Show improvement of pastures begun ca forage specialists start work in many areas in east and south prepared by the united state states department of agriculture the task of ng rig old worn out pastures in tl e fast rast and replacing the native graces with improved im varieties of the so south 12 th I 1 Is s a job fora p of the united S 9 ates department of agriculture have un lerellen lert iken llen as a part of an extensile exten she program of pasture pa turk improvement results already ob show that application of fertilizer re seeding and getting rid of weeds are the first steps in re dalming laiming rundown run don pastures start experiments during the past veir coope operative rathe pasture experiments have in pennsylvania mid igan and beor gia gla similar ir work will be started in louisiana and mississippi next g pasture experiments in florida have been under way for the last few year other states are anxious to cooperate operate co with tie ta e deportment as soon eoon as arrin ement can be ma ie to begin the work in these experiments pirlous grasses are grazed under similar conditions and their value compared then the same grasses are grazed under differ ent conditions to determine which tern tem of grazing Is best in miny cases grasses and legumes new to the region relon are added and their growth Is carefully measured in terms of gains in the animals pastured junerous Mu Zur nerous tests designed dest ned to ascertain the kind and amount of fertilizer fertiliser liser to use are in eluded in the experiments loss during winter records from new york show that cows on pasture during the summer months returned a pi pt fit of 24 cents a day on the milk sold gold during the win ter because of the aih cost of feed there was an actual loss logs of four cents a daa da this Is due in large measure to the small labor cost of maintaining pa pastures tures res ailts in pennsylvania show that the labor cost of pro producing lacing one ton of digestible nutrients in a hay grain rotation Is 20 times as much as the labor cost cot for the same amount of feed in the form of go d pasture experiments in horldt have shown a net return of per acre from im proved pastures pis tures grazed by beef steers |