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Show LOCALS Mrs. Will Cline is visiting her parents par-ents in Beaver. Geo. E. Buckingham of Modena. was here on Monday Charles Miller went over to Greenville Green-ville Sunday to visit his mother. L. Burt of Beaver is doing some plastering for J. C. Mclntlre. Miss Josie Bakes of Beaver is vls-isiting vls-isiting Mrs. Lulu Germo. Jack Krause, chief clerk in the master mechanic's office returned Sunday night from Los Angeles. Howard Tanner returned the first of the week from a visit in Caliente with his sister, Mrs. Joe kinney. Wm. Wagoner, auditor of the Bon neville Lumber Company spent the week in Mllford. The family of A C Neff, Master Machanic, will move this week to Salt Lake City. C. A. Hanks, A. H. Pearce, W. Sidney Isgreen and D. D. Smith of Tootle, were in Mllford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goff returned Thursday from Salt Lake where they had spent several days. Nate Smith Wilford Tanner, Elmer El-mer Hardy and Jay McAllister returned re-turned Tuesday night from a visit in Los Angeles. E. Tanner returned Sunday evening ev-ening from Wah Wah springs where he has been working for the Murray Mur-ray Sheep Co Mr. Nltschke, Mr. Hess and Mr. Athers of Salt Lake are making an inspection tour for the telephone company ' Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Atkln and lit-, lit-, tie daughter, Virginia, will arrive in Mllford Thursday evening to vis-1 vis-1 it with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Atkin. Here is a chance and a good one. With every dollar purchase of al- uminum wear, we will give 25 votes for Columbia. Burns Furniture & Hardware Company J. F. SmongeskI of the regular army came Tuesday to assist In the recruiting office for a few days. D. C. Detmers and C. M. Burt of Beaver were in our city for a few days. The Easteri Stars Initiated Mrs. L. D. Carter into thetr order at their meeting Tuesday night. Mrs. J. A. Yoakam of Caliente, was having dental work done here 'last week. Howard Sherwood spent Friday and Saturday with Paul Penniston at the Penniston home south of town. N. R. Jarvis our old time friend, an operator spent Thursday In Mllford Mll-ford George Stevenson, repersenting the Salt Lake Hardware company, was In town Tuesday on business. Mrs. Orsen Blackner of Greenville Greenvil-le Is visiting relatives and friends in Beaver. Thad Mayor and linemen are here doing considerable repair work on the telephone lines. Ken McShane and Vale Emerson came down from Salt Lake to spend the summer at Beaver. J H Moss a mining operator was in our city for several days this past week. Mrs. George Munford of Beaver, visited last week with Mrs. Wm. Munford Mrs. Wilson Moore has returned from a visit with her parents and other relatives in Beaver. Elmer Myers has returned to Mllford Mll-ford after visiting his parents In L03 Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Twltchell of Beaver spent Saturday and Sunday in Mllford. Mrs. Lulu Germo. chief operator at the telephone office, spent Sunday Sun-day In Beaver. Mrs. Edward Fernley of Beaver, is visiting her sons George and Will and their families. Mrs. E. Smith of Frisco visited Saturday with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Mattle Armstrong. Charley Newhart of Provo. made Mr. and Mrs. James Long a short visit this week. A. W Cllde, telephone manager and E. N. Thompson of Beaver were in Mllford on business the flrst of the week. The special meeting to have been held Friday In the I O. O. F. Lodge lias been postponed. Fred JefTerson. N. O. James Kirk of the Gold Crown Mine returned the latter part of the week from a visit with his family in Pleasant Grove. |