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Show A MARINE DISASTER FIFTY-FOUR LIVES LOST IN M STRAITS OF JUAN DE FUCA. jH Every Woman and Child Aboard HJ Steamer Clallam Sacrificed to H Fierce Storm Which Caused jH Vessel's Ruin. flj Tho new stenmer Clallam, of tho tflfl Sonttle-Vlctoila fleet, went down oar- tjflfl ly Saturday mcrnlng mldwny botwtou fll Smith Islxiul and Dunguuess in tho HH straits of Juan do Fucn, snys a dis- HJ patch from Sonttlo, Washington. HH Fifty-four persons woro drowned. HjB Every woman and child alumni tho HJ Clallnm was a sacrlflco to tho florco HjJ storm that raged in tho strnlts. H Within threo miles of tho shore, and H at a tlmo whon It appeared certain HJ tho Clallam could not bo saved, a des- HJ porato offort wns mndo to savo the HJ women nnd children In tho life boats. HJ Thoy woro placed in tho first boat to H leave tho ship, which Captain Law- HJ I rence, n Yukon pilot, voluntecrod to H I command, and which wns mnnned by flj deck hands. Tho frail craft went HJ down within sight of the Clallam. BJ A second life boat tilled slth nialo HJ passengers nnd in command of Sec- HJ I ond Officer Currin, wns probably lost HJ I a fow minutes later. Aboard tho Clal- fl I lam watchers saw waves sweep pas- HJ , scngcrs from tholr hold on tho scats jHJ and hurl them Into tho wnters. HJ Though tho llfo boat was rlghtod II later, still afloat, a diligent search ox- Hj ' tending for twonty hours hns fallod ta HJ find trnco of hor. Moro passengers H and members of ttio crow woro lost HJ when a third llfo boat was swamped HJ In an attempt to launch It HJ I Threo passcngors woro picked up by HJ the steamer Dahata, who had fnstenoJ HJ , llfo preservers nhout their bodies. BJ I Thoy had died from oxopsuro nnd their HJ bodies wero brought to Soattlo Sun BJ day. BJ I Tho Clallam was a staunch, novi BJ pnsscngor boat on tho Seattlo-Vlctorlt J run. Sho left Port Townsond for Vlo HJ ' torlo, facing n terrific southwest gala HJ I Within sight of her destination n hug BJ 1 sea overwhelmed tho llttlo steam or BJ smashing In hor dead-lights, Hooding BJ her hold with water, extinguishing tin flj fires beneath her boilers and placlni BJ hor nt tho morcy of a howling gala BJ |