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Show INLAND NORTHWEST Bob Stewart, who died recently In San Diego, was responsible for the rush into Tonopah. At the time of Jim Butler's discovery he was keeping the hotel at Sodaville. Six Austrians who were sent to Kal-lspell, Kal-lspell, Mont., to work in the woods in response to a call through the federal fed-eral bureau, were refused jobs because thoy had been in this country too long as aliens. After going begging all winter at ninety cents a hundred, sacked, f.o.b. Helena, potatoes have taken a jump within the past ten days and local growers are now being offered $1.25 a hundred pounds. If the bond issue carries April 22, Kemmerer, Wyo., will be located on a state highway, that running from Ihe Sweetwater county line near Granger, to Cokeville. Most of this is a part of the old Oregon trail. Union labor of Tacoma will al tempt the recall of the entire city administration adminis-tration because of the refusal of the commissioner of public safety and council to sanction the tag day of the Soldiers' and Sailors' council. The colony of radicals at Lake Bay, near Tacoma, soon may be a thing of the past, an action for the dissolution of the society having been started in superior court. The society has been divided into two factions for some time, it is asserted. Alien slackers or aliens who claimed exemption from military service during dur-ing the war are barred from working work-ing on any public enterprises or holding hold-ing any public office in the state by a law passed at the recent session of the Washington legislature. P. J. Hansen, said to be a farmer from near Butte, was arrested at Man-itou Man-itou station, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, by deputy sheriffs. The officers of-ficers declare he unloaded 190 pints of whiskey in suitcases from the train when it stopped' for water. The automobile railway has started upon its career in the Northwest. At Spokane the. Highway Motors Transportation Trans-portation company, which will operate eight "trains" to points within 50 miles of Spokane over a system of 302 miles, has come into being. Bonds of $3000 each were approved in district court at Butte, when Charles H. Treacy, city clerk; John J. Vines, - his assistant, and Jerry P. Crowley, deputy clerk, were arraigned on charges of official misconduct in connection' con-nection' with the recent municipal election. elec-tion. - The body of Joshua Bennett, aged 65 years and a well-known resident of Missoula, Mont., was found on the bank of the Missoula river last week. He had been missing for six months. There were no indications of violence oiv suicide, sui-cide, and the police believe that he fell in he river accidentally. Another evidence of the prosperity that exists, in Utah isshown by the Increase in the capital stock of the Hansen Live Stock Feeding company of Ogden,' which has file'd with the secretary of state an amended copy of Its articles of incorporation, increasing its capital stock from $500,000 -to $1,-000,000.. $1,-000,000.. . Sixty-one thousand five hundred pounds of old clothing and shoes have been shipped by the Salt Lake chapter of the Red Cross to the Atlantic coast preparatory to its destination among the refugee people of Europe. Two carloads have already gone, the first weighing 21,000 pounds, the second se-cond 32,000 pounds. In accordance with the provisions of the law passed by the recent legislature legis-lature putting Montana flour and cereal cer-eal milling concerns under the control of the state railroad and public utilities utili-ties commission, acting as a trade commission, that body has directed all such concerns to file with it before April 19, a list of prices. A rigid quarantine against the importation im-portation of sheep into' the state of Oregon was put into effect by Governor Gover-nor Olcott last week, after consultation consulta-tion with State Veterinarian Lytle, who is seeking to guard the sheep on the ranges of this state against the ravages rav-ages of scabies, a contagious sheep disease which is raging in other states. It is learned from what is-believed an authoritative source that through an oversight of the sixteenth assembly, assem-bly, in failing to arrange an appropriation appropria-tion to start the operation of law, the grain grading inspecting and warehouse ware-house commission of Montana with its numerous deputy inspectors and auditors au-ditors may not be able to function for some time. Flying 225 miles in 110 minutes. Congressman C. R. Evans of Nevada, made a trip from Washington to New York by airship recently and established estab-lished the reputation of being the champion aviator of the OGlh congress. A new map of the state of Montana, showing counties recently reated, is to be Issued by tha state ra'lroad commission, com-mission, it is announced. There have been many changes since the latest official of-ficial map was made. Mrs. J. D. Elsworth, a colored woman has been arrested at Winne-mucca, Winne-mucca, Nev., charged with numerous burglaries. It Is said Mrs. Ellsworth Is responsible for many robberies of ladies' wearing apparel and jewelry, covering a period of several months. Report of the first sale of this season's sea-son's clip of wool in the intermountain section was received April 5, at Salt Lake, by Secretary Mcdine of the national association. The sale was made by Lester Sewell of I'ayi tie, Idaho, of 150,000 pounds at 48 cents 0er pound. |