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Show ,." ; . - ,' . i,-,- , . ' ... ' .. ..;..- ... .. , . ... i. , v , ,v - i ; ' ; ' ' V'"'" 'TO8-'fayGgAt- Nim BINGHAM. UTAH ;. - ' ' ; ' ' - ' ' " : ' ' -- 3 J Vy, When you visit Salt Lakei come V ':V.'''":'.- t ,v' ' ',..-':- , and see;us. We thing for men andt Oddfellows Sol's eiothing Shop . v 68 West Broadway, , . Salt Lake City, CBifortiia Hotef . BoardmdRooWp ';'. .'' - ' ' ' j J " STEAM HEAT AND BATHS 1 Italian Cooked Meab f ; JAMES ROLANDO. Prop. ' MAIN ST. BINGHAM . . , i '. - , . When you need a quiet place for ....... , - - .zArjtwj'fa a light luncK visit ; Scarcefli & Fratello Booths for Ladies and Gentlemen FINEST CANDIES BEST CIGARS 58 West Broadway TeL 3046 Salt Lake City : Eat at Croy's Cafe ' - ? ; i ' "" ' '.i Where you get what you want, , j when you want it i , , j v. " Adjoining City Hall J Main St Know Where Every Dollar of your income goes this is important! ' v The way, start a Checking Account with this bank, ' - deposit regularly1, pay bills by check which gives you a , - complete record of every dollar. . The man or firm who does this brings system and ... a success to his business. , " ' j"' ; '' .. , V Bingham State Bank iilNGHAM, UTAH ' J'-- ' ": ' ' ; " 'OFFICERS Ik's. Cates,! Pres. Sherman Armstrong Jst Vice Pres. - C E- - Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier " SERVE BRElfc4 Have you ever sat down to a tal e where no Bread served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal seemed! - I:: - .;- - --v Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only ' food of economy to-da- y. . v GOOD BREAD ; ; is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's V so delicious. , V .. Fresh every hour. STAND ARD BREAD CO. 536 MainSt., Phone 187 - BINGHAM CANYON : S The Women's Bank y v. J x '.. . .. ; JTo matrons who desire a household account a place to , ( keep their'money,, we urge that they come to this bank where safety and accuracy are permanent, flWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to in- -' vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our pa- - , i'' trons. ,r.v... ' ..' ' 'U " ' '" " ' v L ,.... ' v , 5V V- - . ': ,;'.; ' ,. . . .. . The Central Bank of Bingham Bingham, Canyon, Utah , , . J . s ; i ; - - - I Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 Main Street : Iflffi EBeflUTIlLlE . c - ' - J ' General Merchandise - Fresh and Cured Meats . t ; Lark, Utah Jerome BOURGARD , V:". The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS ; FISH and FOWL PHONE 5 ; ALWAYS THE BEST I H JOHN elversonI I: Painter and Paperhanger ; ; ; Call or Leave Orders at ! I i The Modern Hotel ; Main Street WALNUT CAFE . ... . "A Little Better Than Good Enough" Private Tables for Ladies 62 East Second South St. Salt Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 L John A. Warmack i Fountain Goods of All Kinds Yes We Take Out Cigarette. License Everything in the tobacco Line CANDIES & CONFECTIONERY BROADWAY at West Temple 80 West 3rd So. St. Phone Was. 8434 Salt Lake City s f JACK'S PLACE I 1: C. M. Gregory, Prop. We Se-v-e the Best of Everything Soft Drinks and Eats - V""' Phone Wasatch 2881 77 We.t 2nd South St. SaltU operating, but it doesn't happen. That measured by dollars and cents Henry is the richest man in the world, and it remains to be prpve if money won't count around election time. ' ! That human beings chew the rag ,but young pups prefer' an old shoe. " . , That it would sure be hard on a man if he drank moonshine with a giraffe's neck. " . That what this state needs is more hung criminals and less hung juries. ! Did It Ever ! v! ... ' . .... ' ' r. Occur to You That any man who deliber-ately lies to boost his business will never get very far because some people will investigate. That Bingham is getting to be a regular dog town, . That the telephone boys are ridding the street of the rotten pole line which ha3 been in use for such a long time. ; " That the town is surely; go-i- n gto be quiet with the school maam's - leaving town, what will Doc and the rest of the boys do during the summer months ? ' i ' That some people will stoop to the lowest trick if they think it possible to gain their desires. That the renewals that are coming in every week for this paper is a source of pleasure tt us - That De Pretto or Gardiner either wouldn't go very far on this sphere if they had some Bingham men on the state board of pardons. It seems it would be far better for the fair name of this state if na pardon board existed. v ' That the mosquito pest in Salt Lake City this season will be growing bigger and bigger and bigger every day unless some attempt is made to elem-inat- e them. That State Attorney General Harvey Cluff says that "coffin nails can be displayed in show cases" and thanks to Senator Standish who introduced, the bill we may say as already the state receipts have amounted to over $10,000 for the sale of revenue stamps to be attached to the package by the dealer That- - Bingham' will soon have its quota of restaurants . " -- That Bert Williams - has t number of well-wishe- rs from Bingham and Lark who are in-terested in his oil search in Car-bon county. ! That the Lark boys got all swelled up over their ' tie with the Utah Copper team on Frt-da- y last in the new baseball park at Bingham. . t - I That the unseasonable weath-er we have been getting has been the cause of much use for the handkerchieff. V That it has been said if the price of copper keeps up Bing-ham will have a real hotel be-fore a year's time So be it . Thata man might just as well pull his freight when Ben tells him. i ' ' ' i' That money has wings, but its no homing pigeon by any mean$. That the cost of living is us-ually based on a man's earning). That iti looks as if the Prince of wales would rather be admir-ed by a bunch of American and Canadian girls than to tie. "up with one of h.is..Britishers. That Life's greatest content-ment is very lcosely associated with a man's a.m.b.itions. The some mining men imagine that if they should bump off the properties which they have operated for years would cease SHOW OF CHILDREN'S PETS PROVE POPULAR u Under the auspices of the Women's Civic Club an exhibi-tion of pets owned by the school-children of Bingham was held at the High School Gymnasium on Monday evening. Cash prizes were 'awarded Billy Mitchell, Millie Steele, Edwin Grant, Lynn Hardy, Lawrence Stringham, Stanford Steele, Kenneth .Mit-chell, Clarence Wells and Ray Davis. Members of the club who were in charge were Mrs. Eugene Chandler, Mrs. Nettie Berry and Mrs. R. Farrell, L. W. Nielson, Dave Lyon and Paul Ransom acted as judges. ESTRAY NOTICE STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake. ss. In the tenth (10th) Precinct of said County. f I have in my possession the following described estray ani-mals, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at pub-lic auction to the highest bid-der at Bingham, Dry Fork Es-tray Pound in the 10th Pre-cinct, on the 31 day of May, 1923, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon: One gray horse weight about 1100 lbs., age about 12-yea- rs, branded on left thigh resemb-ling a 1 cross, combined.. Shod all around. . "..... 'One black horse, weight about 1100, age about 12-yea- rs, no brands, shod all around. Two white spots on face. Said estrays were 'taken up by me in said Precinct on the 22nd day of May 1923. W. F.' Thompson, ' Constable. , Poundkeeper of 10th Precinct. 7 To Bond or Lease The Keystone Extension Min-ing property adjoining the val-uable mineral deposits of the Fortuna and Congar Mines Apply 515 Atlas Block Salt Lake City, Utah |