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Show : . THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH iVZL Communists on Way to the Penitentiary fc 1 r' IV J"- - ' ! V y1 i Most of the 18 members of the Communist Labor piirty who were convicted In ChlcoRO two yet s ago of I0Iatlr1g the Illinois esplonnge net surrendered to the sheriff the other day and were promptly taken to Jonet or the county Jail ; to begin serving their sentences. Here are Joe MIesler, Harry Slilipman nnd Charles Crumblen with a guard leav-ing for the penitentiary, ' This is your corner. Make use of it for your information on questions that are puzzling you. It will be my pleasHre and privilege to answer care-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. Your questions must be limited to two, ana your full name and address must accompany each letter. For special information send stamped envelope. All communications will always be held in absolute confidence. . All letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink to Helen Bre&ka. Rsix 1545' Salt I.ak CAtv , - 2 7 Der Friend: "Jut Betwn Von d Me" is reljr mn intCTcetins eorner. I mm jtewtemew ani wi)l k d tf yon M fornWi mte th I itertre. 1 ra BMiiTW d k tw babkn, kat rtOI tar M t a7 oM Urn mbc "oJ vwoh. Caa Xo ptea a4 aw th wHs ta tbfl md "P? LIM1 Jac" aaa to fix aaeai aairtM "ta tba Bonn f Taa Hock Tw.ukW'J Thrne a pWtea win aaaMl mrr aT oastrvaalai If rtaiii4 ta ta Prartn Ncwa at Pnston, Maka. Taaaaiu rn In atfvaJMa, ai kaptnc 1 aaay auD aaaka, 1 reauta, Tama traly, MBS. WILTORD HANRtK. Mink Ciwi, Wa. I have b roennaTaa aVsin a4 akay wiB aaaear karc the oy flnt tiaw m kaw apoae for tkeai, T If I krt to kaca 7" waMiac too leas will aaad tbem by matt to yaw aettms. I mm iade4 vkad ta kaow yoa mmi hypfu and tntetentiac t tkluca la aoy f, and (till ate alad that yaf fctWa and aama kave sot taken the soatty sad Btnak from yaar aaol, aad hope tbcaa v!H Inaieasa a to yaan' w ky. Dear Viae Braeka: . I recetvad yaor aaswen to my last qoeatlaM and they helped aoa very math. Would yaa phsaoc aanwer a few ejaesiians tnr ne aswiat (1) b It proper to (o wtth the hoys at aiy agre? I am aeventeea yean oW. Is K proper to K iHh a hoy that la ane year yannaer than yeinrseHT (2) 1 waa bora la Jaataxry; what ia my ioeky day, nmaaer and aokT (3) hi there any aaeciAed aaeetBini; far the name Lila? What is the iacky aaaiaar, stone aad months t (4) I am net fronw ta achanl aaw : I baw gTadaated aat mt the eiahth irrade and weat to one year of hbrh school. Waatd you advise as to what ta da T I am worhtna Dear Miss Breaks: (1) I am vary lonesema aad am leeklnc for something ta occupy my apare thowrhta and time, Th athcr day eoma one aaM; Tied a kakby. flad a kokby. And kobky f Dot 1 caa sot tad eac Caa yea kelp me. Was Brooks t (2) I waa Vara aa April It, 1HS, I thbik 1 waa Wa aa Fsiday bat aa aat aare; What day waa I bora aa and what are my lucky aaeatha, day and aetamT I aaemae a thomaaa taaaika, they are tavbible as do not let them asaawa.commas crttttakott. ITow faslaaata yaa arc to bava time far a hobby, tt ssama Imaaasfbla far aaa ta engceM aaythinc, not kaawiaaT year dlupaiHisa or thsjat tails Mca. Of crane yaw bobby mart ba samethmc that win Improve yaa meatany and physMaHy, aa I aaa think of awthmc bev-to- r taaa tba atady af soma aofcjost which yea are smiemly hater estrd In. By aeaovkine yaor mlad ran vriO ftad fketa hi acme eae thms which ts eaaamyms yaw asmd and ta which yon saw aasaa kstetmatd than aaycMng ehw. Whea yaa haras kseatrd what this K bcata a sort of "lsnait" work. Bearck far avary