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Show 1 uisi.ocATUD unit SIIOUMJnu. H Mrs. Johanna Soderholm of Fergus H Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her H shoulder. She had n, surgeon get It n buck In place as coon as possible, but I It was uulto soro and pained hf-r very 1 much. Her son mentioned that lie had seen Chamberlain's Pain Iliiliu adver- I Used for spialus and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly lelleved her and enabled her to sleep, w hlcli she had not done for several day. Th son j was so much pleased with the tellef it gave his mothet that he has since icc- ommended It to many otheis. For sale by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. WONDUUFUL NKUVn. Is dlsplaed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts. Wouiul.s. Utilises, Hums, Scolds, Sore feet or stiff Joints. Hut there's no need for it. Huck-len's Huck-len's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too, 23c, at Meicur Diug Co., druggist. DOMESTIC TItOtTHL12S. It If exceptional to find a family wheie theie are no domestic tuptuus occasionally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills mound. Muih trouble they save ! their gieat woik In Stomach ami Llvet troubles. They not only telle ve you, but cute. 25c, at Mc-rcur Drug Co drug stoi e. A MAUVKLOUS INVENTION Wonders never cense. A machine has been invented that will cut, paste nnd hang wall paper. Tho field of Inventions In-ventions and dlsoovotles seems to be ' i -in . J, uii'ltnlte I Notable among meat dlscov- ll Is Ur. King's A.tV DUeoverj foi ''(in-uinntlon It lKifilone n world of good for weak lungajnnd wived muy n life Thou-inds hiiYji fied it and eon iq'jeieil Crip, nroneljlUs, Pmumonla land Consumption. TffM$.Benfral verdict Is "It's the bet and most reliable imd- Itlne for thiwat ftiltjT lung troubles- Every r,0c and 91.00 btQtle Is guiuantte I b Mercur Drug CelS druggist. Trial Lotties free. vC s w Like Sterling on Silver o $ The word "Hurllligton" Is like "stcr- & H fc Hng'' on silver It denotes a high ,Z H jfc standard. H y Wo think our sot vice Justlllcs the C$ 4$ compailson H il CI . i iM Ji ' ntHHHMWHHBHl '''10 1,0!'1 wn' raal '" through the molin- jjH f I ITnHTSiPPHi '"ln scnery of "olonulo and over the (I H &$ II li INI I ill 1 illl ill "'"U't Hue from Denver the llurllngton. H O jIMrpn&pnli R. F. NESLEN, General Acjcnt CI H ,1 llmlOJIjiH 79 West Sccond South Street, 1 H !r iWWWHiWj Sa)t Lake City. jrl H d dQQQS 0-SOOS0009CC3 H Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad mm i I A. SWENSON CO., 'I I Nuxt Door to tho Mercur DriiR Co. " H (flM TIkta Jut rrrrlvtst anil mtti now illnpUjrlne limullful Una of '.u HJ jjjjjjjjjjjH & Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, H M Also Ladies' Coats, Jackets, Furs, Skirts and Waists m H mfs The nbovonro Iho full Ktylru. We Unvo no old (m H ' vr; toolc left over from tWJ. W JjjjjjH J M Don't forget to give us your orders for FURNITURE, CARPETS, m M ! BLANKETS, QUILTS, Etc. X Our SHOE line Is complete Jffi H , both in Style and Quality. Including a full assortment of f " m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. X, Leave orders for W JH . GROCERIES AND FARM PRODUCE W r- M " ',""" ,"""1"" ' ""mlC'ANUTrarrXIVlV U-nr motto. 'W &'- " H I fl'WVVVV'VVV'VV'VWV'VVWVfc'J M jl ..BOLflEJi BflTE Cfl8li0IL I I jj) post voun JJ M I I Christmas and Wedding Presents. t j v Xmns Tree nnd Children's Toys and Supplies. Mollday P H & Goods Already in. ... Men's Furnishings of all f H I Kinds. ... niners' Clotlilnp Supplies, 1 5uch ns Overalls, Jumpers, H Hoots, Ovcrshlrts, Etc. H Main Street, Mercur. Win, BILLINGS, Prop. tVWiVVVV'V',VlxVtVVVVVV'V1r H HHHBHsMrrs M Steimnan's Dry Goods Co. I LEADING DRY GOODS STORE OF MERCUR, UTAH I ftfa !jJixiur,',w jRf I TQEFORE LAYING IN YOUR SUPPLIES OF WINTER SJ I H f M m Goods Consult us and we will save you money X If f m I ! .( Wlw' w are out any,'1'n8 yu want wc'wlll send and tf JjSff H aT' get it for you at catalogue prices and save you the cxpressasse jm fll W YOUR CREDIT S GOOD W j I H Steimnan's Dry Goods Co I I HnHH(WHHn |