Show new road comes under oil program EUREKA DELTA ROAD GOES UNDER FEDERAL AID the salt lake tribune of the past week carried an article stating that the delta eureka road was now un der the federal aid system and Is to receive funds from that source also the matter ot of oiling here at delta has been passed and the con tract for oiling from delta to cline will be let shortly after the first of july the program calls tor for oiling of just the seven miles between del ta and cline and a gutt r to gutter oling of the three blocks west of the delta first ward hall the cost will be about 18 this oiling has to be done soon on account of the sand during the summer covering up the new highway just built another bl big oiling program has ben passed between eureka and santaquin San where they are gluing going to spend about this con tract will also be let after the first of july hen funds permit the oiling from cline to eureka will be completed and also going west |