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Show E. R Wienett an official of th railroad was here the past week. lone White has been added to the telephone force. Wm. Dobson went to Salt Lake Tuesday morning on a short business busi-ness trip. Catholic services at Milford next Sunday, June 29, at 9 o'clock Utah Theatre D Slattery. Mrs Ed. Peterson returned last week from Parowan. where she was called by the death of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jorgensen and children and Mrs. J. I San'ders motored mo-tored to Beaver Tuesday. H. E Diehl of Beaver, motored to Milford Sunday to bring Judge Greenwood of the Utility Commission Commis-sion of Salt Lake, who had been in Beaver at court. Charles Butterbaugh, who has been in Honolulu for the past two years, is home on a ten day furlough fur-lough and visit with his parents and friends of Frisco. Miss Lou Estelle Hicks left Sunday Sun-day for Los Angeles, where she will visit relatives. She accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Reese, who stopped off here on her way home from Salt Lake. ' i Clarence Bonner of Kansas City, Mo., applied for enlistment here in ' the Air Service and will go to Martha Mar-tha Field Sacramento to learn the Machinests trade ' Mrs. Chas Barton and son Dou-'glas Dou-'glas came down from Salt Lake Saturday Sat-urday night. Mrs. Barton is getting her furniture ready to ship to Salt Lake and while here is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ezra Barton, and her aunt. Mrs. C. F. Martin. Thad Mayor and wife. Ben L Lemon. C. A Canm n. Wm. Davis. C. O. Fowler. A. R. Clark. C. A. Crawford and Ed. Glenn composed a party of telephone employees who spent a week here making repairs for the company. D. H. Larson. C. A. Talbe. D. C Williams. C H. Miller and Jos. Nelson Nel-son were a party of architects and contractors from Provo. that was in our city Friday. They had all been over to Beaver. The speakers at the L. D. S. church last Sunday were Stake president. pres-ident. Y. L. M T. A Laura Shepherd: Brother Fernley of Beaver and Pres. ; McGregor. Miss Thelma Tanner , gave a vocal solo and Von Bird gave a short talk. All enjoyed the meet-nig meet-nig very much. George Moore who has been working work-ing for the Telluride Power company went to Salt Lake Friday night to take the railroad firemen's examination. examin-ation. The Bazzar held last Wednesday by the children and teachers of the Morman primary, was very successful success-ful socially and financially. Everyone Every-one present enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and the primary cleared between $75 and $80. Besides finishing fin-ishing paying for their liberty bond they will have a nice sum left over for other purposes. |