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Show a year's ubsence. Snake Valley seems to ! t lit (.lily place for him. Our school at J a ill .mo n closed last week alter u very KiiceesHful term. Tin- only fa ii It to b found with our schools Is tho extreme shortness of the term, ouly five month. Now the schools here in ()ie valley (Just across tin- Suite line) with even a less number num-ber of scholars, can continue for Heven, eight or nine months, ax the trustees decide. The Hinall xchool Ih not cared for In Utah as It In In Nevada. I am very sorry to have to write this an a fact, but such In the case. I believe our Hchool lawn are very good for the cities and larger towns, but certainly not fur small schools like this. SNAKE VALLEY NEWS. K. E. Chrlstopherson. Chronicle Representative. Rep-resentative. The snow continues to Tall from one-half to an Inch every night. Tom Iearden came home from Ulack Horse the oilier day. suffering with a broken nose, caused by the brake coming com-ing loose and hitting him while hauling haul-ing ore from the San Pedro to the mill. Ir. Cook set the fracture. (raham Quate has gone to lilack Hock to work In the store there for j U alter James, Success and good luck go with him. S. K. Kctcham, Gay and Geo. Kich-ardson, Kich-ardson, Gti. Itert and Osborn Chrlstopherson Chrls-topherson and Stanley Clay have gone south on the desert to try and drive in wild horses, they being in a weakened weak-ened condition from the long continued snow. It Is feared the loss among cattle will be great on account or the deep snow. Tom Ieardcn lost one of his fine work horses that be purchased In Meadow a short time agn. Two more pianos came in the other day. one for Miss Quate, and one for Ileckcthorn family. A. J. CJ'ia'e has returned to the valley val-ley after an absence of more than a year In Oregon. California and other! western states This Is the third time! he has left and returned after about |