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Show As They Auction in Japan. Sealed bids are used In auctioning property In Japan. There Is no shouting. shout-ing. The auctioneer announces to the audience thst ho has such snd such a piece of property for sale and Invites In-vites bids. Those who wish to bid write their bids snd names on slips of paper. Tho paper Is folded and plnfed In a box. When the auctioneer sees no more bids coming ho opens the box and sorts out the bids. The highest bid takes the property. It is like a bond sale, no one knows what bis neighbor bids. If a bidder Is anxious to get the property he will not put In a small offer. On the contrary be will very likely bid all the property Is worth. For ti ls rtnson an owner never puts up his property for auction unless he wants to sell It. |