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Show SALT LAKE ROUTE NOTES The Carmens' Ball given at the opera house Tuesday evening was a grand success. The dance called the flat wheel was something unusually unus-ually nice. Then there was the mis sing nut trot, which was applauded by the dancers. During the dancing some one slipped a lot of nuts in the punch and before Louie could get his dope hook to lift them out, a great many of the dancers swallowed swallow-ed the nuts and started going round and round. A good time was enjoyed en-joyed by all those present. ( Trainmaster W. P. Farrier is covering cov-ering the line between Salt Lake and Caliente during the absence of Asst. Supt. W. H. Smith who is in Los Angeles. An-geles. ' Judging from the action of two or three engines, they must be suffering suf-fering with floating kidneys, the way they throw the water out of the smoke stack. The Milford local shops are employing em-ploying something like 155 men at this time. ' Trains 1 and 2 have been running in two sections for the past several days In order to take care of the overflow ov-erflow business. E. E. Shirley, former inspector of engines at the local shops has been promoted to the position of supervisor super-visor of safety work. During the "Big No Accident Week" he will see that none of the birds work on the emery wheels without goggles. j The Irish local East was called for 3 am. last Monday. This was tough, Mark, but the business demands de-mands It. Mark laid off and sluffed it onto O'Rourke. Quite a few of the train and en-ginemen en-ginemen would like to know why it is that they are run out of Milford to Caliente on short rest and they lay in Caliente from twelve to twenty twen-ty four hours and even sometimes lcnger. The rapid movement of the power out of Mllfor.l prevents th" mechanical mechan-ical departm.Mi' drv..ig r pessary work on engines. It is noted that several of the boyB who went to the commission city, have returned and it Is a long time until the first of July too. Engineer Joe Arney, accompanied accompan-ied by his family, left on No. 3 Wednesday Wed-nesday evening for the commission city, where they will spend the next two or three days dabbling in the salt water. Tom Paton. machinest at the local lo-cal shops, met with an accident early ear-ly Thursday mornrng. account of a water glass breaking, striking him in the face. He was taken care of by Dr. Hunter immediately and sent home. Some one evidently has a mania for pants of all kinds judging from all reports received. Several citizens citi-zens of Milford have had their pants stolen lately and pockets picked of their valuables. It is said that they even went so far as to try to steal the "pants away from Phil Orwin'B dog, Pat MICKt'Y SAYS: I'm goin' to go to Beaver 4th and show those yaps that for once Milford Mil-ford is with 'em. |