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Show - - - - ; - Tme Bmgeaam WEWi '" l ffll,IMM'll,ll"lll,MIII"f1 VOL1-- . BINGHAM CANVON.UTAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1922. ' Ng 31 J Joe Data Freed on j Murder Charge Joe Data of the Highland Boy who shot and killed Tony Santa Ferrara on Columbus Day was freed on Wednesday by Justice of the Peace E. E. Dudley. The shooting followed a quarrel ? which was caused when Tony : Santa Ferrara became too fa-miliar with Mrs. Data, she was the only eye witness of the shooting. C o u n t y Attorney George Cannon looked after the case for the state. Attorney A. 1 C. Cole plead the case for Data and worked strenuously on hi3 behalf. The "Unwritten Law," was the ground on which Mr. Cole based his principal argu-- - ; ments. Central Bank of Bingham Friendliness and Mutual Interest are manifest characteristics of our Association with our customers. We invite you to make full use of our facilities and com-- plete banking service. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $70,000.00 , V v..., JJeromnie The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where yon can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS, FISH and FOWL-- 1 PHONE 5 ALWAYS THE BEST SSI ' "TLOOK IT . . OftX - ou can' always Judge a pf) k00 ky its cover and you srfJfaj$-- - fMjjL may tnmlc tnat coa' 3 clean gSyfjft TTjYK) Rd without dust .or slag. '"' ' Jf ) f when you buy it-r-b- ut the mi. 1 -- 4jr burning. tells the tafeW Our.;. I jT) f fofflM. nteh. grade Liberty or Utah I rw. 'fyJJi fflwAJ ue' coa 3 wel1 screened and, ' ; fiTljSfcX ltf, cleaned, and burns with a Wit JkNi brightness and heat that will 4f-- - cok and heat when wanted, v wnen yu buy it at the Citi-zen's. Citizens Coal and Supply Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah JACER'S PLACE CM. Gregory Prop. Serve the Best of Everything Soft Drinks and Eats Phone Wasatch 2881 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 1 7 WM. BOLAND, Mgr. Main Of-fice, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 646 1 When You Know Us and We Know You Kindness and Courtesy are wonderful business , builders. Many "persons would be surprised to know that the growth of th:8 institution has been largely due to the recommendations of its friends. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH . OFFICERS L. S. Gates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong 1st Vice Pres. C. E' Addcrly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier KJKXciy Jn your subscription... fll Kcr j VWH "JOUR AMOTION M 60 IwhuHllS Wtt-- H n BINGHAM AND SALT LAKE WEST HIGH SCHOOL BAT. TLE FOR HONORS Tuesday night at the Bingham "Gym," the Bingham high school first team defeated the first team of the West High School of Salt Lake City. The West second team defeated the Bingham sec-onds 22 to 12. The line ups were as follows. Bingham's first team, Garthwaite, Greathouse, Stillman, Thomas, Marriott, Sid-dowa- y, Rimby and Chiara. The Salt Lake first team were Christ-enso- n, Bai, Higertobler, Carman, Braden and Harvey. The Bing-ham second team were Contralto, Butterfield,. Stillman, P. Allias, Bodner, Wright, Creedon, Scus-sel- l, Adams C. Allias and Vietti. The Salt Lake second team were Nott, Lunt, Hill, Millett, Watson, Cavanaugh, Burnside, Crismon and Lloyd. A large number at-tended and thoroughly enjoyed the game. BOXING CONTEST FRIDAY LAST HUGE SUCCESS ' i The boxing contest given at last proved one of the biggest last proved one of the bbiggest attractions that Bingham has had in some time. Dixie Kid and Domineck Tapper battled to a six round draw. Although Tap-per was more aggressive in the clinches Dixie Kid's left proved to the Bingham boy that he had a dangerous weapon to contend with.' Joe Delaney and Frankie Jtean fought six rounds to a draw. Dean proved in close fighting he was a capable man but Delaney had more than an even break at long range. Clyde Oliver was given the decision over Allen Petersosn after a four rounds of fast boxing. Shorty Peterson knocked out Rosie Ray in the second round of a four round scheduled bout Peterson substituted for Keesaw. , . The curtain raiser was three fast rpunda to a draw between Fernley Baker and Jerry Hurley. Another big contest will be giv-- n on the 12th. UTAH COPPER MINE LISTED AS WORLD'S GREAT- - EST MINE If the "Bingham News" were , asked the question "What is the greatest Mine in the World," na-turally one here in Bingham would reply, "The Utah Copper Mine," but when a query from a subscriber is put to the Engine-- , ering and Minging Journal-Pres- s of New York comes out with the following statement, then Bing-ham should be proud of her Copper Mine in its midst. The standing by having the Utah New York Journal says "It is ex-ceedingly hazardous to give a of selection that can readily a subject of controversy, there are many enterprises not only with regard to ilist of operation, but also with to the particular that had to be overcome." Utah Copper Company , . Bingham Cayon, Utah is a gi-- "gantic mine operated by steam shovels, it is one of the most successful copper mines in the t world, despite the fact that the j copper content of the ore runs I generally less than 25 lbs. per tone. Bingham Society Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dean and daughter Barabara prominent citizens of Bingham will leave next week for California "where they will make their future home. Mrs. Dean was formerly Miss Vera Chiara. Mrs. Maragret Lenssell and charming daughter Lena were Salt Lake visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerrans were Salt Lake visitors on Sat-urday. Guy Bolognese