thing whieh baa a kcarlns ia any way open this subject There la a parael past library here Whera for a amen membership fee yaa ean have hooka maSed out to yen to read and then return. Ct the habit of writing your thotajhts aa paper, aad who knows hut what yon might aonwthne write a aeries af articles on yonr "hakbyMT If I bava given yuo any food for thought aad can ba of for-th- er ajmhrtaaaa to yon, write me. (2) You were bara aa Thursday ; ynur lucky months are Jtre aad Jury, your day hi Tueaday, and yrar flower the Amaryllis ; yew colors pink and white. Am im I gathered up all the thanks, and thank yen. There are dozens of dlffereat itylea a&aa tarbth) from which to choose. THE TITANIC. Within the dungeon of the detp, There sleeps the queen of all tha seas, Who swung assurance at the sweep Of ghostly peril on the breexe. And dared the elements to ply Their angered forces at her head That she mirht battle and defy And lol one battle left her dcadl ' ' With- - all the graces of a eourt She slipped the tethers of the tide And glided far from out the port That bound her power and her pride., ' And with the promise of her yenth And all the future in her sway. She strode in triumph over truth " And tossed the danger with the spray t Within, her heart was great and gay, Without, her sinews stretched in length. The very heavens seemed to play Beoide the pulses of her strength I And throws the day and through the nlgiit Of hiltewed pleasnrc undismayed. Her throb af fervor set ta Iiht The toll af fear, and fear obeyed. Peace I While tba even watoaa alide By ejuirt stars from aigkt to day; Peace I While the measured bean stride la swift descent open their prey ; And these in abraaded sfleaee aaeaia The stealthy espiea of the aaa. Whose froaen mask afar eaasanas The dark decree of acstfaay. Feaee! While the miracle af man Yet ties her lag in majeaay t Pease I While she breathes bar faaal spin Serene oato eternity ; Aad thest-Ho- M metTled kaell af aoem, The aaek af fate, the riven rod. The si as aato the gulf of vioam, Aad lac the very toach of God! A thcaewad hves embosomed arc Baacath the wonders 0 the wave, A thoasaad spirits vanished far Beyead the waters of the avava; And snakaa in that solemn keep, - The carcass of a vessel vert. Where only the weeds aad akhca creep Aaw ne the pert-hol- of the past I No marble monolith may mark. Brave aeas I the traces of yeagr doom. Where bat the caverns of the ahark Betura the echoes af the tacah. And hut a brcbaa ba!k of steel Crashed in the sea's eternal bed. Shall tell the distant agea atiH Where tender hemafre may be ted. And yet, abeat that shattered abea ' ' ' Whose glery erumbted ia aa hear, The waves may wind a eorai spell And weave a peem mte power. Until the hearing depths of slime - Aad etimciEg beauties of the deep Shell held a monument sublime Unte your ceremented sleep. And here, since every sorrow swings I Some aetc of beauty an the tide, Aad aat a dark despair but briaea A feeble glimmer to abide. Bereaved, benumbed, all heart mar fold About the courage of the dead. And boner strength that died carened Ta yield the weaker, life instead. Aad while the winds and watere merge an meurnful recuiem of sitcta. Aad cheat a great eternal dirge - Of for regret unte the skies. The wave af all tha ages still Shall sweep the reef of memory, And yearning breakers carve aad thrtU la manit of your eulogy I M. C. Lehr. Bear Mhw Brooks: 1 aaa a eeaatant reader of the letters "Ba ween Yea and Me,!' and 1 have been vary mkvested la them. I weald be very gtad if I eeald enter bite the eeraerj I have f"t eweaticaa I would Ilka yea to acmwar for me. I was bora December the Ares. pe2. Can yba teO me which arc my rocky msactis and days T ' V I hadat told yon the year I was boin. how aid weald yea Judge me to be by my WsmtT Hoping yon hare aeaaaa af eueeces In year wark, I ana, . 