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Show jftBl A Physlclan'a Statement. m Yorktown, Ark., Jnn. 11. Leland B Williamson, M. D., one of our cleverest B physlclnns, has mode a ctatomont, en- H dorslng Uodd'a Kidney Pills and say B ing that houses them In his dally prac- B ttco In preference to any other Kidney M medicine. His statement lms created BB a, profound sensation, as It is some- B what unusual for n physician to pub- B Hcly endorso anything In tho shape of H a patent medicine. Dr. Williamson BBS BBB "After twenty years' practlco In a B sickly and malarious country I hnvo BBB como to tho conclusion that It is al BBB wnya best to use tho remedy that will B relieve and euro my patients, whether BB ethical or not. BBB "1 have tiscd Dodd's Kidney PIUb B with uniform success In tho various B forms of Kidney Dlscaso, Tain In tho B Hack, Gout, nhcumntlsm, Inflnmma fl tfon and Congestion of the Kidneys B nnd all kindred diseases; I nlways pre- B ecribo Dodd's KIdnoy Pills in such BB cases and can testify that they In- BB variably restore tho Kidneys to their B normal stato and thcroby rcllovo tho B blood of accumulated poisons, produc- B ing prompt and effcctlvo cures." |