Show A MW v absolutely ms N A cream of tartar powdery powder free from alum or a acid royal BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK A guaranteed cure e tire for r piles aes 1 11 itching ainu I 1 t 14 blind ind I 1 Wee bleeding weeding dino ll 11 or protruding trudina tru dinc k piles druggists M L refund r amid money if P pa zo ointment V 11 fals fi t il s to io 1 h i I 1 core iny cuse no mattir mat t 1 ir cr how lo 10 ainu n sf indig ind ng in iii to to 14 davs firt ii jiSc ii i vc i onse c tso ibid alad vet 60 if om rist hasil jr ro I 1 it cud in 11 s ind arld jt it will he forur dd ant imd IY v pal P dis is mj 0 o at t lollis ioni I oni 1110 mo CASTOR A for infants and children the kid TUH aan ft 0 a e alwis 0 SON 11 MP kill U agege table prep preparation at altion foras simulating simi lating ling ting ling tile S Sto madis wid and Bowels of bears the Sig aa promotes ness and andRest Rest Contains neither of Opium Morphine nor mineral NOT OTIC 2 meafua SW I 1 k romelle effe scar sails lip 11 seed elaw sug r at vz remedy for constipation if sour S to mach diarrhoea bonns convulsions deverish ness and loss OF SLEEP tac sim ie signature of 0 NEW EW P T h I 1 y led yu ro qt EXACT COPY OF rit compit comp wt cw yonn cr 1 S SALESMEN A L E S N I 1 E NT wanted for our F fio ro lection for men inen and women as we hav ejust entered utah and registered with the state department of insurance 5 1000 pol ley icy pays W weekly with S emergency benefit costs 2 a year handsome bl blac akse seal ill wallet et given free with each policy Excellent side line write today for exclusive and renewal contract libel liberal al commission oi I 1 T the ji e 1 0 uart antee registry co cleveland j ohio ar the very best I 1 leaird for bowel bowe mr I 1 f v M F buri bunow ui ill old timid well known resident I 1 of f i ind in says k I 1 rachid d chi lains colic cholera hnz ciarli ea i its as the very best fetn reini 0 IN for bowel trouble I 1 alake ahls ach statement after having g used f he remedy in rny MY family N for beverl pe verl years I 1 aw never neier without I 1 it this 1 is almost mire fiure to hk x needed before lie summer suni nier is over why ii not ot buy it vow now and bo be 11 r 4 pared part A for such an it a liner 0 L ene for salo sale by C G VV NV frat it more drus druc store ADDRESS THE 42 42 AVES WEST T COULTER STREET E philadelphia PA 21 to cure a cold win in one day take jax aeve broino quinine I 1 I 1 tablets all druggists refund the money if it fails to E VV gif s or tj woh tili box 1 25 islai avs lea IP VACCINE ViL TAi iTri F aiK araik Er REE CUTTERS BLAW BLACK LEG VACCINE california FAVORITE powder string or op plu pill r form onn ZIs ai for fo 1 PER PACKAGE of TEN DOSES v one p and our in n black leg aag and anthrax anteras I 1 free ree te tc each stockman toc fanin who mends 6 cents postage and the jamrs and if f twenty state form of vacal manteck di THE CUTTER laboratory DM 3 2 SAN GAN FRANCISCO Q CAU |