6.. Utab. Clad to welcome you, my deer. February aad Jaae are soppmed to be hseby months r yea. aad Thesvday the dap, wfceVs the garden asoae h) yew newer, aad year colors pre awM, red aad avera. My dear gtrl, a letter each aa yean might ba wtrama bp baiuterda ef awls between the agea af tea and twenty, aad the a aj eftaa veap ataalar. too, so tt h very mach af a "gaase" when I attempt to toB yea hew ahi I tktok yam meght be. at a b where I am leaning a good t.jde: in another year I wSl be able to ge and work in the factory where I will get gaed wages. B) Please soad me a list af games I could play at a birthday party, (e) Phase tell me hew I could fix any hair. ' Lai time I dlda't send my age, hot I did this time. (7) Is it proper to receive preseate at Christmas or oa yonr birthday from boys yea are well ac-quainted with, and is It proper ta send pres-ents la return t Thanking yea ta adiataee, WiKDA, Utah. (1) Yes, Wanda, at aeventeea it fa aaite proper far yea to go eeeinienaBy with a boy friend. Jt all eVpeeds aa yea aad the bey rafaevstrd whether he 6 eae year yeaager ar older than yourself. (2) For eae hern ta January, the hwhy any hi said ta be Satardey, the meatha Harts aad November, the solars garnet, silver, gray, brown aad black, and the lower the aaew-dre- (3) I And ne especial meaning for the name LIU. (4) Yon knew so muck better than I what yen can do. my dear, bat tt Is always advianbla to ge to aeheol Jnwt aa laag as yea caa. K weald surely seem beet far yea to fma hfch school at least, If yea possibly aaa. Lock of edeea-tio- a fa a handicap all mreewh fife, aad yea foel this lark more and more aa the yean e by. ) It Is difficult to eaaeaia a game properly without takiag toe mweh epaee, amd as yon have eversb-ppe- yew Mmrt af cjasa-- tions by Ave I will have to refer yea to the games deseribed ia hart week'a paper. Thai applies to anmber eta ems. f?) It fa aever proper to receive w gree preaeaai af mine to beys. H vea are eld friends aad wkk to sak gifts aa beeka, pencils, eta., it fa quite proper. I am happy to have besa ef service to yea, Dear Miss Breaks: We bava been reeding yen earns Ur eeaee Dear Miss Bracks: Will yea please And me the words to the title "A Maa's Aaswer to a Woman's Ones-tton- ," tf yea can. I will be greatly eblired and for which I with to thank yon in ad-vance. We get seme valuable Information from reading your little corner from time te time. Yours very truly, C. B. LAYTON, Kaysville, Ut Are yea quite sure this is the correct title to the poem yea Wish? If so I am unable to locate it for too, far which I am extremely sorry. It la neeeaary to have the correct title, the Amt line or the author to snceeaa-full- y And a poem. I am happy to know you are being beaefiMrd by my comer, and If yea ean give me any further informatioa regard-ing this potm I will be very glad to do every-thing possible to And it for yea. Dear. Mtsa Brooke : We are tkbteea years af age and would Ifltc to know hew long-t- o wear ear dresses, and what are the latest striae. Pleeae answer in the next 'Times.' Yeora truly, J. W. aad J. 8. So hroeh depende en the individual as to height, siae, etc.. that R fa difficult to my last haw long a girl ef thirteen sheutd wear h- - dresses. Just below the kneea would be a fair rule te go by. A few of the "Intesf Meaa are the