Show HISTORIC AIND scenic i SPOTS IN MILLARD saturday the writer and mr and mrs W H roberts made a little jaunt in and around those things ot of interest lying closest to us other trips will be taken to th things more distant during the summer the first place stopped at was old fort deseret and the following is s a copy of the bronze plaque on it daughters of utah pioneers no 23 erected sep 18 1937 FOHT FORT DESERET erected as a defense against the Pa livant indians in the black hawk war and completed in 18 days by 98 men wm win S hawley and isaac W pierce foremen john W rachad superintendent opening celebration july 25 1865 the tort fort was feet square with bastions at the northeast and southwest corners and gates in the middle of each side the wall were made of adobe with straw mixed bp the feet of oxen omen when complied comp leed they were 10 feet high 3 feet wide at the base and 1 feet on top resting on a stone faunda ion tion fanny powell cropper camp As this Is the official and accept ed d version all discrepancies had best be e silenced and the above accorded full acceptance from there we went back to the main road and down to the site of the gunnison massacre of 1863 1853 when indians killed 8 of 0 the gun nison party of twelve this was about for years before the mountain meadows massacre with a toll of about slain the party had lunch at the first issue of the deseret news after go ing over all the hieroglyphs petro glyphs glyphis in the neighborhood and as well discussion of them in many other locations and the accessibility of the better groups we then went to the great stone face the guardian of deseret ex acely similar to the profile of joseph smith in 1 the early 1930 s we were there at about halt half past one which Is the best time for seeing the shad aws placed just right and never have I 1 seen the outlines brought out bet det ter the similarity so pronounced or i better view clouds kept the back round from glaring making it aas er on the eyes and the mouth was perfect under the shadows at that tha t inie line the eye ridge and all the tea fea ures absolutely wonderful this vas the best conditions under which I 1 have ever seen it notch peak was in the west dis tance its top about a mile higher than the valley floor swasey peak amily seen where trilobites may be ot which high authorities place as having lived million years ago just below us on the lava flow the provo level of old lake bonne donne ille file where it had cut the hard lava n the thousands of years 9 it re bained at that level and oft off in the ast the bonneville shore level teet higher up the slope of Pa livant butte which was always an island at any depth of lake bonneville call the provo level just as a guest mate say anywhere from 8 to aay 20 years ago the bonneville level back of that guess anything you wish say 26 25 to 80 and the lava plug the remnant of erosion we were standing on the likeness of the face formed by nature at some time when the water was there but its higher portions and much of the hill above the provo level and let me ask where Is a better sermon in stone one side years ago pacific ocean here marine life playing in thai that ocean dying and be ing turned to fossil records that we today may study the dawn of dif terent ferent fossil life closer to us a closer time yet aged to give us due reverence the se quence plain the page of nature in large readable print and some yesterday an indian lookout sitting hid lu in a little nitch in in the very crown of the head we were climbing up who while he lay t ere scanning the horizon tor for en emy or friend incised a tiny hiero glop atop that head of 0 a man stand ing in adoration arms uplifted rals rats ed to his great spirit it you can beat that setting and all it conveys trot it out I 1 d like to take a look at it no better fuller sermon in stone can be found in utah than right at tl at place tor for more can be brought I 1 to the subject nature science tos fos s I 1 life pre history a freshwater lake 1 re that lake recedes overflows d ains dries up left its record and then pre historic man comes in cuts a perfectly fitting symbol and the speaker can stand in that spot and find at his elbow subject matter for oratory science geology ancient nin irin and all the higher religious thoughts so fraught with meaning to utah if a person can t rise to oratory in that setting he couldn coulden t anywhere so much for or that I 1 say and again repeat it nothing in utah beats it tor for inspiration to he igind organized following the pages of nature to mind cast into archeological frame to the mind deeply imbued with re licious ideals each will fiad find a bation unsurpassed elsewhere utah that s a pretty stiff state ment and may rouse hornets when the hub hub Is over trot the better and praise it an airplane passed over to west of us a passenger train south to the east of us and man with his sordidness sordid nees his dirt his am bivions his greatness his littleness was gain with us one change of or mind focus from B C to 1938 and in a twinkling some place from there we went over the hill to the fine group of nicely cut this side of clear lake enjoyed them and then down to emory john and his tine fine collesion colle clon cion of fossils and indian curios I 1 bad had been telling my listeners that the indian roamed all over this region and they maybe did maybe didn dian t quite believe but as wie we studied the john colle colIe clon of in dian than artifacts proof was there that he lived hunted fought raided and had every conceivable experience pos sible to pre historic man all around this region and he left his record mutilated marred clouded in places plain in others yet a record we had passed over the old stream beds or channels of the aged and meandering sevier river named at af ter general sevier we could not see sevier lake but in 1872 it contained about 28 miles of water now as dry as a whistle and of course we walked with father escalante right along his trail through here in 1776 and identified his landmark landmarks both in diary and by map can you beat it from clear lake we went over to fillmore saw the first state capt tol prowled around in its museum got its message and addled honie home feeling that we had packed one day chock full of interest topazes north the hot plug near the craters crying for a visitation the led cave clamoring for recount tion we had only scratched the surface of things and yet there are those who think this is a miserable place dreary mo no dull drab they d better go with their eleven year old mind 0 o a two bit western thriller and se see seven buckets of blood spilled in ev en ery reel on easter sunday the writer Is going to visit the indians at banch ind and revive family traditions among Us his own |