is free to lend mon y to mu to compete with local op crating camp companies campan anies les on a red ink ba sis with the taxpayer holding the bag shall we purchase purs hase industrial bonds and take a chanca on the dobli gor corporation being legislated out of business by hour and wage regu lation or by drastic methods of taxa tlona shall we buy stocks and face possible litigation if we don t get out at the right time or shall we con tine fine ourselves to nt bonds an I 1 pray tor for a cessation of budget deficits 9 it Is this same predicament that confronts thousands and creates the general feeling of unrest dainty now prevailing going by the nama of a business recession or in true words a panic hard times or tough sledding |