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Show Alma Jennings was here from Gar rison on Friday last. Mrs. Scott Tanner has been quite ill this past week. ' Mrs. W. W. Crone gave a part this afternoon at her home southeast south-east of town in honor of her mother, Mrs S. S. Pond of Salt Lake. Surely travel is wonderful in Milford. Mil-ford. Our hotel registers show people peo-ple coming and going from all parts of the world. Mrs Bert Tate and children of Greenville are visiting Mrs. Tate's aunts. Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs. Eb. Tanner this week. Miss Laprele Pace of St. George, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs J. I. Sanders, left last Thursday evening ev-ening for a visit In Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCormick and Mrs. Henry Jefferson returned Friday Fri-day from a ten day visit in Salt Lake. M. Reisner who has been working in the local shops the past winter, has opened up his tailoring shop again. A. J. Sorensen of Meadows, a former resident of Milford is spending spend-ing a few days in Milford on business. busi-ness. Mr and Mrs. George Harris returned re-turned Thursday from Salt Lake, where Mr. Harris has been receiving medical treatment. ' Miss Clarabel Adams left Wednesday Wednes-day for her home In Parowan, after a week's visit at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Sam Hanks. Miss Amanda Pace who has been visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs J. I. Sanders, left Friday for her home in St. George. Tom Gunn. the big sheep man. and family came over from Beaver Tuesday. Mr. Gunn sold his wool and the family visited Mr. and Mrs. James Long. Born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Tr-win Tr-win Campbell of Lyndyl, a boy. Mrs Campbell and baby are at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sterling. Van Hickman went to Bearer Mon day. to take Mrs. Caroline Matheson of that place, fn the home of her daughter. Mrs. ' Morrison Hickman In RichfloM Tn the case of Amy F.. White vs .1. F. White, a divorce was eranted and the littl daughter placed in charee of the paternal grand parents |