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Show After Every Meal grams " wr In work or VI play, It gives U the poise and V steadiness that mean success. 1 It helps dlgeatloa. W allays thirst, kecp-f kecp-f Ioq the month cool fj aad moist, the throat I maseles relaxed and pliant and tha ra DID NOT THINK li' WOULD SUpE Pneumonia Left Healtfeck, Says Husted. Praisies Tanlac. "Inside of two weeks after I began taking the Tanlac treatment I was back on the Job and 1 haven't missed working a shift since that time," recently re-cently affirmed P. R. Husted, 462 Naples St., San Francisco. "An attack of pneumonia left me In such terrible condition it seemed Impossible for me ever to get back on my feet again. I had no appetite, ; couldn't sleep, my nerves were shat- tered, and It was all I could do-to"" drag about the house. "One day an old friend said, 'Pete, you try Tanlac, I'll bet It will help you. Sure enough, before I even finished fin-ished the first bottle I felt much better. bet-ter. Seven bottles have put me In One shape. I have regained all my lost weight, nineteen pounds, and feel f like my old self again. Tanlac Is the greatest medicine on earth." Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Take no substitute. Over 87 million bottles sold. Advertisement. - j "Aim right, start right, and keep plugging away." LlOJTflPro Baby Carriages &Fumitur& Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now lor 32-Page tt Illustrated Booklet L.'lL."iii,.kij'.J:':i.;u.::tinli.ui)y The Lloyd Manufacturing Company (tfiywxk Wak'fiM Ce.) Dept. E Menominee, Michigan (19) tin.,- .-n...... You Walk in Comfort If you Shake Into Your Shoes some ' ' Allen'e Foot-Eaee, the Antiseptic, Healing powder for shoes that pinch or feet that ache. It takes the friction from the shoe and gives instant relief to corns and bunions, hot tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet blisters and callouses. Ladies can wear shoes one size smaller by shaking Allen's Foot-Eaee in each shoe. Sold everywhere. Trial package pack-age and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll sent post Free. Address Allen's Foot-Eaee, Le Roy, N. Y. Aspirin fc1-r, a-r )-''ViL Say "BayerUnd InsistI wV & Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting get-ting the genuine Buyer product prescribed pre-scribed by physicians over twenty-two fears and proved safe by millions for Colds neadache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contalna proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists Drug-gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononeetleacldester of Sallcyllcacid. Advertisement. DAISY FLY KILLER ATTRACTS AND K I L13 m 'J I Jt "iJjya ALL rURU. Nft, tCftSy t&PY&iSXj 5 ! elren.nmaniental.eoti VUl'SWCtiyTar Wilent, cheap I.aeta MKW)mr'- u . Jl 'it&Zff OSHXikP metal, eea't epiU or 2frl?fa'i&:?i 'Pewr I ill " oU "wTIjrvtJ E' nr Mure anything. 7Krfcff'jCiS- tloexenlee rrfrctiv. mfutlu - in 7 prP.J. 11.26. HAkolAl tiVMLitd. 1M L tUU An., Biwkljm. N. T. Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots Thr' no loncsr it slli;htst nd ol feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlns double atrensth la fuaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply sot en ounce of Othlns from any druggist and apply a little ot It night and morning and you should soon see that even the woi-nt freckles heve begun to disappear, while the lighter onee have vanished entirely. en-tirely. It Is seldom that more than as ounce Is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful, cloar complexion. lie sure to ask for the double-strength Othlne. as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It (alls to remove freckles. SldnEriipUons . Are Usually Dae to Constipation When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating lu-bricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food wastesoftandmoving.DOC- , tors prescribe Nujol because ! it acts like this natural lubri- .1 cant and thus secures rcgubtr ' 1 bowelmovementsbyNaturc's r own method lubrication. I Nujol i lubricant not a 1 medicine or laxative to cannot I , gripe. Try it today. Jf gsMs. jfj'ii 'I1' '4""" '., I J LUPRKNT-NOT A LAXATIVt j Back Given Out? T T'S hard to do one's work when every day brine" morning lameness, throbbing throb-bing backnehe, and a dull, tir"d feeling. If you sutler thus, why not find out the cause? Likely it's your kidney". Headache", Head-ache", diz?incs and bladder irregularities irregulari-ties may give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don't risk neglect! Use Zocm' Kidney Pills. Thousands have been helped by Doan't. Tbey should help you. Ask your neighbor I A Utah Case Pmnm -o A. Haycock, re- sJ5jL ,lrH' farmer, 203 R. CVrP-?T 'rlll,, p,,llth Street, fTwliwT N"l'l'l. Itah, nays: Vft 4 "My back ached and l VVv'i pained and thera y,1; was a dull ache H i;Ji, V ''fj' II over my kidneys M i I f. VV- ! 'i, constantly, fcihnrp. f 1 f'- :iA' 8 h 0 1 1 n P"1" 1 I 7 tf,,l 'i.CJ caught ma In tha B im'Vfl firm II of my back I 5 M M "f"1 my kidneys 1 -TV I ? were weak nnd 1 t. TV . '"ed too freely. 1 I tmej Donn's Kidney Pill, and tbe I first boic l)xd mo up fine. The 1 rams left my hack and my kidneys I I became normal." I Cet Doan't at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S ."JL" I fOSTER.MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. I s a s i r n i r n "rr. "". stret I nnK HI n Jesses Color Kwtort will bring back original color eulcklj "top" ilaodruff. At all good drugirlnta, or Olrtot iroto Ucws-EOu. CUstati. M . '. EYES S0RE?r!l mWATER It UiraV Ket, I'M. . y. JtOOHLt l' v7uvT, s7lf Lake City, No. 21-1323. |