Show T 11 E EDUCED D U E D R A T ta I 1 E EAST A S T i FOR TEACHERS AND i THE GENE GENERAL RAL PUBLIC VIA 0 froan UTAH IDAHO AND OTHER POINTS vo to MISSOURI R RIVER ST LO LOUIS MEMPHIS C CHICAGO ST PAUL AND intermediate POINTS 1 D DATES A TE S OF S SALE SA A L LE E may INNY juve june 3rd ard A 16 t h return 1 lim limit ift oct TOP P OVERS ALLOWED y fr r further information apply to G C I 1 F WARREN general agent room do dooley oley block salt rake city ay iy 1 utah ww v VF r j f I 1 I 1 we print anything no order is 18 to floo 0 sma small or oi too adre large g try us TO ua ANGELES 2 and glorious california VIA THE I 1 ul aj LOW W EXCURSION RATES gatei S see your nearest abent aut at write to J L moa moore regj D P A 9 0 salt lake utah best trains to salt Lake too for sale at IE fa JEW office deeds mol trages inin t Not notices ites official elid bonds incorporation 11 cor bonds liquor ads n d Crin linal t of jurai tili i s and hond fr deeds Ss lc the great scenic line to glenwood glen wood springs bp rings rd aspen Lead leadville Le advill pueblo colorado Sl springs rings donver denver onisha kansas cily st louie loui C chicago and all point enst connecting at ogden union ducq dujol ot with till all Sout southern bern pacific and oi ogon short lino trains tr athis the only line passi passing tig directly through salt lake city three splendidly equipped fas tra trains iris daily between 01 0 den and denver via three separate and dieth distinct let scenic jtb route ut 8 through Pul pullman linan and ordinary sleeping C cars A ars to denver aha kansas city al 81 L louis ouis and chicago without any change fro free reclining reclining clit chair ir oars cars personally conducted elc excursions 8 dining cars ser serviced bervice vicea a la carte ou on all through trains fo for rates folders freo free illustrated booklets etc inquire of your nearest ticket ficket agent specify specifying big the rio grande route or call on or address 1 A BENTON G A P di D i sult lf lake city cz v 1 I T try r y ch chis is I 1 route luft mu tre E east ca s t on oil your nelc tri trip east ask to aa lave keyou your ip ticket read via the r chi chicago cato 0 milwaukee ee ast t paul au railway atia ivr fv f v i t itan f t i 1 xi two trains daily to 0 chicago hi c ago og ogden d en to 40 chiea chicago 9 0 or denver deliver to fco chicago another good d route to the east is via kan kansas sa S city and the famous southwest limited no excess fare tickets of all agents or of C S williams commercial agent we west st second south street SALT LAKE CITY J C ROBISON M P D K 0 L L rhe 00 U CH AND CURE jhc thc LUNGS physician 8 surgeon argeon office main street g A WITH KI na inga s opposite cash store trew 01 FILLMORE CITY u UTAH r PA ii price F mn FOR 0 consumption I 1 OUGH Sand and T OLDS free fred trial W IL H TB E surest and quickest cure for all THROAT and D bibs or HONEY BACR BACK samples mailed receive prompt V attention postage ou oil sarn samples ples one cent per ounce charges reasonable OVER oven MAIN ST SALT LAREX LAKE CITY UTAH and TRADE manks promptly obtained lix in all con comi triM or no fm fee wo we obtain PATENTS THAT PAY them thoroughly at our send no mom expense and help you to guchee guc cee 14 send enod model el photo or sketch for or FR E EE r report J on ty 20 practice surpassing ONLY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS references forar for fro oguin buldo for cloth etc samples of hook book on oa ProA profitable table patents write to seventh LL WOOL A ow MADE TO washington 0 0 c 1 wt 0 m I 1 uin SUITS 0 ORDER ft 0 we ia medal tailors 09 71 third st Vo portland ox please mention this paper W III JAM F K attorney allta atlie beadell BE AVEll CITY Y atah t phone hone ju residence and office will attend eid of court at r fill more 1 I D 4 attorney UNION BLOCK pro provo I 1 vo uti ie JAS ALEX ma ATTORNEY A TL and district Dist al arro wabe ul the ewh fifth judicial dacial di district t ric i t al i of mu iv it business Soli solicited cite 1 j Attend ill all torm term i of the oli CL L 1 F FILLMORE I 1 U na 0 RE UTAH GEO BriniE B all I 1 NY bod 0 ary yat autaw LAW mining Mill ilIg and a 5 specialty noty public 1 l office fit tolton lacu beaver 03 city it mall E M da D byj physician and add ahr surgeon gem county clan of utah county provo city utah CULBERT CU LBERT L OLSON LAWYER scott strevell 13 alg salt lake cily 11 kioh t ti b EVANS EVANO lavz attorneys atto r n ey s law aw i cihocki Ih f Il tovo mcbride jiff callistein Cal listen ATTORNEY ATTORN EVS S AT LAW i secial attention given to settlement of estates ABSTRACTS of TITLE conveyances TO REAL ESTATE PREPARED i LAND ENTRIES bbate selections and FINAL PROOFS A SPECIALTY our office is supplied with a com complete set of township plats of millard filard Af coun ty which alq corrected monthly month lv froni rom the U S land band office and the onico of the state board of land congimi 14 sio ners all business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and careful attention t on office at cou cout court t house hoube fillmore CJ city V utah I 1 T or OFFICE HOURS from 10 am to 12 TO and from 2 1 pin ib to rpm 4 pm licensed abstracter and notary public in the office J S GILES G I 1 L E S COUN COUNTY TY ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC office R at court house FILLMORE ri I 1 binl 0 j R ra CITY itye UTAH JOHN G JORGENSON attorney at law ga averi richfield cow corn i 3 t TO bank fatali |