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Show A. J. McMullen returned from Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kirk and daughter Elaine motored to St. George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Campbell were over from Cedar City Tuesday Tues-day for a short visit. Mrs. Stella Ashby is down from Provo, visiting relatives and friends for a few days. Miss Phyllis Whitbeck left Wednesday Wed-nesday to resume her studies at the B. Y. U. at Provo. Harold Ryan is in from Bur-bank, Bur-bank, visiting with his mother, who has been sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easton motored up from Caliente the last of the week to visit home folks. Mrs. J. H. Handley and sister, Catherine Bradfield, left Wednesday Wednes-day for Long Beach, California, to visit relatives. Mrs. W. G. White left Tuesday night for Salt Lake to attend the Old Timers celebration and to do some shopping. Delmar Kirk, who is attending school at Logan, was here over the week-end, visiting with home folks and friends. It would be a great lesson for people to teach children not to throw banana peelings on the sidewalk, as this is a dangerous habbit. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Blosser of Concordia, Kansas, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dinning of Green River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Calvert last week, with the Calverts joining them Saturday morning in a trip to Boulder dam. The Blossers are uncle and aunt to Mrs. Calvert Miss Beth Coleman was hostess to her bridge club last Thursday night with Miss Mary Banks winning win-ning high score prize and Mrs. Barbara Whitbeck receiving consolation con-solation prize. Those present were Norma White, Mary Banks, Margaret Mar-garet Cochrane, Lois Williams, Sarah Pool, Mildred Killam and Barbara Whitbeck. Mrs. Fred Levi entertained the Monday night bridge club at her home with the following women present: Mesdames Gene Kirk, J. C. Smith, J. M. Hughes, John Williams, Wil-liams, William Cochrane, D. S. Williams, F. Kuchenmeister and C. W. Cates. Mrs. Cochrane received re-ceived the club high score prize, Mrs. Cates the guest prize and Mrs. Hughes the consolation prize. Mrs. Willis Whitbeck Monday evening entertained at a handkerchief handker-chief shower at the Ross Palmer home for Phyllis Whitbeck, who left Wednesday for Provo to continue her school work at the B. Y. U. The occasion was in honor of Miss Whitbeck's birthday. Those present were Mary Banks, Beth , Coleman, Margaret Cochrane, Coch-rane, Norma White, Marie Angell, Syldona Easton, Lois Williams, Gladys Martin, Irene Vorhees, Larue La-rue Blackburn, Katherine Kirk and Mrs. Ross Palmer. Mrs. LaMar Outzen was hostess to her bridge club and guests at her home Saturday evening with Mrs. Myron Lewis receiving the prize for high points, Mrs. George Moore for high honors, Mrs. Gene Kirk the club consolation prize, Mrs. E. R. Moody the guest prize and Mrs. M. H. Pool the guest consolation prize. Those present were Mesdames Myron Lewis, George Moore, M. H. Pool, Gene . Kirk, E. R. Moody, J. C. Smith, George Fernley, J. Weston, J. T. Fritzgerald, M. J. Hughes, E. L. Smith and D. S. Williams. A number of friends and neighbors neigh-bors met with Mrs. J. C. Smith Wednesday afternoon to help celebrate cele-brate her birthday. Bridge was played and a very enjoyable time was had by all. Among those present pre-sent were Mesdames Arthur Clark, Dave Heslington, Mel Heslington, Hes-lington, M. H. Pool, Rudolph Nielsen, Niel-sen, George Moore, J. M. Hughes, E. D. Young, William, Morris, E. Myers, George Fernley, Willard Nichols, William Cochrane, W. G. Carlson, Gene Kirk, Antone Johnson, John-son, James Lang, E. R. Moody, LaMar Outzen, Max Root, Willis Whitbeck, Herbert Nichols, Kent Smith, A. C. Jensen and Fred Levi. Mrs. Moore won high score prize and Mrs. Herbert Nichols 'received the consolation prize. |