long waist, the full skirt and the eld fashioned bertha, not foregetting the large, decorated aleeve either loose at the wrist or held by a eoff. Sorry I eeoid cot get your answer ia the lent hame. Always send your names. It tasurea yea marc prompt service. Dear Miss Brooks: Wa are ante thirteen years of age, and would Hke to knew tf K h proper to ae with time and have been very toterwted. WB pwa please amrwer tbcaa qacriieaaT (1) Baw earn yea make divinity wrtheat artng eeaa ayrawT (2) la tt possible to be aeaHy ta save aa ' 1(. T (3) Bow ean yea make a bey aateseseed ta you? U) Hnw caa yea net a date when yon want tt t W) Hew fa tt proper to accept when a boy aska yea te go eoma pkect ) After yen entertain beys, fa It proper ta gave aaother party bclere they tPtttra the pavbyt (7) Is tt peeper to car a bey aa the tolcpheacT (K) If a boy easals a kiss areas a girl, sheeld she be effoaeVd ar hew should sac art at what should she sayT Thanking pea, we ' Mt 'to"l fl) I have not let located a rectpc for cUvhtity withcot using cera cymp, end when I ae IT tend It right along. (J) I do act think ae. my dears. Imagination plays yea many bricks In this respect about this timr, hut don't take any ef them aeriemuy cj) Oh, dearie me. how ean I tell veal By being miht say. (4) Yaa eaaae-h.a- ya, "7 rr,11- - ) to ge with him. him for the Invttatioa aad aril him yea will he wry M te ge. f) Ton co.td scarcely "connt" partim. eenhl peat Yea have nsore ttmu ,M hey to yonr party and yea eouW hardly capeet lhm an to petara In ttae manner. tve a party whea yea nst venieatly aaa, ieraraes aa to whether yea owe" ., ., ma. (7) Nc, net to make a practto, f (OH ae, cary when at fa reuDy eaesesry. it) If nfce vnv sk( mti . would be efemd by each aa I , pt-- t lit ooW hew in enaaec A srhrt sneuld ae conduct herself that taece a laid he ae thought on the boy's part that be eaea take suck Hbrrtiee with her. Dear Visa Breehs: Tfchi fa my neeond attempt at writiag yea ami I know my questions will be answered jurt as satislaetorUy this time as the Arrt. (1) What wl wanove gseonc rporn tema waft-rpe- r? (2) rieaa. fcfl me ef seme . young girl aaa earn money. 3) What weeM yea suKgeet an auitnble gkft 2mam f. .u frWT.4,7 Iteping 1 havea't aaaed van . mush bother, I remain. BLTJS-EYH- MamaJ. Ut. Clad to welcome yea asrata, Blae-re- s. 1) Te mbmvc greane tim tsom wal)-pen- rr mahe a thlak peats ef powoVred plpeckiy er Preach chalk and water, ftpiwad tktrhry en the treen rrt and k tt acamia for sevenm dnya. Bruh e, and K gay af the nmt rsatw, ,ppry pac again. A nether method fa to take nrv-en- d fsUs af blotting payr aad fay ever the pot arr.d rhwe a hot iron ever the bk.ttlng paper until the pne l rrmavrd : move the blotting pnper several times, aa In fbs. way it will absorb the greaw more quishiy. (2) Se much eVpc ads ppon yoonetf, my drsr, thnt t can scarcely s.Mwrt 1 do not knew your egc er yonr qualifications, and the pemihlTirioa in a wmall tmn are very limltrd. Had you thought of taking suhir.rlption to ix..nlr mngasfnes or ord.-r- s for a stable c..mPany? (Rj Something whlrh you make Usy fo much mnre rcprti.ble than what ou bay. w why nr.t a i.r. tty unKenrhed ai.mn with the colored apnlinue i,r Mme pretty "underthinK." fri.m camijols t f:ir..ty gsrti-r- ? uic Bnya. aaa weuM Ime to haew hew eld girls should be before getting married. Yours reepeetfoiry, Th aad MA. Wen. Pa amd Ma. I aaa tell pea what yea theald be eVteg new aad per art least three more yearn, aad mat fa etodytng. Have year mind ee fall ef erady aad the dartre to excel In yonr arheel work that three fa not (be least epeea to ttmk about beys aad marriage. Pardon me If I tell yen that the petimrnmhip and eeacpativlea ef year letter strongly In-dicate that this fa eseetly where year mmd houtd be. V yea ee devote year time and stteattoa to theeebia aad efferts for toe 'mptevememt af yeavaelvea ta ne) way, yea vill be maeh meec capable ef awawertag thoe amc qameime morh mere aatmracWfig to voaseeivm the. I , ,, do, aad wiB w maeh am werlhy ef the poaitlea of a helpmate amd kamrmakm. Dear Mim aWba: 1) I afceald rma to hear yeur crmiea as o what fa the proper aad not accredited oursc to adept whea eae has bea crowd n love. (t) Hew mag I cbtcin a sweet nd lovable dispnehiear I have tried to be heerfnl whea tret arhiag U the morning, --ut anmhlng h Im to happen to change i piaaa befeec the day fa done. Ple, sn. wer qeeieaa at year meet cenveneient Theakmg pea to advaarc, I remain i devoted reader to year moat mWu biferma. iea. Yeara truly, MARCH, Springvfllc Utah. (?) TT.I1, rry dear, 1 tef'.ot fee Most preper end aeercdited" ceuc to pumuc ia s ewe ef akfa ktod fa te "rhtht about, faee." mfle. aad imancdiatery fergct all about tt. bnew would be an awful thing to really take aaytkiag ef this kind seriously, and let tt epeU yea. ee wkea a really, truly nice maa came aleag yna would be ee for-er- n aad attcrly taapo-sibl- c. that he eonld net care for yea at all; wouldn't KT (2) ro. haew. . U W p,,! awm t h, .fflirted wrth a irc , he cross and early In the crip awraa. aa tf yea caa ward It eff satil lamr to the dee-- wen. fr ye. as. dam, quit marbe yea eaa ahto a whale day. " Aad, pea knew, mmcthmc a alwaye bappsatog m evsifsiia. tf aVy will ana let tt. all hi en beahare a. it to et tt. II fa s.ms.mimg fa .Wrc to weakly abaatt ta the taaaetottea to de the mg whieh we kaew fa we.net, la Be matter whet rerm that temptotiea eomea, vklek amani us grew big aad Sac and loving end aereu.i e al with whom we eemc te contact. If hi sceme to be year weakness --to let thlnir emes yea aad make yen amoving end oulov-abic-th-ana must riec bs your strensrth ef the right aad everceme It. Thai Is tiic anly way tt eaa be deae. dearie, e let's start new. Thaaka fer year aUc IHtle compliment. Dear Miss Brooks t I enjoy reading "rMween Yon and Me" very maeh. Will yea peu. armwer some qnwtl'ins far me? Cea yeu tell me snmethlnif thnt will darken the eyebrows and syt inrbo t CouKl I dye (hnaf fa vanKhing rrram harmful to the sklaf Abe peelish th- - wonh to "Iwn By the rHJrT Ki RrsnO- -. TlmriMa yr,u m advaaea. I am yeun trgly. rrTSCKU.Ts Sprlnsrvme. Vlh. Yc-- eaanct eye the ami eye Inshn ruccewfufly. The cytirew pr;'s ,w u.t, te dark. thm. Ym, vainhlng rr.nm r. narajful, as it rl., the pores ,ml c;, h!.irkhead. Is "Down l.g the unwry ! i .irV' a songT I dc- n4 f!nl it u... Could rou gl me the name .' SENAICfc FOR A DAY hi'rt rJJ'X&Z All -iv .5 , fy X r ' ? 1 , ' if ,--j V: Mi 7' : " ' --JK s r - ' ?: a!?'e11'Ki. or Mrs. W. It. Feiton, the lady from Georgia nominated to flit the unex-pired term of the late Senator Wat-son, being assisted down tha steps of the United States eapltol bj a news ptiper ninn. Mrs. Pelton claimed the right to be sworn In and seated, and Senator-flee- t George agreed to waive the presentation of his credentials for one duy, In order to enable Mrs. Feltou actually to serve. Well Be at the Big Live Stock Show ' a "Nt. V ' fi j 1 1 - - - - m. JCfciiNSn wn.M1. .nil nil. .ii 11.1 il w nwiwn ,in(lmiil,iMr.,.n,wwilwni All over tho country raisers of flue live stock are giving the final touches to the animals they are sending to the International Live Stock