Show 31 6 W When Food sours lots of folks who think they have indigestion have only an acid condition which could be corrected in five or ten minutes an in effective anti add acid like phillips milk of magnesia soon restores digestion to normal does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals it prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating what a pleasant preparation to calel and how good it Is for the system I 1 a burning 9 dose of soda which Is but tem temporary P relief at best phillipa mil milk k of magnesia neutralizes many times its volume in add acid next time a hearty meal or too rich a diet has brought on the least discomfort try milk 01 magnesia 00 P I 1 L E pile sufferers from protruding bleeding itching or blind piles can now get relief from very first treatment by using dinty niena Q it quick pellet relief pile ointment Is a new remedy for tha the treatment of pile sufferers suffer a erg no matter how long iong afflicted guar to give satisfactory relief or money refunded before placing this pile offit ment on the market for sale it was put to the add acid test in both mild and arid severe cases never fall jn ing to produce wonderful re suits if you are troubled lel cl with piles do not experiment pet fet Q R I 1 lie ile ointment if your your drus dru gist does doos not cany it la in stock nil fill out the blank below and mall mail it to Q R OINTMENT NT MFG CO south ath east salt lake cit utah Q P co gentlemen find 1 X P 0 money order for one tube of Q it R I 1 he ile ointment to be mailed prepaid to name P 0 address on conditions that if I 1 am ELM not riot satisfied with results result s obtained I 1 am to receive money back upon returning tube to your labora tory 4 III 1 44 9 1 A 4 a f lydia E vegetable compound puts new life into me and makes my work in the store and in the house easier I 1 took several bottles before my baby came and am always singing its praises to my friends I 1 recommend it for girls and women of all ages it makes me feel like life is worth living my nerves are better and I 1 have gained pep and feel w well ell and strong mrs A R smith S lansing street st johm johns michigan I 1 |