Show AUDIENCE ENJOYS ANTICS OF HYPNOTIC SUBJECTS 1 fr o 0 professor F 11 gaston ot of the hypnotic comedy company provided the audience at the delta theatre with some good wholesome tun fun on new lears ear s night many tunny funny sit nations were brought out and the audience kept in high merriment es specially ally when some subject gave a brilliant example ot of antics while un der control the performance will be given a gain on this evening thursday jan 2nd and and it Is expected that a larger au dinece will be entertained the company intersperses vaude ville with the main subject matter of hypnotism miss ellen stephenson spent the holidays visiting her parents mr and mrs anthony stephenson mrs R 11 billings returned to delta monday evening asom marshal nebraska where she was called b the death ol 01 her father the ladles ladies ot of the delta art club entertained their husbands at a new year years s party at fie the home of mrs 0 A k the evening was spent playing bridge at twelve 0 clock a dainty supper was served cafeteria style prizes tor for high score were won by mrs T V maloney and mr C M turner miss elda smith left monday tor for Ss s angeles where she is attending school W 4 she has been the guest of r herbater her vater sister mrs dee cox while in del ta what a commentary on conditions when the best crop in the valley can cant t be mentioned because the deb tors to that company will say oh well why pay you you ve got lots ot of money and yet that Is exact ay iy the case and reflects in that one instance community thought on a vaster scale on another debt misses stella gardner and doyne underhill went to california Califor noa er or last week |