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Show SPENT HALF HER TIME III BED Fanner! Wife Tells How Lydia L Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound f Made Her a Well Woman Carter's Creek, Tenn. "Three years ago I was almost an invalid. I spent Tiki lit-- 1 1 1 1 I ll half f m? time fa r ! bed, being afflicted IP . "1 with a Uonhl which 'f 1 j women of a certain y Xh age are apt to have. V"j 1 took Lydia E. r Pinkham's Vegetable f V Compound. Tabled i'' ? and used Lydia E. Hf TV I Pinkham's Sanative h ' -V, '"I Wash- 1 Rm aweU JU1-s woman now and have 4 ' J?- ' been for two years. any one who ia younger and as 1 am a farmer's wife I have plenty to do for I cultivate my own garden, raise many chickens and do my own housework. You. may publish this letter as I am ready to do anything to help other women as I have Seen so well and happy aince my troubles are past "Mrs. E.T. Galloway, Carter's Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. If they are upset with some female ailment and troubled with such symptoms as Mrs. Galloway had, the smallest duty teems a mountain. If you find it hard to keep up, If you are nervous and irritable, without ambition ambi-tion and out of sorts generally, give the Vegetable Compound a fair trial. We believe it will help you greatly, for it baa helped others. :SureRelief''-:;'v;v FOR INDIGESTION fcaffiNT-S 6 Beil-ans , XAkWJ-M Hot water i s.uPI Su re Relief :8EU.-ANS Z5 M9 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE m , , , I,,,. i r ii hi r in -i - j ja'i ' -hT,''. ' ' " : ! Is Usually Due to j i Constipation j When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro- i duced in the bowel to keep ' . the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acts like ; this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. , . Nujol Is a lubricant not ' fV "i a ,ne'ic'ne r JkiSrrM Iative so f3 cannot gripe. Vl A LUBWCANr-NOT A 1J Cuticura Soap -The Healthy - Shaving Soap CURES COLDS. -LA GRIPPE in Z Hour 3 r OSCAW QUININE i Standard cold romedy world over. Demand box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and signature AtAUDcut4ist30Cenf Mn "HABLA USTED ESPANOL? (DO YOU hl'EAK ttfAMMIf) Eutly. quickly iearnad with "buobsr'a Rkp14 Self-Instructor." Haiit puatpatd for $1.40. TIMF.I.Y HINTS O. 1 185 IJnroln 1W Brooklyn. N. T. RepremntatlvM Wanted fr Thl Territory. Oeod poniUon tor ao.lve man or woman, whole r part Uma HoHltla Flaherlaa, Benttla. Waah. Help That Bad Back! ARE you tortured with constant backachetired, back-achetired, weak, ll unstrung fter the least exertion? Evening find 'on worn out and discouraged! Then ook to your kidneysl When the kidneys kid-neys weaken, poisons accumulate in the ! system and cause nagging backache, stabbing pains, headaches and dizziness. You feel nervous, irritable and "blue, and likely suffer annoying bladder irregularities. ir-regularities. Don't wait. Neglect may lead to serious kidney sickness. Use Doan'$ Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Aide your neighbor t A Utah Caae ay. m. William Nielsen, I Wi prop, of black-1 black-1 .-J?2 ""Tiif smith shop, First V? i vA, Bouth and First I V P East Bta., Mantl, .1 j&V Utah, says: "My "HtJCJ5IX back ached and FNlf?9 when I stooped ?yj 1 ;i I could hardly Ol .liyv -T Btralghten. Sharp f3iUi 1 Pns stabbed ma tlM"Mr r through my back IftVi::" Sat the slightest tS2? - mve- My dnejr; mmr were weak and the secretions passed too frequently. I uaed Doan's Kidney Plus and soon fett like myself again." Cat Doan's ai Any Store, 60c Boa DOAN'SIV POSTER .MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousand of women have kidney or bladder trouble and aover suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to b nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result ot kidney or b'Hdr disease. II the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, con-dition, they may cause the other orgaos to become diseased. DON'T DESPAIR if you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage of urine, you will find relief by regularly taking LATHROP'S j Tht world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland sinca 1696. Threa aizas, all druggists. Guaranteed. I Look for th nam Cold Mdl on ovary boa and aceapt bo imitation You may suffer pain in the back, head-ache head-ache and lose of ambition. ; Poor health makes you nervous, irritable irri-table and maybe despondent; it aukes any one so. , , . i rL hat hundreds of women claim that Ur. Kilmer's Swamp Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just tha remedy needed to overcome such ooni'l-tinns. ooni'l-tinns. '" :- Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp Root, the (treat kidney, live nd bladder medicine, will do fir them. By pnclnning ten rents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Ringhamton, N. Y., you may receive sample sam-ple size bottle by parcel post. You can purchaxe medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. S crX'T HKPTlf IN KKBT IOX 'KRnM'l'A''l a n.."ll-tl in.. white eream IhnKl.i wondnn tt t complexion. loi.nrwi ln.riK.t-tiaO-h, plnipl-,ro!":.'io- , ""t-fnl ""t-fnl faR bixni'h. WhII si A t hM iWKl.ur pa, c, h, Bf v CO.. "Wm avw. CMitanc towr. Pure to aw s wlr. Make "' '""' """ t Ju. At U g.l dnlKKl". r.U. or lir'l j froB Hl.hblU fcI.LW. .l.cailu. M uiylus, ffuo. Peautiful Eyes.like fine .Ui"rM Tth, te ihn r.:u!t of Cnnnnnt If ' v Cure. Iht daily w of M""n .;: . J r-akrs I:ve -'Wr nd Ra iint. " : fiilorable. llm.u.r. fiolj and H- i lUccranveruled by All DtuagUW. ' '- |