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Show BBS Feet Comortable Ever Since. BBB "1 suffered for j eiiri with m v foot. A friend BBB recommended ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. I BB uso'' 'wo oxr8 t'1 l)nrdcr, and my feet BBBI barn been entirely comfovtablo over since. BBB ALLEN'S FOOT-EASK Is certainly a pod BBB send lo mo. Win. L. Swnnnstedt.Wnshhig- BB ton, D. C." Sold by uU Druggists, '.'Jo. H How's This ? BBBi We "fTer Ons llumlrdl llollatu Uownnl for ny ' H cua of tularrli tb cauuut bo cured by Hall a H Cilarrb Cute. BBBi F. J. CIIKVI.Y A CO., Tulil. O B Wo, tbe unJ-r'lKtiod. bate known y J Cliem-y m fortliulatt l,"i veur. nj bvltM blm rf!cHy linn H orabla In all linlnrx Ir.m-ai II mi unit ilnni.rlnlly V able tucatryoumny obligatl' in mndo hy hi linn H Waldinu. Kissan , Makvin H Vt'hc.Io.Hlo Iriiiuilm, Tulrdn, O H If rtlt'a Cntarrli Curo l takfit liiienially, ntuliw H directly up-m tho bliMxl unci iiiuohih urfHcc o( tba H lyitcm, 'lottlnionlitoNni l. l'rtco JS ucuu per H buttlo. Siililbr nil IiniCKlM. H Takollall't Family rilUforoou-tlMtlon. i BB1 riso's Curo for Consumption Is on tntaUUila I BB1 mertlclno for coughs ftnJcolite. N. W.Sajjouu I BB1 Ocoaaiove,y. J.. V). IT. iOUO. Blother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, iiurs in tho Children's Home In New York, euro Constipation, Feverlshmns, Had Stomach, Teething Disorders, move nnd regulate tin Bowelsnnd Destroy Worms. Overyo.OOOtos timonlals. At nil DrugglM-M, U5c. Knmpls MUSE. Address AS. Oltusttd. Leltoy.N.Y. To Curo n Cohl lu Ono liny. Tnko Laxative Uromo Qu initio Tablets. Al druggists rotund monoy If it falls to euro. !& Mm. Vi'liialow,s Hootlilnrr Syrup. For children tretblru:, often llioKiirai,roduc- In-Cummatlon, In-Cummatlon, illayi puto, curca wlml collu. '.Bo a botUo. Economy is tho road to wealth. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE is tho road to economy, |