Show A seamless knit on n round needle all eyes on this knitted two so summery in white or pastels it s done mainly in stock mette inette stitch with a lace stitch defining its I 1 sunburst yoke use a round needle and there 11 be nary a seam to sew or show you 11 love it in either nubby cotton yam a combination of wool and rayon t ft jk t Q k pattern or in shetland floss and of course you 11 want to wear it both with and without its matching skirt I 1 in pattern you will find instructions for making the blouse and skirt in sizes 16 18 and 38 40 an illustration of the blouse and of all stitches used material requirements quire ments to obtain this pattern send 15 cents in stamps or coins corns coins preferred to the sewing circle household arts dept W street new york please write your name ad dress and pattern number plainly GET RID OF BIG UGLY PORES PLENTY OF DATES NOW DENTONS FACIAL MAGNESIA MADE HER SKIN FRESH YOUNG BEAUTIFUL romance chasn I 1 a chance when big ugly pores spoil skin texture men love the soft smoothness of a fresh young complexion denton s facial magnesia does miracles for unsightly skin ugly pores disappear skin becomes firm and and smooth watch your complexion take on new beauty een even lh the first few treatment treatments with denton a facial magnesia Ma gnela make a remarkable with the denton haglo magic M aror you can actually see the texture of 0 your ikin skin become smoother moot br daysi day by day imperfections are r washed clean wrinkles sap before you know it denton 8 i 16 brought t you entirely now skin love Inse extraordinary OFFER saves you money tou you caa can t 17 denton a facial 11 magnesia Hag neila on the moet most liberal we have ever shaft made binm good foi for a few weeks only we W will end send you a luu 12 ox 01 bottle flail ro pric 1 plus a regular ird ailed box oi of famous laxon Mil ionia neila wafer wafers known throughout gnout the country as a the original milk of magnosia a tablets lab letri plu plus the denton maglo magic mirror g shown how you yo u what your kin skin pedal special rt st sess all U for only y 11 don dort I 1 miss ml out on thil we kabi offer write today DENTONS facial Magu magnesia csia SELECT V PRODUCTS inc no st N Y enclosed find 1 cash or tamp stamp for or which lend send me your deolal I 1 introductory a abon 0 n S street feet address I 1 city state |