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Show NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALI IN THE! DISTRICT COURT OF THi FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ol THE STATE OF UTAH IN ANI FOR MILLARD COUNTY. W. C. WILDE, Plaintiff vs. HERBERT Ij. JOHNSON, and ZEN.4 JOHNSON, his wife; P. A. BRAND and BESSIE V. BRANDT, his wife; I.UIGI OLIVIEBA and JANE DOI OLIVIERA, his wife, otherwise nn known; ANDREA LANCIOTTO ani JANE DOE LANCIOTTO his wife otherwise unknown M ALBERT SPI NA and JANE DOE SPINA, his wif( otherwise unknown; LUIGI CIA BATTONI and JANE DOE CI BAT TONI, his wife, otherwise unknown Defejid:iiit3 To be sold at Sheriff's sale, on th( 1st day of April, 1924, at 12:00 o'clock o'-clock noon of said day, at the East Front Door of the County Court House, in Fillmore City, Millare County, Utah, all the right, title claim and interest of said defendants of, in, and to the following described des-cribed real estate and water right in Millard County, Utah, to-wit: The west half of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township n South, Range.7 West, S. L. M., Con-le Con-le of Mrs. Dou'glasvilB 'Sir's. nlg musen as leader; the topic was (ju; lk Lore." The guest of the ning was Mrs. Johnston. mm 'he Fidelity Club met at the home Mrs. J. W. Twitchell; the party s entirely Japanese, with lunch ?ed on the floor which the guests with chop sticks. Ir. A. H. Rencher of Swan Lake. . ho, is visiting his brother, J. U. 8 icher. lourt Stewart, Hyrum" and Delile ight went to Salt Lake City to at-d at-d the funeral services of Ned K. ions and his wife. |