Show antiseptic treated S seed eed best insurance dont risk los lo 10 from black rot or black leg cabbage cauliflower and Bru brussels sels sprout seed should lave I 1 ave anther tic tie treatment unless the he grower Is 1 sure u that the seed comes aiom a perfectly I 1 crop sas gals the new ew york state college collee of 10 blach black rot ard black le leg 6 two of the most netious cabbage diseases are car ried with the see I 1 TI e treatments are simple ineal en sive and tal tale e little time to prevent black blac k rot dle dissolve sole one tablet of cor erosive F in a pint of flater vt ater or one ounce of the rolson oison tn in seen semen and one half halt tie tl e seed basely in cl el cerecloth ocse cese doth cloth and ilice pice t in the sol solution ution for froin from 20 to 30 in i utes stir the bundles until tit 1 the air Is removed from the cloth to make sue tie tie seed sed set get m wet et I 1 emote the seed rinse it in clean water and dry if blick leg Is kno knoon to be pres ent treat the tho seed with I 1 tot of water if it Is iq not t 0 old or Is not otherwise oth ernise weal ened so thit tt e germination might mig b t be destroyed by tl e treatment A little of the eed Q 1 l out I 1 be tre cited first and then tested to see if it will germinate if the mst of it tte e seed sprouts tie the rest loosely in small cheesecloth bags and place in water kept a al a constant temperature temper iture of degrees for 20 or 25 min utes then remove the seed quickly and plunge ft it into cold ater until it Is cooled it nav tray then be irle I 1 or it if preferred it may be planted while still slightly wet |