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Show I Trustees in Session Town Board Transacts Routine Business. Builders are Warned. Stock Ordinance to be Vigorously Vigor-ously Enforced. Judge Adcock-Resigns With Mayor Pitchforth and Trustee Hanks absent, and Trustee Mark-sheffel Mark-sheffel acting in place of the former, the town board held an adjourned meeting on Wednesday evening, at the Town Clerk's office. Bills aggregating $502.76 were allowed and ordered paid, of which amount, $165.82 was for new pipe and $112.00 for electric lighting, with balance for general operating expenses and supplies. sup-plies. Judge Adcock, jbecause of a technical disqualification, presented bis resignation resig-nation as City Judge and same was accepted. The board formally requested re-quested Justice Nichols to act as City Judge until an appointment is made. Having begun the erection of a temporary tem-porary wood and sheet-iron structure to serve until his new garage is completed, com-pleted, William Martin filed wrilten request for permission to complete same, agreeing to remove the ouil'ding out of the fire limits within with-in sixty days. Bequest granted. At this point the board vigorously took up ihe matter of builders erecting structures within the city limiis without with-out applying for a permit or filing plans aud specifications, as requirea Oy ordinance. The board was in no mood for trilling and the Clerk was instructed' in-structed' to serve notice on builders nho are now ereciing structures with-iu with-iu the fire limits and who bave not us yet submitted plane or taken out a permit, that unless theBe details are attended to at once, their neglect win oe construed as violation of the oi-dinauce oi-dinauce and the letter of the law will e fully enforced. The matter of loose .tttimals being allowed to run at large in the city, destroying lawns, gardens gar-dens and endangering public saft ty, was also handled without gloves ana the trustees resolved themselves into a cummittee to personally see that the ordinance so governing is enforced. en-forced. Mr. Duncan, residing in the southern section of town, requested connection with the town waier mains. Granted. Mayor protein MarkBheffel, in behalf of the residents jf the north end ot town, asked for action on previous petition for sewer connect on for that portion of the city. It was the unanimous opinion of the board that this work should be prosecuted prose-cuted as rapidly as possible and arrangements to that end were made. Board adjourned to meet on Thursday, Thurs-day, the 15th instant. |