Show I 1 if y you knew ohp the valio of chamberlains salvo you would never wish to t be without it nore mere tire aro of tile the diseases for which it is especially valuable soro sore nipples chapped hands bunia I 1 frost bites chilblains 7 chronic ore hore eyes itching piles tetter aalt rhou rheum ill and eav ena price lit 25 cents por per box for salo sale by 0 VV Frain Fran ipton fill Filli more utah t A kansas editor says t his story is iskold tod on one of t their heir local teach ors she drow drew a picture of a volcano on tho the board picturing tho the eruption with fiery colored crayon she L then afred the youngsters w what hat it lookeb like one lettle t chearl yell it looks like h 1 hand in news items we ap preci ate such favors A small bo hoy ru rushed hed up to to n 1 UK dot tors ors office olad shou shouted tedi sn I 1 tile the fl alto doctor 0 to ti to bome to ajl our house rig right htwa chuay difo sri you yoo asked the doctor 1000 x dont you know nu why i den deal with you yon I 1 regail gilfil tr w had it 4 baby bal from hore bere lust lash week |