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Show PAY TRIBUTE jyHE DEAD Funeral services for Ned K. Simons Si-mons and his w.fe who were killed in an auto accidcn-. at Oakland, Cal., were held in the G in.te Stake Tabernacle, Tab-ernacle, .Sunday, Marcjh 2nd. The building wa3 pacR'.d to overflowing with relatives nd friends Hit young people. There were six sp'ak-ers. sp'ak-ers. The first was Pres A. A. Hinckley Hinck-ley of the Deseret Stake. He paid glowing tribute to the sterling character char-acter of both young people. Every speaker made an effort to impart their sympathy and to comfort the bereaved families. The Granite Stake choir furnished beautiful music, mus-ic, both instrumental and vocal, The caskets were covered with the most beautiful flowers. They were hurried hur-ried in the Wasatch cemetery, one of the most beautiful cemeteries near Salt Lake City. |