Show THE MILLARD COUNTY 1 m bonss RISTIAN ANDERSON publisher I 1 ISSUED EVERY friday I 1 I 1 advertising RATES quotations for space on application locals and all other reading notice ten cents perline per line for first iker insertion tion live ave cents thereafter subscription RATES i 1 copy year cash in advance I 1 copy 6 months cash in advance go 90 I 1 copy 3 months cash in advance 50 entered 1 at the pos tonice at F for foi transmission through 9 h the malls mails as second class matter f freday JUNI 1 1906 lu V R I 1 A I 1 for infants aud and children the kind you have always bought bears 00 iho sigua signature tuie of how to break brea 1 k upa lip a cold j it maybe may bo it a surprise to many ti learn that a severe cold can call 60 completely complete lv broken up in one or two days time the first symptoms of a cold are a dry loud I 1 cough t a profuse watery discharge F from the nose and a thin while coating on the tongue M when chamberlains chamberlain cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance pe arance of these symptoms symptoM 8 it counteracts the effect of the cold arid restores the system to a healthy condition within a day bayor oi two for sale by C W frampton fillmore drury drug M store deafness cannot b W cured by local il applications as they can call not reach the diseased portion of f the car there is only y one way to cure deafness deaf and that is 6 by con rom remedies edies deafness is caused by tin an inflamed c condition ondi tion of the mucus niblet is lining of tile the eustachian tubo when this tube is is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing bearing and when it is closed deafness ia thu the result und and unless tile thein ili flam flan tin can ho 10 taken out and this tube restored to its normal coadis ion hearin hearing cr will be destroyed forever nine nine cases out of ten are arc caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of I 1 tle the mucus surfaces we will cl give one hundred dollars for tiny any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by halls catarrh curo cure send for circulars free F FJ J ORKNEY CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by drugg druggists ests take halls halks family pills for coni sti pation ahe fhe cauce of Many sudden deat deaths hs there is a disease prevailing in ow country most dangerous because so deceptive fl many deaths are call caused ed by it etheart libart disease 1 heart failure ot of ti 1 V apoplexy q are of often acu the result of kidney disease if kidney trouble lL Is allowed toad the kid ney pol soil cowd aal ed e blood will vill attack the vital organs baur caning ing catarrh of the bladder or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away ity cell by cell bladder troubles troi ables almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys tind and a cure is obtained quickest 1 by a proper treatment of the kidneys kidneys kil if you yon are feeling badly yoli can make na no ini mistake stake by taking dr dilmers Kil mers swamp root the 4 great reat kidney liver and bladder rez remedy iedy it corrects inability to hold uran anne e and scalding pain in in passing it and abid overcomes c that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the lay day and nd t to get up many diat times duri during fig night the mild and the extraordinary effect of swamp root roo t is soon realized it stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases swamp root is pleasant to take and I 1 is S sold by all druggists in fifty cent and one dollar size bottles you may inay have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a bool book that tells all about it both sent free by mail address dr nilmer kilmer co binghamton N V Y when affer writing mention reading this generous ge 0 offer in this paper dont make all any y mistake but remember the nanie name swamp root dr kilmer swamp root anath and th address Bingha binghamton inton N Y on every bottle bot C |