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Show Surprised Her Friends Well Known Local Lady Married in Salt Lake Last Monday in Salt Lake, occured the marriage of Mrs. G. O. Forgie to Albert Joest of Las Vegas, Ne ada. That the news surprised the local ' friends of the bride is putting it mildly, ,- . i..,- SO well was Lll bft;iei Uttiuc;u, uuu congratulations have not been larking on account of the suddenness of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Joest returned to Milford yesterday morning and will reside at the Forgie Apartments, of which the bride is the proprietress. The affair was cleverly planned, Mrs. Forgie slipping quietly off to Salt Lake on the same train which brought Mr. Joest from Las Vegas on his way to the same city. Even their most intimate inti-mate friends were unaware nf the proposed happy event. The bride is well known here, wher she has resided for many years. She recently completed and opened a handsome apartment hous'j and haa successfully managed it, hut evidently feels the need of assistance. The groom, resided here Home year ago, having been employed in the local shops of the Salt Lake load, but was latertransferre.d to the Las Vegas shops. The NEWS offers congratulations congratu-lations to Mr. and Mrs. Joest. |