show, which will be held In Chicago Pec. 2 to 9 nnd which promises to be the biggest thing of its kind ever held. One of the exhibits and his pretty friend are shown above. HER VOICE AMAZlS . h zf k 'A & rv grift; Marion Tuiley, the fifteen jear-nl- t daughter of a rttllrimd telegraph operator of Kansng City, Mo., who bad her voice Judged by Otto Kahn. chair mnn of the board of directors of the Metropolitan " Opera company, New York, and Director Giullo (Jatti-Caienr- .. xn, and iimuzed the opera conductors by her wonderful lyric Boprano. She was advised not to apjear tiefore public audiences for at least three years and to study under a good teacher. Mr. Herrick Shoots at Rambouillet lrtrt(iiirtfiiiiaiiwiiiiiiiliijij.ii'- la The American, British, Spanish, and Italian uuihassndors to France were the guests of President MUlerund tt the first oflkiul huntliiK at ItHtiihotilHet, hunting grounds of the French government. United States Ambassador Myron T. Herrick Is pictured here at the meet. rot mmsim m Kim The Medmai Cengrem reeeatty held tn Paris, Prance, endersed the Inhalation of mccTleated vapor Ss2r m 'he only prae-T- T 4ir rVal meana f fj treaaiasr taker- - f eoieew. Oar ays-- I J I torn ban been tur-- I caaeTeaVy naaVl in ' nftT ' T"rfcwa parta of ilL I1 I tha UaMed Sfatee ,";Sf? with wonderful Uh'i"f 3 bsasflsejj ramiw, IJ 'f:! J m the triment J' c f.f, I t Taiwieulesla 'L P fill 5 A- -u km gjl i nJ fcL I Yea toant your-- haace a few mln- - wW ."Tin aarfaraaaa pwidwwa a hiMOth-vlvtn- g vapor wafcvh heafa the hmga, wivh noticeable ur with la the Paw forty eh-M aaeaa. PaS tnfei arntlon and a month's mceHal sbtpped with each VAPw BftBATHB awparatms. Pslco enm- - , $K.V09 aaMrcil aowplies shspped aw.chiy af ft '- satwrie-d afterreftenanW If m aaa not tally days' one aeeonUng te - THE TAP0 "RRATHl 1 fan tew, $fr, tr mp,, n C,oFonrt PIANOS and PLAYERS Creasaema. ftanaerra ua4 Edison newrrpbe-O-s TTy mexwy terms SnJ rW Cafaeewe DAYMS-BEEB- E mm CO. CISewlbMelaSi. I.N Lake City 1- - e"U-- - FURS 7i!L,l,r 'Lr1,, e " i oa We eaa make np yonr fawn and hlclea into rones. eerceats er olhrr gnrmeata. Write r Aawrkii tflt For C, Farriew & Xannrri 1B3 vVert gewth Temple fafthitnkq City uirvES8 rof.titwais "dbusine Srhool ef Eff ialencv. All commercial tranches. ietaUg tree. N. Main St.. ftalt Lake City. ?;1e, Itox Pleating, llomnitrl.lng Buttons. lhitUnhol,, Kid Cerset i'rlnt 40 K. Hr..-1-a- Kelt l.sk Oitr. GOOD PRKES, JUST V. EIGHT AND QUICK RETURNS GUARANTEED .1. W. SUMMKKUAYaS fe SONS CO. Salt LnJH Ci'y, Utah Wed, IliJes, Furs, Shcolny, TbIIow, Bceswar, Elc ROUGHT IN AliY QUANTITY Ccirr ipoiJence und S.'sivmentt Solicited Turks Can't Use These Cannon 5 r " V : I Jm 1 j j rrrx ' - ' - Si Greek iiniiv (.('icers lliti' the cannon ut i:ol"hto, eubtern Tlint', Jift'ortj leaving that as the Turks took pwuesKlon. Kisses by Mall Convict Sending kUnes by mall Is held by a divorce court In Los Angeles to bs as definite evidence of disloyalty to one's wife as delivery of the same ly Hp contnet. Mrs. Joseph A. Green charged this offense against her hits band, and produced letters to show that the other woman In the case eent kisses In return to Green. Separate maintenance and alimony was the de-cree of the court. Case of Arretted Dsvelopment When a woman was summoned at Folkestone, F.ng., for neglecting her child, a police inspector suld the girl, although eleven, behaved ns If she were seven. The woman told l.ini th girl, who hud not been out for n yeur. wus entirely f.-- on malted tallk. ea:v timl fresli nillk from a bortlo, s t i could not feed herself. |