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Show Cutlcura 8oothes Baby Rashes That itch and bum, by hot baths of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cutlcura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially espe-cially If a little of the fragrant Cutlcura, Cutl-cura, Talcum la dusted on at the fin-Islk fin-Islk 26c each. Advertisement a II The Cross and QCfyisLJ Orel is printed .. HAVE your Interior walls tinted fvt th exact color. Exercise, flLj $g : your own good taste in just t the color tones to bring out the best VI J J K features of every room. There is Pfeg only one sure way. '"vSs ': V ' "" " ' Y !IS5 & ". No More Bad Debts Credit Insurance IMI'ORTANT AS L.IFR Oil FIKK IXHJRANCE j "Nnmrtlilnf Nrw I mlw tli Sun" Our new, original plan not only clt-nna your bouku of HAD ACCOUNTS but 1 protctto egalnut ructi Iumoi. Eviry tiualnvn anil pi-od-eMunal mn neerfa our aervloea; It pro-Urally pro-Urally eliminate xrent.l drawhurk to credit bunOieu. AllK.NTS WANTtCU. JCcei)tlunal ovportunlty lo make 120 to 30 dally, placing our eervlci-a. I'ay promptly; no waltlnr fur check!. Wo net Ol'HS when renulta are ohtalneit. Kefereneee any bank or buel.ieia houn In I.Mlnglon. For partlrulara and territory writ MIKK11Y MKKCA.NTU.K AttENCX MKKOANTU.E IH.IH1., LEXINGTON. ET. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH METMCINB has been used successfully In the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con-Bints con-Bints of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, s Tonic, which acta throufh the Blood on the Mucoug Surface, Sur-face, thus reducing- the inflammation. Bold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, Ohio, I Pisordered Stomach 1 Take a good dose of Carter Little liver nils i IrinTrn'rl then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. I ILAKIuKO You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to I Jn ITTLJE follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, iflNEFt Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow, 1 4 11 PILLS rimply- Blotchy Skin. Thtu end Iht mtury tj Corutiprtion. 1 iZSaBMU jTyc Srra;sunrisanprk Aee never makes good crenm better. . minis fc . mealtime cup Si WHEN you find that coffee ffl&i makes you nervous, keeps f Jgg you awake at night, or causes fefef.f frequent headaches, it's time to IMMtMMW change to Postum. Ipr This delicious, healthful cereal J beverage gives you all the com- fort and satisfaction of your usual morning CUp. It has Charm with- Your erocer bcU3 Postum in , , . j- i- two forms: Instant Postum (in OUt harm tO nerves Or digestion tins) prepared Instantly in thecur, cheer without fear of a dangerous by the addition of boiling water. tt, . . , , Postum Cereal (in packages) for KlCK-DaCK. those who prefer the flavor brought out by boiling fully 20 $B .r-4-- - 1 minutes. The cost cf either la JL OS tUITX VOli HEALTH about one-half cent a cup. "There's a Reason" Madt by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battl Craolc, Mich. |