a former resi-dent of Bingham, came out from Salt Lake City to look after his business interests here on Mon-day, y "Slim" Thomas, "Tuff"; Still-man, and "Kewpie" Anderson at-tended the State theatre at Salt Lake City on Saurday last. They say the girls there are sure dan-dies. ) W. E. Collins was a business viitor at Salt Lake City'on Tues-day.... tRuth Rebekah Lodge No. 7 held their regular meeting Tues-day night after' which cards were played. Miss Levetta Stew-art winnig first prize and Mrs. Nepple took the booby prize. A four course luncheon was served to about 25 members. Mrs. Sarah Bracken enter-tained at dinner Sunday Miss Elenora Wright of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Ray Gumble, Mrs. Hazel Myers and Geo. Bracken. Table decorations were white chrysanthemns. , BINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL NOTES "The Coppertoian" Goes to Press The "Coppertonian," the new form of a publication of the Bingham School, will soon be ready for distribution. This year the publication is of a different form than those issued other years. It will be on the order of a magazine and will be issued quarterly. "The Coppertonian" will consist of thirty pages made up of several different depar-tments, including Literature, Athletics, Humor, Society, etc. So that it is promised that all those who-- subscribe for- - the "Coppertonian", snail be "greatly pleased. The Staff, to which the "Cop-pertonian" is indebted, is" as fol-lows: Edward Viette, Editor-in-Chie- f. Vera Liljeroth, Assistant Edi-tor. Leonard Miller, Business Man-ager. Lamaure Marriott, Athelic Manager. Russell Anderson, Advertis-ing Manager. Nettie Robertson, Literary Editor. - Velva Van Tromp, Cartoonist. John Creedon, Joke Editor. Clarence Ball, Exchange Edi-tor. Ruby Knudsen, Assist. Adv. Manager. Those wishing to subscribe for the "Coppertonian" address com-munications to either Business Manager or Editor-in-Chie-f. The annual Senior Hop will be given at the High School Gym-nasium on December 15. One of the grandest formal affairs of the season is promised by the Class of '23, who are busy mak-ing arrangements for the affair. The Class has decided to get Kinney Bros. Orchestra of Salt Lake to furnish the music for the occasion. SO HAIL, everyone, tret your glad rags ready for December 15 Don't forget. 1 BINGHAM HOSPITAL PA- - TIENTS RECOVERING Dr. F. E. Straup, mayor of i Bingham, is able to be out of bed and altho he will be compelled to nurse his left arm for some t time his many friends are glad I to see him on nis feet once more. I Pat Hyland will be in bed for I some time with his broken leg, he is pleased to say he is getting along nicely. Bob Rudelich who was injured at the Bingham Mines last week is recovering slowly and would be glad to have some of his Austrian friends visit . him at the hospital. - "CHICK- - ADDERLEY HELD UP. Charles Addlery, of the Bing-ham Garage, was held up on the Redwood road on Monday night whilst returning from Salt Lake City. - When he noticed another machine coming. up behind him he drew his car toward the left side of the road to let is pass by, but as he did so the man on the left of the second car drew a gun on him and compelled him to stop. As Adderley complied he was ordered to get out. The ban-dits then took his machine, a Nash, and fifteen dollars which he had tossed on the floor of his machine and left. The care was lattr recovered at Granger. BIG BASKET BALL MATCH ON MONDAY NIGHT The Copper Basketball Team will battle for honors with the O. S. L. team of Salt Lake City, on Monday next, at the Bingham , High School "Gym," to com-mence at 8 o'clock. The Copper team has many admirers and it is expected they will give the Salt Lake team a run for their money. Shipment of Ore from the Bingham District This Week United States Mining Co. 46 carloads. Utah Apex Mining Co., 23 car-loads. Bingham Mines Co. 8 carloads. Montana-Bingha- m Mining Co., 7 carloads. Total 84 carloads. MRS. WATE PETROCCO GRANTED DIVORCE AT SALT LAKE CITY Before Judge M. L Ritchie of the Third District Court at Salt Lake City on Friday last, Kate Petrocco of Bingham was grant-ed a divorce in her suit against Joseph Petrocco. The woman testified that Petrocco had hurl-ed dishes after her and that once he threw a glass filled with wa-ter at her. She also charged he had struck her and rendered her unconscious. Try Abeto. In the Friend Illchardaon guberna-torial camp they are still laughing over the letter of a man who Uvea In Mojave, who wanted to know what Richardson really stood for, before he cast his vote. Among other matters taken up was that of the state roads, which Itlch-ardHo- n made one of the prime Issues of his campaign. Regarding this sub-- - Ject the gentleman from Mojave wrote : "Our minister says the road to hell Is paved with good Intentions. I'lease don't get your locutions mixed and try to get awny with thut kind of a road In our district." Ios AngdeS Times. DOMINIC TAPPERO BING-HAM BOXER AT MANHAT-TAN CLUB MONDAY NIGHT ' Kid Tappcro of Bingham de-cisio- Eddie Douglas a Salt Lake boy in their four round bout at the Manhattan Club at Salt Lake City on "Monday. Tap-pero- 's continual aggressiveness and his heavy work while in the clinches were too much for Ed-die Douglas outboxed his man, but Tappero when in the clinches wore Eddie down. The third round was the only one in which Douglas had a shade, while Tap-pero took the fourth and a shade in the first. Her Pleasure Spoiled. "Alice used to be fond of shopping, hut now she does all ber buying by telephone." "Yes; she snys she can't bear to st-- e how little she's getting for her money." Boston Evonlrg Trnnrrlpt. |